3 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Flipped Classroom Learning Model Using Moodle To Increase Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills

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    This study aims to reveal the differences in the learning achievement based on higher order thinking skills of the students using flipped classroom learning model with moodle media on simulation and digital communication subjects and that of those using the conventional learning model with printed book media. This research was a quasi experiment in the form of pre-test and post-test group. The population was all students of class X TKJ SMK Negeri 3 Kab.Pinrang, totaling 62 students. The sample was established using intact group technique based on the existing class. The data were collected through a test to measure student learning achievement based on higher order thinking skills, a questionnaire with Likert scale, and documentation. Measurements were based on students’ learning achievement scores and responses to the flipped classroom learning model. The data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results shows that, there were differences in students’ learning outcomes based on higher order thinking skills using flipped classroom learning model with moodle media on simulation and digital communication subjects compared with learning outcome using conventional learning model / lecture with printed book media, namely the mean of experimental class groups 30.41 while the control class group 27.70 from the highest score 35 in the experimental class and 33 in the control class and proved by results of hypothesis testing with a probability value of 0.032 < 0.05 H1 accepted


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     オンラインビデオが充実し,英語学習方法もグローバルに展開されている。例えば英語学習者はMOOCsやTED Talks等の良質のビデオを日本語と英語の字幕付で学習をすることができる。字幕の学習効果の研究も進み,英語字幕付ビデオの視聴は,日本語字幕付きビデオを見るよりも,英語学習効果が高く,更に,日本語と英語の字幕を両方使った視聴パターンは英単語の学習効果が高いことが明らかになっている。しかし,字幕が学習者の認知にどのような影響を与えるのかはあまり研究がされていない。そこで本研究では,字幕が学習者の環境をオープンにしていることに着目し,字幕視聴パターン(英語字幕付ビデオのみ群と,日本語と英語字幕付の群)が学習者のオープンの認識にどのような影響を与えるのか実験を行った。その結果,日英字幕群は,英語字幕群よりも,「英語学習がオープン(開かれている)」と認識することが明らかになった。 Subtitled online videos have been increasing in quantity and quality over the last few years. Smartphones are often used to view videos and offer a personalized and flexible learning experience. However, there are not many studies which use smartphones to test what kind of effects subtitles have on learners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of viewing online videos a few times with subtitles. Two groups viewed the same video three times with Japanese and English subtitles, while the other group viewed the same video with only English subtitles. The effects were analyzed in relation to how learners perceive openness in the language learning environment. The study found that EFL learners with Japanese and English subtitles combined tended to perceive more openness in EFL language learning compared to the other group