5,633 research outputs found

    A Novel System-Theoretic Matrix-Based Approach to Analysing Safety and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are getting increasingly complex and interconnected. Consequently, their inherent safety risks and security risks are so intertwined that the conventional analysis approaches which address them separately may be rendered inadequate. STPA (Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis) is a top-down hazard analysis technique that has been incorporated into several recently proposed integrated Safety and Security (S&S) analysis methods. This paper presents a novel methodology that leverages not only STPA, but also custom matrices to ensure a more comprehensive S&S analysis. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a case study of particular commercial cloud-based monitoring and control system for residential energy storage systems

    Developing Secure and Safe Systems with Knowledge Acquisition for Automated Specification

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    On spetsiaalsed tehnikad, mida kasutatakse riskihalduses nii turvalisuse kui ohutuse konstrueerimise domeenides. Nende tehnikate väljundid, mida tuntakse artefaktidena, on üksteisest eraldatud, mis toob kaasa mitmeid probleeme, kuna domeenid on sõltumatud ja ei ole domeeni, mis ühendaks neid mõlemat. Probleemi keskmes on see, et turvalisus- ja ohutusinsenerid töötavad erinevates meeskondades kogu süsteemiarenduse elutsükli jooksul, mille tulemusena riskid ja ohud on ebapiisavalt kaetud. Käesolevas magistritöös rakendatakse struktuurset lähenemist, turvalisuse ja ohutuse integreerimiseks läbi SaS (Safety and Security) domeeni mudeli loomise, mis integreerib neid mõlemaid. Lisaks töö käigus näidatakse, et on võimalik kasutada eesmärgipõhist KAOS (Knowledge Acquisition in autOmated Specification) keelt ohtude ja riskide analüüsiks, nii et kaetud saavad nii ohutus- kui ka turvadomeen, muutes nende väljundid e. artefaktid hästi struktureerituks, mille tulemusena toimub põhjalik analüüs ja suureneb usaldatavus. Me pakume välja lahenduse, mis sisaldab sellise domeeni mudeli loomist, milles on integreeritud ohtutuse ja turvalisuse domeenid. See annab parema võrdlus- ja integreerimisvõimaluse, leidmaks kahe domeeni vahelise kesktee ning ühendavad definitsioonid läbi nende kaardistamise üldises ontoloogias. Selline lahendus toob kokku turvalisuse ja ohutusedomeenide integratsiooni ühtsesse mudelisse, mille tulemusena tekib ohutus- ja turvalisustehnikate vahel vastastikune mõjustus ning toodab väljundeid, mida peetakse usaldusartefaktideks ning kasutab KAOSt domeeni mudeliga, mis on ehitatud juhtumianalüüsi põhjal. Peale vastloodud mudeli rakendumist viiakse läbi katse, milles analüüsitakse sedasama juhtumit, võrdlemaks selle tulemusi teiste juba olemasolevate mudelite tulemustega, et uurida sellise domeeni mõttekust. Struktureeritud lähenemine võib seega toimida liidesena, mis lihtsustab aktiivset interaktsiooni riski- ja ohuhalduses, aidates leida lahendusi probleemidele ja vastuoludele, mille lahendamiseks on vaja integreerida ohutuse ja turvalisuse domeenid ja kasutada unifitseeritud süsteemianalüüsi tehnikat, mille tulemusena tekib analüüsi tsentraalsus.There are special techniques languages that are used in risk management in both domains of safety engineering and security engineering. The outputs, known as artifacts, of these techniques are separated from each other leading to several difficulties due to the fact that domains are independent and that there is no one unifying domain for the two. The problem is that safety engineers and security engineers work in separated teams from throughout the system development life cycle, which results in incomplete coverage of risks and threats. The thesis applies a structured approach to integration between security and safety by creating a SaS (Safety and Security) domain model. Furthermore, it demonstrates that it is possible to use goal-oriented KAOS (Knowledge Acquisition in automated Specification) language in threat and hazard analysis to cover both safety and security domains making their outputs, or artifacts, well-structured and comprehensive, which results in dependability due to the comprehensiveness of the analysis. The structured approach can thereby act as an interface for active interactions in risk and hazard management in terms of universal coverage, finding solutions for differences and contradictions which can be overcome by integrating the safety and security domains and using a unified system analysis technique (KAOS) that will result in analysis centrality

    A Novel System-Theoretic Matrix-Based Approach to Analysing Safety and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are getting increasingly complex and interconnected. Consequently, their inherent safety risks and security risks are so intertwined that the conventional analysis approaches which address them separately may be rendered inadequate. STPA (Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis) is a top-down hazard analysis technique that has been incorporated into several recently proposed integrated Safety and Security (S&S) analysis methods. This paper presents a novel methodology that leverages not only STPA, but also custom matrices to ensure a more comprehensive S&S analysis. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a case study of particular commercial cloud-based monitoring and control system for residential energy storage systems

    Optimising a defence-aware threat modelling diagram incorporating a defence-in-depth approach for the internet-of-things

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    Modern technology has proliferated into just about every aspect of life while improving the quality of life. For instance, IoT technology has significantly improved over traditional systems, providing easy life, time-saving, financial saving, and security aspects. However, security weaknesses associated with IoT technology can pose a significant threat to the human factor. For instance, smart doorbells can make household life easier, save time, save money, and provide surveillance security. Nevertheless, the security weaknesses in smart doorbells could be exposed to a criminal and pose a danger to the life and money of the household. In addition, IoT technology is constantly advancing and expanding and rapidly becoming ubiquitous in modern society. In that case, increased usage and technological advancement create security weaknesses that attract cybercriminals looking to satisfy their agendas. Perfect security solutions do not exist in the real world because modern systems are continuously improving, and intruders frequently attempt various techniques to discover security flaws and bypass existing security control in modern systems. In that case, threat modelling is a great starting point in understanding the threat landscape of the system and its weaknesses. Therefore, the threat modelling field in computer science was significantly improved by implementing various frameworks to identify threats and address them to mitigate them. However, most mature threat modelling frameworks are implemented for traditional IT systems that only consider software-related weaknesses and do not address the physical attributes. This approach may not be practical for IoT technology because it inherits software and physical security weaknesses. However, scholars employed mature threat modelling frameworks such as STRIDE on IoT technology because mature frameworks still include security concepts that are significant for modern technology. Therefore, mature frameworks cannot be ignored but are not efficient in addressing the threat associated with modern systems. As a solution, this research study aims to extract the significant security concept of matured threat modelling frameworks and utilise them to implement robust IoT threat modelling frameworks. This study selected fifteen threat modelling frameworks from among researchers and the defence-in-depth security concept to extract threat modelling techniques. Subsequently, this research study conducted three independent reviews to discover valuable threat modelling concepts and their usefulness for IoT technology. The first study deduced that integration of threat modelling approach software-centric, asset-centric, attacker-centric and data-centric with defence-in-depth is valuable and delivers distinct benefits. As a result, PASTA and TRIKE demonstrated four threat modelling approaches based on a classification scheme. The second study deduced the features of a threat modelling framework that achieves a high satisfaction level toward defence-in-depth security architecture. Under evaluation criteria, the PASTA framework scored the highest satisfaction value. Finally, the third study deduced IoT systematic threat modelling techniques based on recent research studies. As a result, the STRIDE framework was identified as the most popular framework, and other frameworks demonstrated effective capabilities valuable to IoT technology. Respectively, this study introduced Defence-aware Threat Modelling (DATM), an IoT threat modelling framework based on the findings of threat modelling and defence-in-depth security concepts. The steps involved with the DATM framework are further described with figures for better understatement. Subsequently, a smart doorbell case study is considered for threat modelling using the DATM framework for validation. Furthermore, the outcome of the case study was further assessed with the findings of three research studies and validated the DATM framework. Moreover, the outcome of this thesis is helpful for researchers who want to conduct threat modelling in IoT environments and design a novel threat modelling framework suitable for IoT technology

    A simulation framework for automotive cybersecurity risk assessment

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    Human-initiated disruptions such as cyberattacks on connected vehicles have the potential to cause cascading failures in transport systems, leading to systemic risks. ‘ISO/SAE 21434:2021 Road vehicles - Cybersecurity engineering’ is the current standard for risk management of road vehicles. However, the threat analysis and risk assessment framework given in the standard focuses on asset-level analysis and assessment. Hence, this study develops a novel simulation-based framework to perform threat analysis and risk assessment on connected vehicles from a transport network perspective. The proposed framework is developed based on the ISO/SAE 21434 threat analysis and risk assessment methodology. We demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the framework through a remote attack via the cellular network on the in-vehicle communication bus system of a connected vehicle to show the potential impacts on the transport network. Based on the findings of our case studies, we exemplify how cyberattacks on individual system components of a connected vehicle have the potential to cause systemic failures

    Cybersecurity Architectural Analysis for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems

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    In the modern military’s highly interconnected and technology-reliant operational environment, cybersecurity is rapidly growing in importance. Moreover, as a number of highly publicized attacks have occurred against complex cyber-physical systems such as automobiles and airplanes, cybersecurity is no longer limited to traditional computer systems and IT networks. While architectural analysis approaches are critical to improving cybersecurity, these approaches are often poorly understood and applied in ad hoc fashion. This work addresses these gaps by answering the questions: 1. “What is cybersecurity architectural analysis?” and 2. “How can architectural analysis be used to more effectively support cybersecurity decision making for complex cyber-physical systems?” First, a readily understandable description of key architectural concepts and definitions is provided which culminates in a working definition of “cybersecurity architectural analysis,” since none is available in the literature. Next, we survey several architectural analysis approaches to provide the reader with an understanding of the various approaches being used across government and industry. Based on our proposed definition, the previously introduced key concepts, and our survey results, we establish desirable characteristics for evaluating cybersecurity architectural analysis approaches. Lastly, each of the surveyed approaches is assessed against the characteristics and areas of future work are identified


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    The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is developing the Future Vertical Lift (FVL) system that will rely heavily on Marine-machine teaming, a complex process that requires further development. The development of a living lab (LL)—a multi-function network of simulators that will serve as the platform for testing, experimenting, and training new technologies and ideas for how the FVL will operate—will help mitigate Marine-machine collaboration and trust issues. This capstone studies the options and requirements for developing a LL through interviews, research that focuses on existing technologies and operational concepts, and Model-Based Systems Engineering tools using a systems engineering approach. The report includes a detailed needs and requirements analysis, stakeholder analysis, and functional design. The team presents a conceptual design, that includes the system architecture, comprising of system, function and physical views, system lifecycle, and the evaluation criteria for a LL. The final product is a set of use cases and concepts of operation. The USMC needs a new approach that supports rapid and relevant upgrades that optimizes the system lifecycle and keeps the Marine in mind. This team recommends the USMC consider these findings and continue researching and developing a LL.ONR Arlington, VA 22203Civilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyCivilian, Department of the NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited