8 research outputs found

    Semantically annotated hypermedia services

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    Hypermedia systems’ researchers investigate the various approaches in the way documents and resources are linked, navigated and stored in a distributed environment. Unfortunately, those systems fail to provide effortlessly usable discrete services, since it is difficult both to discover and to invoke any of them. This paper proposes the usage of emerging technologies that try to augment the Web resources with semantics in order to provide Hypermedia services that can be easily discovered, and integrated by potential third party developers. In this context, we analyze the benefits for the Hypermedia community upon the adoption of Semantic Web technologies for the description of Hypermedia services, and we implement an initial corresponding ontology

    Semantically annotated hypermedia services

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    A Study of Information Fragment Association in Information Management and Retrieval Applications

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    As we strive to identify useful information sifting through the vast number of resources available to us, we often find that the desired information is residing in a small section within a larger body of content which does not necessarily contain similar information. This can make this Information Fragment difficult to find. A Web search engine may not provide a good ranking to a page of unrelated content if it contains only a very small yet invaluable piece of relevant information. This means that our processes often fail to bring together related Information Fragments. We can easily conceive of two Information Fragments which according to a scholar bear a strong association with each other, yet contain no common keywords enabling them to be collocated by a keyword search.This dissertation attempts to address this issue by determining the benefits of enhancing information management and retrieval applications by providing users with the capability of establishing and storing associations between Information Fragments. It estimates the extent to which the efficiency and quality of information retrieval can be improved if users are allowed to capture mental associations they form while reading Information Fragments and share these associations with others using a functional registry-based design. In order to test these benefits three subject groups were recruited and assigned tasks involving Information Fragments. The first two tasks compared the performance and usability of a mainstream social bookmarking tool with a tool enhanced with Information Fragment Association capabilities. The tests demonstrated that the use of Information Fragment Association offers significant advantages both in the efficiency of retrieval and user satisfaction. Analysis of the results of the third task demonstrated that a mainstream Web search engine performed poorly in collocating interrelated fragments when a query designed to retrieve the one of these fragments was submitted. The fourth task demonstrated that Information Fragment Association improves the precision and recall of searches performed on Information Fragment datasets.The results of this study indicate that mainstream information management and retrieval applications provide inadequate support for Information Fragment retrieval and that their enhancement with Information Fragment Association capabilities would be beneficial

    Augmenting applications with hyper media, functionality and meta-information

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    The Dynamic Hypermedia Engine (DHE) enhances analytical applications by adding relationships, semantics and other metadata to the application\u27s output and user interface. DHE also provides additional hypermedia navigational, structural and annotation functionality. These features allow application developers and users to add guided tours, personal links and sharable annotations, among other features, into applications. DHE runs as a middleware between the application user interface and its business logic and processes, in a n-tier architecture, supporting the extra functionalities without altering the original systems by means of application wrappers. DHE automatically generates links at run-time for each of those elements having relationships and metadata. Such elements are previously identified using a Relation Navigation Analysis. DHE also constructs more sophisticated navigation techniques not often found on the Web on top of these links. The metadata, links, navigation and annotation features supplement the application\u27s primary functionality. This research identifies element types, or classes , in the application displays. A mapping rule encodes each relationship found between two elements of interest at the class level . When the user selects a particular element, DHE instantiates the commands included in the rules with the actual instance selected and sends them to the appropriate destination system, which then dynamically generates the resulting virtual (i.e. not previously stored) page. DHE executes concurrently with these applications, providing automated link generation and other hypermedia functionality. DHE uses the extensible Markup Language (XMQ -and related World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets of XML recommendations, like Xlink, XML Schema, and RDF -to encode the semantic information required for the operation of the extra hypermedia features, and for the transmission of messages between the engine modules and applications. DHE is the only approach we know that provides automated linking and metadata services in a generic manner, based on the application semantics, without altering the applications. DHE will also work with non-Web systems. The results of this work could also be extended to other research areas, such as link ranking and filtering, automatic link generation as the result of a search query, metadata collection and support, virtual document management, hypermedia functionality on the Web, adaptive and collaborative hypermedia, web engineering, and the semantic Web

    Projeto de arquiteturas regionais baseadas em recursos para sistemas inteligentes de transportes

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2013Abstract: The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) apply telecommunications and information technologies to the transport infrastructure, performing task coordination and control between various types of components and users. To assist inits planning, design and implementation, were developed speci?c reference architectures, aiming to use a common language to identify its components, systems and informations. Among them, we can highlight the U.S. National ITSArchitecture(NIA), which provides a framework for developing regional ITS architectures. On the other hand, the World Wide Web, considered the largest existing information system, provides a platform for distributed hypermedia systems on a planetary scale. Its properties and constraints, formalized by the Representational State Transfer(REST) architectural style, allow its use as a solution for a wide variety of integration problems. This dissertation proposes a method to project NIA based ITS using the Web architectural style, keeping its qualities in handling scale, communication, integration and interoperability problems. The proposed method is then applied to model an Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS

    Integrating Open Hypermedia Systems with the World Wide Web

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    Research on open hypermedia systems (OHSs) has been conducted since the late Eighties [Meyrowitz, 1989]. These systems employ a variety of techniques to provide hypermedia services to a diverse range of applications. The World Wide Web is the largest distributed hypermedia system in use and was developed largely independent of the research in OHSs. The popularity of the Web along with problems inherent in its design has motivated OHS researchers to integrate their systems with it. This research has primarily focused on enhancing the functionality of the Web via the services of an OHS. This paper presents three experiments exploring the integration of the Chimera OHS with the Web. While one of the experiments indeed describes work which enhances the Web, the other two investigate ways in which the Web can beneficially enhance an OHS. The paper concludes with a call for both communities to continue research which focuses on integration