25 research outputs found

    Addressing Complexity and Intelligence in Systems Dependability Evaluation

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    Engineering and computing systems are increasingly complex, intelligent, and open adaptive. When it comes to the dependability evaluation of such systems, there are certain challenges posed by the characteristics of “complexity” and “intelligence”. The first aspect of complexity is the dependability modelling of large systems with many interconnected components and dynamic behaviours such as Priority, Sequencing and Repairs. To address this, the thesis proposes a novel hierarchical solution to dynamic fault tree analysis using Semi-Markov Processes. A second aspect of complexity is the environmental conditions that may impact dependability and their modelling. For instance, weather and logistics can influence maintenance actions and hence dependability of an offshore wind farm. The thesis proposes a semi-Markov-based maintenance model called “Butterfly Maintenance Model (BMM)” to model this complexity and accommodate it in dependability evaluation. A third aspect of complexity is the open nature of system of systems like swarms of drones which makes complete design-time dependability analysis infeasible. To address this aspect, the thesis proposes a dynamic dependability evaluation method using Fault Trees and Markov-Models at runtime.The challenge of “intelligence” arises because Machine Learning (ML) components do not exhibit programmed behaviour; their behaviour is learned from data. However, in traditional dependability analysis, systems are assumed to be programmed or designed. When a system has learned from data, then a distributional shift of operational data from training data may cause ML to behave incorrectly, e.g., misclassify objects. To address this, a new approach called SafeML is developed that uses statistical distance measures for monitoring the performance of ML against such distributional shifts. The thesis develops the proposed models, and evaluates them on case studies, highlighting improvements to the state-of-the-art, limitations and future work

    Fault management via dynamic reconfiguration for integrated modular avionics

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate fault management methodologies within Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) systems, and develop techniques by which the use of dynamic reconfiguration can be implemented to restore higher levels of systems redundancy in the event of a systems fault. A proposed concept of dynamic configuration has been implemented on a test facility that allows controlled injection of common faults to a representative IMA system. This facility allows not only the observation of the response of the system management activities to manage the fault, but also analysis of real time data across the network to ensure distributed control activities are maintained. IMS technologies have evolved as a feasible direction for the next generation of avionic systems. Although federated systems are logical to design, certify and implement, they have some inherent limitations that are not cost beneficial to the customer over long life-cycles of complex systems, and hence the fundamental modular design, i.e. common processors running modular software functions, provides a flexibility in terms of configuration, implementation and upgradability that cannot be matched by well-established federated avionic system architectures. For example, rapid advances of computing technology means that dedicated hardware can become outmoded by component obsolescence which almost inevitably makes replacements unavailable during normal life-cycles of most avionic systems. To replace the obsolete part with a newer design involves a costly re-design and re-certification of any relevant or interacting functions with this unit. As such, aircraft are often known to go through expensive mid-life updates to upgrade all avionics systems. In contrast, a higher frequency of small capability upgrades would maximise the product performance, including cost of development and procurement, in constantly changing platform deployment environments. IMA is by no means a new concept and work has been carried out globally in order to mature the capability. There are even examples where this technology has been implemented as subsystems on service aircraft. However, IMA flexible configuration properties are yet to be exploited to their full extent; it is feasible that identification of faults or failures within the system would lead to the exploitation of these properties in order to dynamically reconfigure and maintain high levels of redundancy in the event of component failure. It is also conceivable to install redundant components such that an IMS can go through a process of graceful degradation, whereby the system accommodates a number of active failures, but can still maintain appropriate levels of reliability and service. This property extends the average maintenance-free operating period, ensuring that the platform has considerably less unscheduled down time and therefore increased availability. The content of this research work involved a number of key activities in order to investigate the feasibility of the issues outlined above. The first was the creation of a representative IMA system and the development of a systems management capability that performs the required configuration controls. The second aspect was the development of hardware test rig in order to facilitate a tangible demonstration of the IMA capability. A representative IMA was created using LabVIEW Embedded Tool Suit (ETS) real time operating system for minimal PC systems. Although this required further code written to perform IMS middleware functions and does not match up to the stringent air safety requirements, it provided a suitable test bed to demonstrate systems management capabilities. The overall IMA was demonstrated with a 100kg scale Maglev vehicle as a test subject. This platform provides a challenging real-time control problem, analogous to an aircraft flight control system, requiring the calculation of parallel control loops at a high sampling rate in order to maintain magnetic suspension. Although the dynamic properties of the test rig are not as complex as a modern aircraft, it has much less stringent operating requirements and therefore substantially less risk associated with failure to provide service. The main research contributions for the PhD are: 1.A solution for the dynamic reconfiguration problem for assigning required systems functions (namely a distributed, real-time control function with redundant processing channels) to available computing resources whilst protecting the functional concurrency and time critical needs of the control actions. 2.A systems management strategy that utilises the dynamic reconfiguration properties of an IMA System to restore high levels of redundancy in the presence of failures. The conclusion summarises the level of success of the implemented system in terms of an appropriate dynamic reconfiguration to the response of a fault signal. In addition, it highlights the issues with using an IMA to as a solution to operational goals of the target hardware, in terms of design and build complexity, overhead and resources

    Improving resilience to cyber-attacks by analysing system output impacts and costs

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    Cyber-attacks cost businesses millions of dollars every year, a key component of which is the cost of business disruption from system downtime. As cyber-attacks cannot all be prevented, there is a need to consider the cyber resilience of systems, i.e. the ability to withstand cyber-attacks and recover from them. Previous works discussing system cyber resilience typically either offer generic high-level guidance on best practices, provide limited attack modelling, or apply to systems with special characteristics. There is a lack of an approach to system cyber resilience evaluation that is generally applicable yet provides a detailed consideration for the system-level impacts of cyber-attacks and defences. We propose a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of actions intended to improve resilience to cyber-attacks, considering their impacts on system output performance, and monetary costs. It is intended for analysing attacks that can disrupt the system function, and involves modelling attack progression, system output production, response to attacks, and costs from cyber-attacks and defensive actions. Studies of three use cases demonstrate the implementation and usefulness of our methodology. First, in our redundancy planning study, we considered the effect of redundancy additions on mitigating the impacts of cyber-attacks on system output performance. We found that redundancy with diversity can be effective in increasing resilience, although the reduction in attack-related costs must be balanced against added maintenance costs. Second, our work on attack countermeasure selection shows that by considering system output impacts across the duration of an attack, one can find more cost-effective attack responses than without such considerations. Third, we propose an approach to mission viability analysis for multi-UAV deployments facing cyber-attacks, which can aid resource planning and determining if the mission can conclude successfully despite an attack. We provide different implementations of our model components, based on use case requirements.Open Acces

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen

    Challenges and Opportunities in Applied System Innovation

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    This book introduces and provides solutions to a variety of problems faced by society, companies and individuals in a quickly changing and technology-dependent world. The wide acceptance of artificial intelligence, the upcoming fourth industrial revolution and newly designed 6G technologies are seen as the main enablers and game changers in this environment. The book considers these issues not only from a technological viewpoint but also on how society, labor and the economy are affected, leading to a circular economy that affects the way people design, function and deploy complex systems

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2016

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    This Research Report presents the FY16 research statistics and contributions of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management (EN) at AFIT. AFIT research interests and faculty expertise cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to USAF needs, as reflected by the range of topics addressed in the faculty and student publications listed in this report. In most cases, the research work reported herein is directly sponsored by one or more USAF or DOD agencies. AFIT welcomes the opportunity to conduct research on additional topics of interest to the USAF, DOD, and other federal organizations when adequate manpower and financial resources are available and/or provided by a sponsor. In addition, AFIT provides research collaboration and technology transfer benefits to the public through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)

    10th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens

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    This Special Issue book contains selected papers from works presented at the 10th EASN (European Aeronautics Science Network) International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space, which was held from the 2nd until the 4th of September, 2020. About 350 remote participants contributed to a high-level scientific gathering providing some of the latest research results on the topic, as well as some of the latest relevant technological advancements. Eleven interesting articles, which cover a wide range of topics including characterization, analysis and design, as well as numerical simulation, are contained in this Special Issue

    Undergraduate course catalog (Florida International University). [2012-2013]

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    This catalog contains a description of the various policies, undergraduate programs, degree requirements, and course offerings at Florida International University during the 2012-2013 year.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/catalogs/1070/thumbnail.jp

    Learning outcomes of classroom research

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    Learning Outcomes of Classroom Research

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    Personal pronouns are a linguistic device that is used to engage students at various educational levels. Personal pronouns are multifunctional, and their functions range from inclusion to exclusion, and include establishing of rapport with students. In this chapter, we compare the use of personal pronouns at university and secondary school levels. Our previous study (Yeo & Ting, 2014) showed the frequent use of you in lecture introductions (2,170 instances in the 37,373-word corpus) to acknowledge the presence of students. The arts lecturers were more inclusive than the science lecturers, reflected in the less frequent use of exclusive-we and we for one, as well as the frequent use of you-generalised. We have also compiled and analysed a 43,511-word corpus from 15 English lessons in three Malaysian secondary schools. This corpus yielded 2,019 instances of personal pronoun use. The results showed that you was the most frequently used personal pronoun, followed by we and I. You-audience was used more than you-generalised, and the main function was to give instructions to students. The teachers appeared to be more directive than the lecturers in the previous study, who sometimes used the inclusive-we for you and I and we for I to lessen the social distance with students, indicating that the discourse functions of personal pronouns vary with the educational context. The findings suggest that educators can be alerted to the versatility of personal pronouns, for example, for engaging students in the lesson and for asserting authority in the subject matter. Keywords: student engagement; personal pronouns; lecture; classroom; teache