3 research outputs found

    Generic Distribution Support for Programming Systems

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    This dissertation provides constructive proof, through the implementation of a middleware, that distribution transparency is practical, generic, and extensible. Fault tolerant distributed services can be developed by using the failure detection abilities of the middleware. By generic we mean that the middleware can be used for many different programming languages and paradigms. Distribution for each kind of language entity is done in terms of consistency protocols, which guarantee that the semantics of the entities are preserved in a distributed setting. The middleware allows new consistency protocols to be added easily. The efficiency of the middleware and the ease of integration are shown by coupling the middleware to a programming system, which encompasses the object oriented, the functional, and the concurrent-declarative programming paradigms. Our measurements show that the distribution middleware is competitive with the most popular distributed programming systems (JavaRMI, .NET, IBM CORBA)

    Integrating Remote Invocation and Distributed Shared State

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    Most distributed applications require, at least conceptually, some sort of shared state: information that is nonstatic but mostly read, and needed at more than one site. At the same time, RPC-based systems such as Sun RPC, Java RMI, CORBA, and.NET have become the de facto standards by which distributed applications communicate. As a result, shared state tends to be implemented either through the redundant transmission of deep-copy RPC parameters or through ad-hoc, application-specific caching and coherence protocols. The former option can waste large amounts of bandwidth; the latter significantly complicates program design and maintenance. To overcome these problems, we propose a distributed middleware system that works seamlessly with RPC-based systems, providing them with a global, persistent store that can be accessed using ordinary reads and writes. Relaxed coherence models and aggressive protocol optimizations reduce the bandwidth required to maintain shared state. Integrated support for transactions allows a chain of RPC calls to update shared state atomically. We focus in this paper on the implementation challenges involved in combining RPC with shared state and transactions. In particular, we describe a transaction metadata table that allows processes inside a transaction to share data invisible to other processes and to exchange data modifications efficiently. Using microbenchmarks and a large-scale datamining application, we demonstrate how the integration of RPC, transactions, and shared state facilitates the rapid development of robust, maintainable code. 1

    Integrating Remote Invocation and Distributed Shared State

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    Most distributed applications require, at least conceptually, some sort of shared state: information that is non-static but mostly read, and needed at more than one site. At the same time, RPC-based systems such as Sun RPC, Java RMI, CORBA, and .NET have become the de facto standards by which distributed applications communicate. As a result, shared state tends to be implemented either through the redundant transmission of deep-copy RPC parameters or through ad-hoc, application-specific caching and coherence protocols. The former option can waste large amounts of bandwidth; the latter significantly complicates program design and maintenance. To overcome these problems, we propose a distributed middleware system that works seamlessly with RPC-based systems, providing them with a global, persistent store that can be accessed using ordinary reads and writes. In an RPC-based program, shared state serves to (1) support genuine reference parameters in RPC calls, eliminating the need to pass large structures repeatedly by value, or to recursively expand pointer-rich data structures using deep-copy parameter modes; (2) eliminate invocations devoted to maintaining the coherence and consistency of cached data; (3) reduce the number of trivial invocations used simply to put or get data. Relaxed coherence models and aggressive protocol optimizations reduce the bandwidth required to maintain shared state. Integrated support for transactions allows a chain of RPC calls to update that state atomically. We focus in this paper on the implementation challenges involved in combining RPC with shared state, relaxed coherence, and transactions. In particular, we describe a transaction metadata table that allows processes inside a transaction to share data invisible to other processes and to exchange data modifications efficiently. Using microbenchmark and large-scale datamining applications, we demonstrate how the integration of RPC, transactions, and shared state facilitates the rapid development of robust, maintainable code