28 research outputs found


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    ERP systems had played an important role in Taiwanese industry in the past. Nowadays, most of companies have already install traditional type of ERP. However, with the development of cloud computing recently, the scope of applying cloud computing have been gradually expanded to the enterprise information system, such as cloud CRM provided by Salesforce.com, Business by Design provided by SAP. The model in this study is based on TOE model combination of Theory of Reasoned Action(TRA). We try to develop a model and utilize this model to defines critical effect factors to company’s intention of switching to cloud ERP from traditional type of ERP. This study used quantitative research methods and survey questionnaire, dates were collected from the 283 employees in Taiwanese company whose companies have already install traditional type of ERP and for cloud ERP have a certain understanding. This research has adopted SPSS and AMOS to analyse the reliability and validity. Last, structural equation model (SEM) for the data analysis to investigate the causalities among all parameters constructed in the proposed model. The results of this study were summarized as follows: The attitude of switching to cloud ERP positively impacted the intention of switching to cloud ERP, system quality positively impacted the attitude of switching to cloud ERP, financial benefit positively impacted the attitude of switching to cloud ERP, the trust factor positively impacted the attitude of switching to cloud ERP, industries pressure positively impacted the intention of switching to cloud ERP, surprisingly, government support is not perceived significant impacted the intention of switching to cloud ERP. This study provides a well criteria for cloud ERP vender, not only system design but also system sales. In addition, business user can also utilize this criterion

    An enhancement of toe model by investigating the influential factors of cloud adoption security objectives

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    Cloud computing (CC) is a future technological trend for technological infrastructure development. And it is growing strongly as the backbone of industrial future technological infrastructure. As CC service has a lot to offer, it also has some major downside that clients cannot ignore. For CC service adoption, the potential candidates are SMEs but due to lack of resources, experience, expertise and low financial structure scenario CC can be most helpful. CC faces a major issue in term of cloud security, an organization doesn’t understand the cloud security factors in the organization and data owner doubts about their data. In the research paper, an investigation on the cloud security objectives to find out the influential factors for cloud adoption in SMEs by proposing an enhancement of Technology-Organization- Environment (TOE) model with some positive influential factor like cloud security, relative advantages, cost saving, availability, SLA, capability, top management, organizational readiness, IS knowledge, malicious insiders, government regulatory support, competitive pressure, size and type. Some negative influencing factors like technological readiness, cloud trust and lack of standards in cloud security. Data were collected by questionnaires from a selected IT company based on SaaS and public cloud. Case study method has been used for validating the enhance TOE model. The IBM Statistics SPSS v22 tool was used for data analysis. The results of data analysis support the enhancement as well as all the proposed hypotheses. In summary, the results of the analysis show that all the enhancement factors were found to have a significant cloud security influence on adoption of cloud computing for SMEs

    Conceptual model for cloud ERP adoption for SMEs

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    The Small and Medium Enterprise industry is experiencing a major transformation towards cloud ERP systems. These systems can organize, and maintain data remotely, accept a pay-as-you- use method and enhance related information through a cloud computing platform. Hence, this makes the cloud ERP system crucial for their sustainability and enables them to become competitive in the market. However, the adoption rate of cloud ERP among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has been recorded as slightly low compared to other enterprise systems like Customer Relationship Management. This could be attributed to unclear adoption factors among SMEs and the lack of a theoretical model that can enhance the predictive power to adopt a cloud ERP system. To address this gap, the objective of this study is to develop a conceptual model by which to investigate the broad factors which influence or inhibit the adoption of cloud ERP, the model based on TOE, DOI and FVM. Thus, this model intends to help SMEs managers understand and increase predictive capacity on cloud ERP adoption. The model has been constructed using four dimensions, namely; task, technology, organization and environmental. Findings from this study are projected to be able to instruct SMEs decision-makers on the factors that will lead to successful adoption. The proposed model will be a critical lens for decision-makers on cloud ERP adoption

    Analisis Penerimaan Pengguna Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Integrasi UTAUT (Unified Theory Of Acceptance Use Of Technology) Dan TRA (Theory Of Reasoned Action)

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    The Sumatera Selatan University (USS) is an educational institution of Palembang city that is committed to providing the best service to students as an effort to improve the quality of education. One of the academic endeavors is to implement information system. Implementation of the system is expected to help the administrative process to be effective and efficient. This study aims to determine empirically the acceptance of users (Students, Lecturers, Academic Staff) to academic information system of Sumatera Selatan University. This research integrates the theory of UTAUT (Unified of Acceptance and Use of Technology) and TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action) which are used as the basis for explaining the factors that influence technology acceptance. Furthermore, in the data analysis process, the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (SEM-PLS) approach was used. The findings of this study indicate that there is a varied relation between exogenous variables and endogenous variables. First, the results of the analysis show that the Attitude (A) and Social Influence (SI) variables have a significant effect on Behavioral Intention (BI). But the variables Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), and were not proven significant. Second, the results of the analysis also show that the variables of Facilitating Condition (FC) and Behavioral Intention (BI) have a significant effect on Use Behavior (UB).Keywords: Technology Acceptance, Academic Information System, UTAUT, TRA, SEM-PLS

    An adoption model of cloud enterprise resources planning for Malaysian small and medium enterprises

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    The Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system offers promising benefits for the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). It helps to address many of the challenges faced by SMEs and significantly promotes them in terms of business operations and use of resource. Despite its benefits, the research on cloud ERP adoption among SMEs in developing countries has not been fully explored, leading to a low rate of cloud ERP adoption among SMEs. Furthermore, the factors which influence SMEs to adopt the cloud ERP system are still unclear. In an attempt to tackle the aforementioned situation, this research investigated the influencing factors that have determined and enhanced cloud ERP adoption rates. To identify factors and develop the model used in this research, the researcher conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The model was proposed based on three integrated Information System (IS) predominant theories, namely, Technology- Organization-Environment (TOE) framework and Fit-Viability Model (FVM) with extension of Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory to scrutinize the influential factors leading towards Cloud ERP Adoption. Thirteen hypotheses were developed to test and validate the model based on the decision to adopt cloud ERP. A positivism paradigm with quantitative approach was applied to conduct this research. Purposive sampling technique and a survey method were applied and data were collected from SMEs who have already adopted cloud ERP that provided 174 usable responses. The analysis was conducted by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique through Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS 3.2.7) software to determine the significant relationships of the independent factors to Cloud ERP Adoption. The results showed that Task- Technology Fit, Task Interdependence, Relative Advantage, Compatibility, System Trust, Security, Top Management Support, Employee Cloud ERP Knowledge, Cost Saving, and Competitive Pressure were significantly related to Cloud ERP Adoption. On the other hand, Security was found to have no relationship (p > 0.05) with Task- Technology Fit. Similarly, Government Support and Vendor Support were found to have no relationship (p > 0.05) with Cloud ERP Adoption. In line with this, the research model can be explained as 65.2% of variance from all the independent variables. This implies that the model has substantial predictive power to explain cloud ERP adoption. Finally, this model can be used to guide cloud ERP ecosystems to enhance their knowledge so as to successfully evaluate and adopt the cloud ERP system

    The Adoption of social media analytics for crisis management – Challenges and Opportunities

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    We live in a time when anyone can change from a passive bystander to an active communicator during a crisis. This makes user-generated content a potentially valuable source of information for emergency management agencies. However, at present, agencies still hesitate to use social media during crises. This research seeks to identify the challenges emergency management agencies face in using social media analytics within their organisations. We conducted a systematic literature review and interviewed ten emergency management professionals across six expert interview sessions. Afterwards, we used the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework to conceptualise our findings. Our study reveals fruitful opportunities for the continuous collaboration of both information systems research and emergency management agencies. Accordingly, information systems research can support emergency management agencies in using social media data for efficient crisis management by enhancing awareness of the benefits of social media analytics and helping to overcome organisational and technological challenges

    Assessing software as a service diffusion : from adoption to its continuance intention

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information TechnologiesTechnological progress is enabling firms to acquire software from different architecture environments. One such architecture environment that has produced a considerable impact on the markets is software as a service (SaaS). SaaS focuses on delivering software hosted off-premises and accessed remotely by means of a subscription fee. Recognized by managers and researchers as a promising solution, it is expanding in the software markets. However, SaaS is surrounded by uncertainty as its perceived viability is still questioned. Although this has motivated recent research into the determinants of SaaS, evidence suggests that it is still not enough. Research has much to cover in order to improve our understanding of the SaaS diffusion process. This dissertation investigates the SaaS diffusion process at a firm level by examining the drivers for each stage. Specifically, we analyze the different influences of the determinant factors on SaaS from the intention to adopt, passing through adoption, routinization and use, as well as its continuance intention. Because SaaS is considered a specific form of information systems outsourcing (ISO), in a first phase we assess the determinants in the context of ISO adoption in order to introduce to its investigation. The purpose of this approach is twofold. First, we test the appropriateness of the theoretical framework selected for the study of SaaS through its application in the analyses of ISO. Second, we find factors of ISO that are transferable to the SaaS context. In a second phase, we consider mediator and moderator influences and propose a new approach of applying a well known theoretical framework in the setting of SaaS adoption. This dissertation contributes to scholarship by enhancing current knowledge of why firms adopt and use SaaS. It incorporates seven studies individually separated into chapters. Chapter 2 is a detailed literature review on ISO and SaaS. As mentioned above, SaaS a specific form of outsourcing. Chapter 3 introduces the main theme by evaluating the suitability of the base framework proposed in this work on the study of ISO. Chapters 4 and 5 are extensions of chapter 3, in which comparisons of the determinants for ISO adoption in different business areas are performed. In chapter 6 we assess the determinants of the SaaS diffusion process (i.e. intention, adoption, and routinization). The factors that influence SaaS use and its continuance intention are identified in chapter 7. In chapter 8 we provide a new approach of applying the theoretical framework used in this dissertation in the context of SaaS adoption. This work adopts a positivist epistemological posture. As for the research methodology, a deductive method is used. All studies of this dissertation with the exception of the one presented in chapter 2 are based on the technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework. Additionally, we integrate TOE framework with other theories to enhance the explanatory power of the model. Thus, in chapters 4 and 5 we use diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory; in chapter 6 the institutional theory (INT) is used, in addition to DOI theory; in chapter 7 we include opportunity-risk framework apart from the theories already mentioned. The findings of this dissertation confirm that little research has indeed been performed on SaaS adoption, and more efforts are needed to provide an in-depth understanding of the topic. Through the analysis performed in the ISO context in chapters 3, 4, and 5, the TOE framework suitability as a theoretical basis for the study of SaaS is confirmed. Significant factors of ISO that are transferable for the SaaS context are also found. Relative advantage, complexity, technology competence, top management support, and normative pressures are determinants in the intention to adopt stage. Normative pressures are a constant determinant in the intention, adoption, and routinization stages. Additionally, a total effect (direct effect and indirect effect combined) of cost savings, relative advantage, and top management support is found in the adoption stage of SaaS. A cost savings total effect on the intention to adopt is also found. In terms of the post-adoption stages (i.e. SaaS use to its continuance intention) the findings confirm top management support and normative pressures as determinants of SaaS use. SaaS use and perceived opportunities are significant factors for the continuance intention. Moreover, the relationship between SaaS use and continuance intention is moderated by perceived opportunities. Finally, in this research we validate a new conceptual approach for the TOE framework by introducing moderator effects in its application. This investigation fills a crucial research gap by providing a better understanding of the determinants that affect organizational SaaS diffusion, advancing newer paths of approaching a solid theoretical framework.O progresso tecnológico tem possibilitado às empresas a aquisição de software em diferentes ambientes arquitetónicos. Um exemplo de um ambiente distinto de arquitetura tecnológica que tem produzido um impacto considerável no mercado de software é o software as a service (SaaS). O SaaS refere-se a software instalado fora da infraestrutura da empresa, cujo acesso é efetuado remotamente por meio da subscrição do serviço. Reconhecido, quer pelos gestores e investigadores, como uma solução promissora e encontrando-se em fase de expansão nos mercados de software, a sua viabilidade ainda é questionada. Embora esta dúvida tenha motivado a investigação sobre os fatores determinantes do SaaS, evidências sugerem que não é suficiente. Requer-se assim mais investigação para melhorar o nosso entendimento sobre o processo difusão do SaaS. Esta dissertação investiga os fatores determinantes para cada estágio do processo de difusão do SaaS, ao nível de empresa. Especificamente, analisamos as diferentes influências dos fatores determinantes desde a intenção de adotar, passando pela adoção, rotinização e uso, até à intenção de continuidade do SaaS. Porque o SaaS é considerado uma forma específica de outsourcing de sistemas de informação (ISO), numa primeira fase deste estudo avaliamos os fatores determinantes no contexto da adoção do ISO a fim de introduzir esta investigação. Esta abordagem tem dois objetivos: testar a adequação do quadro teórico escolhido para o estudo do SaaS através da sua aplicação no contexto do ISO e obter os fatores que se revelaram significativos no ISO e que podem ser utilizados no contexto do SaaS. Numa segunda fase, consideramos as influências de fatores moderadores e mediadores no estudo da adoção do SaaS e propomos uma nova abordagem para a aplicação do quadro teórico de referência. Sete estudos, separados por capítulos, compilam esta investigação. É nosso objetivo ampliar o conhecimento atual sobre como as empresas adotam e usam o SaaS. Como mencionado, o SaaS é uma forma específica de outsourcing, assim o capítulo 2 é uma revisão detalhada da literatura sobre o ISO e SaaS. O capítulo 3 avalia a adequação do quadro teórico base proposto neste trabalho no âmbito do estudo do ISO. Os capítulos 4 e 5 são extensões do capítulo 3, nos quais são efetuadas análises comparativas dos fatores determinantes para a adoção do ISO entre as diferentes áreas de negócio. No capítulo 6, avaliamos os fatores determinantes do processo de difusão do SaaS (intenção, adoção e rotinização). Os fatores que influenciam o seu uso e continuidade são identificados no capítulo 7. No capítulo 8, apresentamos uma nova abordagem para a aplicação do quadro teórico de referência utilizado nesta dissertação, no contexto da adoção do SaaS. A postura epistemológica adotada é a positivista e utiliza-se o método dedutivo no respeitante à metodologia de pesquisa. Todos os estudos apresentados, com exceção do capítulo 2, são baseados no quadro teórico tecnologia-organização-ambiente (TOE). Adicionalmente, integramos o quadro teórico TOE com outras teorias para aumentar o poder explicativo do modelo. Assim, nos capítulos 4 e 5 utilizamos a teoria difusão da inovação (DOI); No capítulo 6 é utilizada a teoria institucional (INT), em conjunto com a teoria DOI; No capítulo 7, incluímos o quadro teórico oportunidade-risco para além das teorias já mencionadas. Os resultados desta dissertação confirmam que a investigação sobre a adoção do SaaS é escassa e que são necessários mais esforços para conferir uma maior clareza sobre o tema. Da análise realizada no contexto do ISO, nos capítulos 3, 4 e 5, a adequação do quadro teórico TOE como base teórica de referência para o estudo do SaaS é confirmada. Os fatores determinantes para o ISO e que se adequam ao contexto do SaaS também foram identificados. A vantagem relativa, a complexidade, a competência tecnológica, o apoio da gestão de topo e as pressões normativas são determinantes no estágio da intenção de adotar. As pressões normativas são um fator determinante constante, nos estágios da intenção, adoção e rotinização. Além disso, um efeito total (efeito direto e efeito indireto combinado) da redução de custos, vantagem relativa e apoio da gestão de topo é verificado na fase de adoção do SaaS. Um efeito total de redução de custos sobre a intenção de adotar também é detetado. No que diz respeito aos estágios da pós-adoção (uso do SaaS e a intenção de continuidade), os resultados confirmam o apoio da gestão de topo e pressões normativas como determinantes no uso do SaaS. O uso do SaaS e oportunidades percebidas são fatores significativos para a intenção de continuidade. Além disso, a relação entre o uso do SaaS e a intenção de continuidade é moderada pelas oportunidades percebidas. Finalmente, apresentamos e validamos uma nova abordagem do quadro TOE, introduzindo efeitos moderadores na sua aplicação. Esta dissertação preenche uma lacuna crucial na investigação, proporcionando um melhor entendimento dos fatores determinantes que afetam o processo de difusão do SaaS e avançando novos caminhos de abordagem de um quadro teórico de referência. Outsourcing dos sistemas de informação, quadro tecnologia-organização-ambiente (TOE), difusão da inovação, adoção de TI, Software as a Service, pós-adoção, teoria institucional, modelo oportunidade-risco, intenção de continuidade, efeitos moderadores

    Knowledge management systems : an adoption framework for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

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    Technology is becoming increasingly affordable and accessible through advances in innovation. At the same time, valuable organisational resources are moving from tangible (e.g., steel) to intangible resources (e.g., knowledge). For this reason, knowledge is viewed by many scholars as a sustainable competitive advantage. To compete successfully in the knowledge economy, organisational knowledge should be appropriately managed through management practices encompassing the creation, storage, retrieval, transfer and application of knowledge using IT systems. The combination of hardware and software to drive knowledge management (KM) is known as a knowledge management system (KMS). The literature has consistently acknowledged the high failure rates of technology adoption in organisations. It can have devastating consequences for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as they have fewer resources to recover from KMS adoption failure. Equally important is the fact that SMEs contribute substantially to the gross domestic product and employment of national economies worldwide. The same is true for South African SMEs. Given the picture of KM in the SME context, it is important to investigate potential factors that can lead to improved KMS adoption in SMEs. As scholarly literature on KMS adoption in SMEs is limited, this study could contribute uniquely to the body of knowledge focused on these factors. Within the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework, Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and critical success factors (CSF), the study constructed a framework for KMS adoption in SMEs. After constructing a preliminary conceptual framework from the literature, data was collected using a two-phase approach. In phase one, four mini focus groups comprising four SMEs each were interviewed. The thematic analysis revealed eight themes that expanded the existing framework. The purpose of phase two was to validate the framework developed in phase one through face-to-face or online discussions with six SME subject matter experts. Phase two identified five themes that further confirmed and strengthened the framework. The study contributed on a theoretical, empirical and practical level. Having identified several key factors for KMS adoption, the framework aims to improve the use of KMS in SMEs by employees and, as a result, SME performance and sustainability. Future research could condense or identify additional factors to test the framework developed in the study. In addition, the framework could be tested on specific industries or with larger sample sizes.Graduate School of Business LeadershipD.B. L

    Strategies Used by IT Project Managers to Integrate ICTs in the Eastern Caribbean

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    Current practices used to guide information and communication technology (ICT) projects in the Caribbean and developing countries lead to high project failure rates. Project managers must adopt new innovative approaches for transformation towards a 21st-century information society and sustainable digital economies. Grounded in the technology acceptance model (TAM), the purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to explore strategies information technology (IT) project managers use to implement IT frameworks designed to guide Caribbean ICT integration. Data were collected from face to face interviews and company documents and analyzed using coding, thematic analysis, and methodological triangulation. The participants were 12 IT project managers in 2 Eastern Caribbean countries. Thematic analysis was used to analyze, report patterns, and to identify emerging themes in the data. The themes that emerged were (1) management of organizational structure, (2) implementing a government wide area network to facilitate the innovations of an ICT-enabled services industry, business, and education, and (3) ICT integration budget, buy-in, and challenges. A key recommendation is that IT project managers develop an IT implementation framework that aligns with an IT project management methodology by incorporating project management body of knowledge remedial measures to achieve defined project objectives. The implications for positive social change include the potential to share knowledge and dramatically lower barriers to starting a business, creating e-commerce, innovation, and online e-learning opportunities for empowering citizens and improving their socio-economic position