15 research outputs found

    Bridging Symbolic and Sub-Symbolic AI: Towards Cooperative Transfer Learning in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Cooperation and knowledge sharing are of paramount importance in the evolution of an intelligent species. Knowledge sharing requires a set of symbols with a shared interpretation, enabling effective communication supporting cooperation. The engineering of intelligent systems may then benefit from the distribution of knowledge among multiple components capable of cooperation and symbolic knowledge sharing. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a roadmap for the exploitation of knowledge representation and sharing to foster higher degrees of artificial intelligence. We do so by envisioning intelligent systems as composed by multiple agents, capable of cooperative (transfer) learning—Co(T)L for short. In CoL, agents can improve their local (sub-symbolic) knowledge by exchanging (symbolic) information among each others. In CoTL, agents can also learn new tasks autonomously by sharing information about similar tasks. Along this line, we motivate the introduction of Co(T)L and discuss benefits and feasibility

    Exploiting T-norms for Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving

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    Deep learning has been at the core of the autonomous driving field development, due to the neural networks' success in finding patterns in raw data and turning them into accurate predictions. Moreover, recent neuro-symbolic works have shown that incorporating the available background knowledge about the problem at hand in the loss function via t-norms can further improve the deep learning models' performance. However, t-norm-based losses may have very high memory requirements and, thus, they may be impossible to apply in complex application domains like autonomous driving. In this paper, we show how it is possible to define memory-efficient t-norm-based losses, allowing for exploiting t-norms for the task of event detection in autonomous driving. We conduct an extensive experimental analysis on the ROAD-R dataset and show (i) that our proposal can be implemented and run on GPUs with less than 25 GiB of available memory, while standard t-norm-based losses are estimated to require more than 100 GiB, far exceeding the amount of memory normally available, (ii) that t-norm-based losses improve performance, especially when limited labelled data are available, and (iii) that t-norm-based losses can further improve performance when exploited on both labelled and unlabelled data.Comment: Published in Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, 2023 (NeSy 2023

    Towards Quality-of-Service Metrics for Symbolic Knowledge Injection

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    The integration of symbolic knowledge and sub-symbolic predictors represents a recent popular trend in AI. Among the set of integration approaches, Symbolic Knowledge Injection (SKI) proposes the exploitation of human-intelligible knowledge to steer sub-symbolic models towards some desired behaviour. The vast majority of works in the field of SKI aim at increasing the predictive performance of the sub-symbolic model at hand and, therefore, measure SKI strength solely based on performance improvements. However, a variety of artefacts exist that affect this measure, mostly linked to the quality of the injected knowledge and the underlying predictor. Moreover, the use of injection techniques introduces the possibility of producing more efficient sub-symbolic models in terms of computations, energy, and data required. Therefore, novel and reliable Quality-of-Service (QoS) measures for SKI are clearly needed, aiming at robustly identifying the overall quality of an injection mechanism. Accordingly, in this work, we propose and mathematically model the first – up to our knowledge – set of QoS metrics for SKI, focusing on measuring injection robustness and efficiency gain

    Symbolic Knowledge Injection meets Intelligent Agents: QoS metrics and experiments

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    Bridging intelligent symbolic agents and sub-symbolic predictors is a long-standing research goal in AI. Among the recent integration efforts, symbolic knowledge injection (SKI) proposes algorithms aimed at steering sub-symbolic predictors’ learning towards compliance w.r.t. pre-existing symbolic knowledge bases. However, state-of-the-art contributions about SKI mostly tackle injection from a foundational perspective, often focussing solely on improving the predictive performance of the sub-symbolic predictors undergoing injection. Technical contributions, in turn, are tailored on individual methods/experiments and therefore poorly interoperable with agent technologies as well as among each others. Intelligent agents may exploit SKI to serve many purposes other than predictive performance alone—provided that, of course, adequate technological support exists: for instance, SKI may allow agents to tune computational, energetic, or data requirements of sub-symbolic predictors. Given that different algorithms may exist to serve all those many purposes, some criteria for algorithm selection as well as a suitable technology should be available to let agents dynamically select and exploit the most suitable algorithm for the problem at hand. Along this line, in this work we design a set of quality-of-service (QoS) metrics for SKI, and a general-purpose software API to enable their application to various SKI algorithms—namely, platform for symbolic knowledge injection (PSyKI). We provide an abstract formulation of four QoS metrics for SKI, and describe the design of PSyKI according to a software engineering perspective. Then we discuss how our QoS metrics are supported by PSyKI. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of both our QoS metrics and PSyKI via a number of experiments, where SKI is both applied and assessed via our proposed API. Our empirical analysis demonstrates both the soundness of our proposed metrics and the versatility of PSyKI as the first software tool supporting the application, interchange, and numerical assessment of SKI techniques. To the best of our knowledge, our proposals represent the first attempt to introduce QoS metrics for SKI, and the software tools enabling their practical exploitation for both human and computational agents. In particular, our contributions could be exploited to automate and/or compare the manifold SKI algorithms from the state of the art. Hence moving a concrete step forward the engineering of efficient, robust, and trustworthy software applications that integrate symbolic agents and sub-symbolic predictors