459 research outputs found

    Advances in semantic representation for multiscale biosimulation: a case study in merging models

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    As a case-study of biosimulation model integration, we describe our experiences applying the SemSim methodology to integrate independently-developed, multiscale models of cardiac circulation. In particular, we have integrated the CircAdapt model (written by T. Arts for MATLAB) of an adapting vascular segment with a cardiovascular system model (written by M. Neal for JSim). We report on three results from the model integration experience. First, models should be explicit about simulations that occur on different time scales. Second, data structures and naming conventions used to represent model variables may not translate across simulation languages. Finally, identifying the dependencies among model variables is a non-trivial task. We claim that these challenges will appear whenever researchers attempt to integrate models from others, especially when those models are written in a procedural style (using MATLAB, Fortran, etc.) rather than a declarative format (as supported by languages like SBML, CellML or JSim’s MML)

    Logic-based Technologies for Multi-agent Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Precisely when the success of artificial intelligence (AI) sub-symbolic techniques makes them be identified with the whole AI by many non-computerscientists and non-technical media, symbolic approaches are getting more and more attention as those that could make AI amenable to human understanding. Given the recurring cycles in the AI history, we expect that a revamp of technologies often tagged as “classical AI” – in particular, logic-based ones will take place in the next few years. On the other hand, agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) have been at the core of the design of intelligent systems since their very beginning, and their long-term connection with logic-based technologies, which characterised their early days, might open new ways to engineer explainable intelligent systems. This is why understanding the current status of logic-based technologies for MAS is nowadays of paramount importance. Accordingly, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive view of those technologies by making them the subject of a systematic literature review (SLR). The resulting technologies are discussed and evaluated from two different perspectives: the MAS and the logic-based ones

    Agent organisations: from independent agents to virtual organisations and societies of agents

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    Real world applications using agent-based solutions can include many agents that needs to communicate and interact with each other in order to meet their objectives. In organisations; Agent open multi-agent systems, problems can include not only the organisation of a large number of agents, but can also be heterogeneous and of unpredictable provenance or behavior. An overview of the alternatives for dealing with these problems is presented, highlighting the way they try to solve or mitigate them. This approach allows the development of complex systems in which there are agents that show very different behaviours and that are able to adapt to unforeseen changes in the environment. This makes it possible to simulate socio-technical or natural environments and observe their possible evolution without the ethical considerations involved in experimenting in real environments.This work has been developed as part of “Virtual-Ledgers-Tecnologías DLT/Blockchain y Cripto-IOT sobre organizaciones virtuales de agentes ligeros y su aplicación en la eficiencia en el transporte de última milla”, ID SA267P18, project financed by Junta Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación, and FEDER funds. It has been partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Spain-Portugal V-A Program (POCTEP) under grant 0631_DIGITEC_3_E (Smart growth through the specialization of the cross-border business fabric in advanced digital technologies and blockchain.)

    Napredak koncepta višerazinskog sustavskog inženjerstva u razumijevanju srčanog razvoja

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    Multiscale systems engineering provides a way to integrate models of real-world phenomena that allows a holistic understanding of component interactions at different levels of scale simultaneously. The discipline draws upon information engineering to provide ontological representations that are derived from digital libraries of terms, them-selves found at distributed locations around the world. Cardiac development is well understood within discrete levels of analysis. The application of the multiscale framework gives added value by unlocking the relationships between genetic-based information at one level of analysis and the phenotype it encodes for at the cell and organ levels of abstraction. The multiscale-based relationships have begun to demonstrate new insights into normal cardiac development and conditions that give rise to congenital heart diseases such as the tetralogy of Fallot. This paper describes progress made in combining ontology-based information models and explains the importance of the role of multiscale systems engineering.Višerazinsko sustavsko inženjerstvo pruža mogućnost integracije modela različitih pojava iz stvarnog svijeta, što omogućuje cjelovito razumijevanje interakcija komponenti sustava istovremeno na različitim razinama skale. Disciplina je to koja koristi informatiku za omogućavanje ontoloških reprezentacija koje se izvode iz digitalnih knjižnica pojmova smještenih na raspodijeljnim lokacijama širom svijeta. Unutar pojedinačnih razina analize postoji dobro razmijevanje srčanog razvoja. Primjena višerazinskog okvira daje dodatnu vrijednost otključavajući vezu između genetski temeljenih informacija na jednoj razini analize i fenotipa koji kodira na razinama apstrakcije stanice i organa. Višerazinski temeljene veze počele su donositi nove spoznaje normalnog srčanog razvoja i uvjeta koji vode k pojavi prirođenih srčanih grešaka kao što je Fallotova tetralogija. Ovaj rad opisuje napredak postignut kombiniranjem ontologijski temeljenih infomacijskih modela i objašnjava važnost uloge višerazinskog sustavskog inženjerstva

    The AORTA Reasoning Framework - Adding Organizational Reasoning to Agents

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    Logic-based Technologies for Intelligent Systems: State of the Art and Perspectives

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    Together with the disruptive development of modern sub-symbolic approaches to artificial intelligence (AI), symbolic approaches to classical AI are re-gaining momentum, as more and more researchers exploit their potential to make AI more comprehensible, explainable, and therefore trustworthy. Since logic-based approaches lay at the core of symbolic AI, summarizing their state of the art is of paramount importance now more than ever, in order to identify trends, benefits, key features, gaps, and limitations of the techniques proposed so far, as well as to identify promising research perspectives. Along this line, this paper provides an overview of logic-based approaches and technologies by sketching their evolution and pointing out their main application areas. Future perspectives for exploitation of logic-based technologies are discussed as well, in order to identify those research fields that deserve more attention, considering the areas that already exploit logic-based approaches as well as those that are more likely to adopt logic-based approaches in the future

    Konferencijos „Lietuvos magistrantų informatikos ir IT tyrimai“ darbai

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    The conference "Lithuanian MSc Research in Informatics and ICT" is a venue to present research of Lithuanian MSc theses in informatics and ICT. The aim of the event is to raise skills of MSc and other students, familiarize themselves with the research of other students, encourage their interest in scientific activities. Students from Kaunas University of Technology, Vilnius University, and Vytautas Magnus University will give their presentations at the conference

    Modelling the Human Cardiac Fluid Mechanics. 4th ed

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    With the Karlsruhe Heart Model (KaHMo) we aim to share our vision of integrated computational simulation across multiple disciplines of cardiovascular research, and emphasis yet again the importance of Modelling the Human Cardiac Fluid Mechanics within the framework of the international STICH study. The focus of this work is on integrated cardiovascular fluid mechanics, and the potential benefits to future cardiovascular research and the wider bio-medical community