215 research outputs found

    Things that make us reminisce: Everyday memory cues as opportunities for interaction design

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    © Copyright 2015 ACM. Interactive devices can support personal remembering to benefit well-being. These designs require insight into what brings the past to mind, and how people relate to such cues. Prior work focused on mementos in the home; instead, this paper presents a diary and interview study of involuntary memory cueing in everyday life. Data was collected from fifteen adult individuals, using sentence completion diaries, combined with debriefing interviews. Qualitative analysis of the data showed that these participants were relying on everyday physical objects like food items for cueing memories during everyday life, locations and (repeated) activities, while digital items and photos were shown to be less frequent stimulants. Meaningful relations to memory cues can be partially explained from a memory cueing perspective. We discuss how design for remembering can benefit from our insights, through careful trade-offs in timing, exposure to cues, and supporting a process of personal attachment with items invoking memories

    Pervasive Technologies and Support for Independent Living

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    A broad range of pervasive technologies are used in many domains, including healthcare: however, there appears to be little work examining the role of such technologies in the home, or the different wants and needs of elderly users. Additionally, there exist ethical issues surrounding the use of highly personal healthcare-related data, and interface issues centred on the novelty of the technologies and the disabilities experienced by the users. This report examines these areas, before considering the ways in which they might come together to help support independent-living users with disabilities which may be age-related

    Parkinson's Disease Management through ICT

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    Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that manifests with motor and non-motor symptoms. PD treatment is symptomatic and tries to alleviate the associated symptoms through an adjustment of the medication. As the disease is evolving and this evolution is patient specific, it could be very difficult to properly manage the disease.The current available technology (electronics, communication, computing, etc.), correctly combined with wearables, can be of great use for obtaining and processing useful information for both clinicians and patients allowing them to become actively involved in their condition.Parkinson's Disease Management through ICT: The REMPARK Approach presents the work done, main results and conclusions of the REMPARK project (2011 – 2015) funded by the European Union under contract FP7-ICT-2011-7-287677. REMPARK system was proposed and developed as a real Personal Health Device for the Remote and Autonomous Management of Parkinson’s Disease, composed of different levels of interaction with the patient, clinician and carers, and integrating a set of interconnected sub-systems: sensor, auditory cueing, Smartphone and server. The sensor subsystem, using embedded algorithmics, is able to detect the motor symptoms associated with PD in real time. This information, sent through the Smartphone to the REMPARK server, is used for an efficient management of the disease

    Smart Sensing Technologies for Personalised Coaching

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    People living in both developed and developing countries face serious health challenges related to sedentary lifestyles. It is therefore essential to find new ways to improve health so that people can live longer and can age well. With an ever-growing number of smart sensing systems developed and deployed across the globe, experts are primed to help coach people toward healthier behaviors. The increasing accountability associated with app- and device-based behavior tracking not only provides timely and personalized information and support but also gives us an incentive to set goals and to do more. This book presents some of the recent efforts made towards automatic and autonomous identification and coaching of troublesome behaviors to procure lasting, beneficial behavioral changes

    Parkinson's Disease Management through ICT

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    Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that manifests with motor and non-motor symptoms. PD treatment is symptomatic and tries to alleviate the associated symptoms through an adjustment of the medication. As the disease is evolving and this evolution is patient specific, it could be very difficult to properly manage the disease.The current available technology (electronics, communication, computing, etc.), correctly combined with wearables, can be of great use for obtaining and processing useful information for both clinicians and patients allowing them to become actively involved in their condition.Parkinson's Disease Management through ICT: The REMPARK Approach presents the work done, main results and conclusions of the REMPARK project (2011 – 2015) funded by the European Union under contract FP7-ICT-2011-7-287677. REMPARK system was proposed and developed as a real Personal Health Device for the Remote and Autonomous Management of Parkinson’s Disease, composed of different levels of interaction with the patient, clinician and carers, and integrating a set of interconnected sub-systems: sensor, auditory cueing, Smartphone and server. The sensor subsystem, using embedded algorithmics, is able to detect the motor symptoms associated with PD in real time. This information, sent through the Smartphone to the REMPARK server, is used for an efficient management of the disease

    Effect of Sensory Cues on Hand Hygiene Habits Among a Diverse Workforce in Food Service

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    Poor hand hygiene is a leading cause of foodborne illnesses in the foodservice industry. A series of complex motivational interventions must be employed to permanently change the behavior of workers, to increase their compliance and sustain appropriate levels of proper hand hygiene. Unlike the healthcare industry, which uses large, costly multi-modal behavior modification strategies, the foodservice industry must deploy rapid, cost-efficient strategies that are focus on accommodating these goals with the constraints of high employee turnover rates and diverse demographics. This research was twofold, 1) examining differences in emotions and hand hygiene behavior among participants of two cultures when handling common foods and 2) comparing prospective memory reminders across three basic senses (sight, hearing and smell) for individuals of Hispanic / Latino descent. Results showed hand washing behavior was affected by the type of food being handled and the intensity of the emotion of disgust. Individuals washed their hands more frequently after handling foods they perceived as more hazardous, and their motives to wash varied among variables of gender (self-protection for men, carryover effects for women), culture (self-protection for Caucasians, texture for Hispanics) and the type of food (self-protection for chicken, smell for fish). Additionally, as the feeling of disgust increased among individuals their probability to wash their hands also increased. In our second study, we showed that common, non-provoking visual cues are not as effective at increasing hand hygiene compliance as disgust-induced sensory cues. Furthermore, olfactory disgust, which is an underutilized motivator in interventions, showed a significantly higher probability that individuals would engage in hand washing behaviors than all other stimuli. This knowledge is important for future behavioral interventions that may need to be modified by food type or diversity, and extends current intervention techniques by introducing and comparing disgust-related sensory cues to decrease miscommunication and the intention-behavior gap associated with preforming required routine behaviors such as complying with proper hand hygiene

    Integrating Behavioral Trigger Messages into a mHealth System Design for Chronic Disease Management

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    Recent changes in health information technology have dramatically altered the face, delivery, and management of healthcare particularly as it relates to mHealth. With increases in smart phone ownership, mHealth potentially has the ability to provide far-reaching transformation of chronic disease management particularly when aligned with behavioral change theories and persuasive technology. MHealth applications have an advantage over computers and various print communications as the consumer can engage with the application at any time and at any location. The Interactive Health Communication Application (IHCA) states that by combining support mechanisms such as behavior change theories into electronic devices as a method to transmit or receive health information can potentially lead to changes in knowledge, motivation and self-efficacy. Adding constructs of the Fogg Behavior Model, Social Cognitive Theory and Persuasive Technology to the IHCA framework can create an engaged persuasive system leading to improvements in self-efficacy, self-management and knowledge. The hypotheses for our study are 1) participants will demonstrate improved scores on self-efficacy, knowledge and self-management following the intervention period, 2) participants will be more engaged in the usage of capABILITY following behavioral triggers, and 3) participants who receive spark triggers involving motivation will engage in the utilization of capABILITY faster than those who receive facilitator triggers. The results of this study provide important findings for 1) mHealth system design utilizing IHCA with new constructs for chronic disease management, 2) design and develop of persuasive spark and facilitator trigger messages, and 3) understanding of user engagement when behavioral (spark and facilitator) trigger messages are utilized. The findings of the study revealed that self-efficacy, self-management, and knowledge did improve post intervention. In addition, the study showed that spark triggers continually cued participants to engage with capABILITY quicker than facilitator triggers

    Multimodal Wearable Intelligence for Dementia Care in Healthcare 4.0: A Survey

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    As a new revolution of Ubiquitous Computing and Internet of Things, multimodal wearable intelligence technique is rapidly becoming a new research topic in both academic and industrial fields. Owning to the rapid spread of wearable and mobile devices, this technique is evolving healthcare from traditional hub-based systems to more personalised healthcare systems. This trend is well-aligned with recent Healthcare 4.0 which is a continuous process of transforming the entire healthcare value chain to be preventive, precise, predictive and personalised, with significant benefits to elder care. But empowering the utility of multimodal wearable intelligence technique for elderly care like people with dementia is significantly challenging considering many issues, such as shortage of cost-effective wearable sensors, heterogeneity of wearable devices connected, high demand for interoperability, etc. Focusing on these challenges, this paper gives a systematic review of advanced multimodal wearable intelligence technologies for dementia care in Healthcare 4.0. One framework is proposed for reviewing the current research of wearable intelligence, and key enabling technologies, major applications, and successful case studies in dementia care, and finally points out future research trends and challenges in Healthcare 4.0

    Integrating Constrained Experiments in Long-term Human-Robot Interaction using Task– and Scenario–based Prototyping

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    © 2015 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis© Dag Sverre Syrdal, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Kheng Lee Koay, and Wan Ching Ho. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted. Permission is granted subject to the terms of the License under which the work was published. Please check the License conditions for the work which you wish to reuse. Full and appropriate attribution must be given. This permission does not cover any third party copyrighted material which may appear in the work requested.In order to investigate how the use of robots may impact everyday tasks, 12 participants interacted with a University of Hertfordshire Sunflower robot over a period of 8 weeks in the university’s Robot House.. Participants performed two constrained tasks, one physical and one cognitive , 4 times over this period. Participant responses were recorded using a variety of measures including the System Usability Scale and the NASA Task Load Index . The use of the robot had an impact on the experienced workload of the participants differently for the two tasks, and this effect changed over time. In the physical task, there was evidence of adaptation to the robot’s behaviour. For the cognitive task, the use of the robot was experienced as more frustrating in the later weeks.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio
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