718 research outputs found

    Assessing the Perspectives of Ground Penetrating Radar for Precision Farming

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    The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlighted the importance of adopting sustainable agricultural practices to mitigate the threat posed by climate change to food systems around the world, to provide wise water management and to restore degraded lands. At the same time, it suggested the benefits and advantages brought by the use of near-surface geophysical measurements to assist precision farming, in particular providing information on soil variability at both vertical and horizontal scales. Among such survey methodologies, Ground Penetrating Radar has demonstrated its effectiveness in soil characterisation as a consequence of its sensitivity to variations in soil electrical properties and of its additional capability of investigating subsurface stratification. The aim of this contribution is to provide a comprehensive review of the current use of the GPR technique within the domain of precision irrigation, and specifically of its capacity to provide detailed information on the within-field spatial variability of the textural, structural and hydrological soil properties, which are needed to optimize irrigation management, adopting a variable-rate approach to preserve water resources while maintaining or improving crop yields and their quality. For each soil property, the review analyses the commonly adopted operational and data processing approaches, highlighting advantages and limitations

    Amélioration de la caractérisation de la neige et du sol arctique afin d’améliorer la prédiction de l’équivalent en eau de la neige en télédétection micro-ondes

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    Le phénomène de l’amplification arctique consiste en une augmentation plus prononcée des températures de surface dans cette région que sur le reste du globe. Ce phénomène est notamment dû à la diminution marquée du couvert nival provoquant un déséquilibre dans le bilan d’énergie de surface via une réduction généralisée de l’albédo (rétroaction positive). L’accélération du réchauffement est jusqu’à trois fois plus élevée dans ces régions. Il est donc primordial, dans un contexte de changement climatique arctique, de poursuivre et d’améliorer le suivi à grande échelle du couvert nival afin de mieux comprendre les processus gouvernant la variabilité spatio-temporelle du manteau neigeux. Plus spécifiquement, l’Équivalent en Eau de la Neige (EEN) est généralement utilisé pour quantifier deux propriétés (hauteur et densité) de la neige. Son estimation à grande échelle dans les régions éloignées tel que l’Arctique provient actuellement essentiellement de produits en micro-ondes passives satellitaires. Cependant, il existe encore beaucoup d’incertitudes sur les techniques d’assimilation de l’ÉEN par satellite et ce projet vise une réduction de l’erreur liée à l’estimation de l’ÉEN en explorant deux des principales sources de biais tels que : 1) la variabilité spatiale de l’épaisseur et des différentes couches du manteau neigeux arctique liées à la topographie et la végétation au sol influençant l’estimation de l’ÉEN; et 2) les modèles de transfert radiatif micro-ondes de la neige et du sol ne bénéficient pas actuellement d’une bonne paramétrisation en conditions arctiques, là où les erreurs liées à l’assimilation de l’ÉEN sont les plus importantes. L’objectif global est donc d’analyser les propriétés géophysiques du couvert nival en utilisant des outils de télédétection et de modélisation pour diminuer l’erreur liée à la variabilité spatiale locale dans l’estimation du ÉEN à grande échelle, tout en améliorant la compréhension des processus locaux qui affectent cette variabilité. Premièrement, une analyse haute résolution à l’aide de l’algorithme Random Forest a permis de prédire la hauteur de neige à une résolution spatiale de 10 m avec une RMSE de 8 cm (23%) et d’en apprendre davantage sur les processus de distribution de la neige en Arctique. Deuxièmement, la variabilité du manteaux neigeux arctique (hauteur et microstructure) a été incorporée dans des simulations en transfert radiatif micro-ondes de la neige et comparée au capteur satellitaire SSMIS. L’ajout de variabilité améliore la RMSE des simulations de 8K par rapport à un manteau neigeux uniforme. Finalement, une paramétrisation du sol gelé est présentée à l’aide de mesures de rugosité provenant de photogrammétrie (Structure-from-Motion). Cela a permis d’investiguer trois modèles de réflectivité micro-ondes du sol ainsi que la permittivité effective du sol gelé avec une rugosité SfM d’une précision de 0.1 mm. Ces données de rugosité SfM avec une permittivité optimisée (ε'_19 = 3.3, ε'_37 = 3.6) réduisent significativement l’erreur des températures de brillance simulées par rapport à des mesures au sols (RMSE = 3.1K, R^2 = 0.71) pour toutes les fréquences et polarisations. Cette thèse offre une caractérisation des variables de surface (neige et sol) en Arctique en transfert radiatif micro-ondes qui bénéficie aux multiples modélisations (climatiques et hydrologiques) de la cryosphère

    Pavement testing by integrated geophysical methods: Feasibility, resolution and diagnostic potential

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    This work is focused on the assessment of the diagnostic potential of several geophysical methods when applied to the investigation of a rigid airport pavement. The potential and limit of each technique are evaluated as well as the added value deriving from their integration. Firstly, we reconstruct a high-resolution image of the pavement by a large electromagnetic and georadar screening. An advanced processing of georadar data, implemented through the picking of the arrival times of reflections for each profile, provides a quantitative estimation of the deviation between the design and the as-built thickness of layers. Additionally, electrical tomography has been applied to unequivocally identify the anomalous zones, where higher values of resistivity would be associated to porous zones that are prone to degradation and failure. The seismic tomographic survey had the additional purpose to recover the mechanical properties of the pavement in terms of both P- and S-waves and consequently of elastic constants (Poisson's ratio), whose values were consistent with those recovered in literature. The anomalies detected by each technique are consistent in their indications and they can be correlated to failure phenomena occurring at layer interfaces within the pavement structure or to unexpected variations of the layer thicknesses. The cost-effective geophysical campaign has validated the four-layered system deduced from the original design and has been used to reconstruct a high-resolution map of the pavement in order to discriminate fractures, crack-prone areas or areas where the as-built differs from the original design

    Modelado de las propiedades dieléctricas del suelo. Aplicación en el diseño de sensores para sistemas de control en agricultura de precisión

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    [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. El agua es una sustancia clave para el desarrollo de la vida en La Tierra. Es por ello que la búsqueda de oportunidad de vida en otros planetas y satélites se basa en la presencia de agua en los mismos. La gestión ecológica del agua es necesaria para la sostenibilidad de los ecosistemas. Uno de los ecosistemas más amplios y donde el agua juega un papel más importante es el suelo, que alberga multitud de variedades de microorganismos cuya actividad, en parte resultante en la generación de nutrientes para el desarrollo de las especies vegetales, es totalmente dependiente del contenido de agua en el suelo. En zonas áridas y semiáridas, como es el caso de la cuenca Mediterránea, la escasez de agua supone un grave problema a la hora de gestionar los pocos recursos hídricos disponibles. En este caso, donde las condiciones geográficas son idóneas para el desarrollo de la agricultura, las soluciones pasan por una optimización de las técnicas de riego y un mayor control sobre los recursos hídricos. En este sentido, las técnicas de riego deficitario controlado se han mostrado exitosas en la reducción de la dotación hídrica a los cultivos en fases no críticas. Sin embargo, para realizar una aplicación prudente y eficiente de las mismas, resulta necesario monitorizar el estado hídrico de los cultivos, con el objetivo de que éstos no alcancen situaciones de estrés irreversible en términos de producción o estado vegetativo. Los indicadores que mayor información aportan sobre el estado hídrico de la planta suelen estar relacionados con variables medibles a partir de la propia planta, pero que son difícilmente automatizables debido a las operaciones de manejo asociadas. Este es el caso del potencial hídrico de tallo a mediodía medido con cámara de presión, considerado hasta la fecha como el indicador más fiable del estado hídrico de los cultivos en general. Es por ello que, para lograr una monitorización continua de esta variable, se busquen otras variables del continuo suelo-planta-atmósfera que puedan estar relacionadas y a partir de las cuales obtener una estimación indirecta. El suelo es la matriz de donde la planta adquiere la mayor parte del agua y los nutrientes que necesita para realizar la fotosíntesis. La relación entre el estado hídrico del suelo y el estado hídrico de los cultivos está más que demostrada. Sin embargo, la precisión alcanzada en los modelos de correlación entre ambos estados requiere de una mejora considerable para hacer un uso realmente fiable de los mismos, y esta mejora no solo pasa por encontrar mejores métodos de correlación, sino también por mejorar la precisión de las medidas obtenidas del suelo. Para monitorizar el estado hídrico del suelo, existen diversas metodologías que ofrecen parámetros medibles como el contenido de agua. El método de medida más extendido para monitorizar el contenido de agua en el suelo es a través del uso de sensores dieléctricos. Sin embargo, la precisión de los mismos está sujeta a diversos factores, entre ellos las características propias del suelo donde se instalan y su coste, relativamente alto para el pequeño y mediano agricultor, condicionando una implantación extensiva de la Agricultura de Precisión y limitando a veces la aplicación de algunos desarrollos únicamente a trabajos de investigación. Esta tesis, elaborada bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones, aborda a través de cuatro artículos científicos la propuesta de soluciones accesibles para la medida del estado hídrico del suelo, con especial enfoque en el contenido de agua; explora las limitaciones y retos asociados con la calibración de los sensores dieléctricos de suelo; participa en la generación de nuevos conocimientos y propuestas para un mejor entendimiento del comportamiento del agua en el suelo y de su interacción con las ondas electromagnéticas; y establece nuevos enfoques y modelos que mejoran la predicción del estado hídrico de los cultivos a partir de medidas indirectas y automatizables en suelo y atmósfera. [ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. Water is a fundamental substance for the development of life on Earth. That is why the search for life on other planets and satellites is based on the presence of water on them. Ecological water management is necessary for the sustainability of ecosystems. One of the most extensive ecosystems where water plays a major role is soil, which hosts a large variety of micro-organisms whose activity, partly resulting in the generation of nutrients for the development of plant species, is totally dependent on the water content of the soil. In arid and semi-arid regions, as it is the case in the Mediterranean basin, water scarcity is a serious problem when it comes to managing the few water resources available. In this case, where the geographical conditions are ideal for the development of agriculture, the solutions involve optimization of irrigation techniques and greater control over water resources. In this sense, regulated deficit irrigation strategies have proven to be successful in reducing the water supply to crops in non-critical periods. However, in order to apply them prudently and efficiently, it is necessary to monitor the water status of the crops, so that they do not reach irreversible stress situations in terms of yield or vegetative state. The indicators that provide the highest amount of information on the water status of the plant are usually related to variables that can be measured from the plant itself, but which are difficult to automate due to the labor and time-consuming associated operations. This is the case of the midday stem water potential measured with a pressure chamber, considered to date to be the most reliable indicator of the crop's water status in general. In order to achieve a continuous monitoring of this variable, it is necessary to look for other variables of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum that may be related and from which to obtain an indirect estimate. Soil is the matrix from which the plant acquires most of the water and nutrients it needs for photosynthesis. The relationship between soil water status and crop water status is well established. However, the accuracy achieved in the correlation models between the two requires considerable improvement to make a truly reliable use of them, and this improvement is not only to find better correlation methods, but also to improve the accuracy of the measurements obtained from the soil. To monitor soil water status, there are several methodologies that provide measurable parameters such as water content. The most widespread measurement method for monitoring soil water content is through the use of dielectric sensors. However, the accuracy of these sensors is subject to various factors, including the characteristics of the soil where they are installed, and their relatively high cost for small and medium-sized farmers, conditioning the extensive implementation of precision agriculture and sometimes limiting the application of some developments only to research work. This thesis, elaborated under the modality of a compendium of publications, addresses through four scientific articles the proposal of affordable solutions for the measurement of soil water status, with special focus on water content; it explores the limitations and challenges associated with the calibration of soil dielectric sensors; participates in the generation of new insights and proposals for a better understanding of the behavior of water in soil and its interaction with electromagnetic waves; and establishes new approaches and models that improve the prediction of crop water status from indirect and automatable measurements in soil and atmosphere.Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. Está formada por un total de cuatro artículos: Article I. González-Teruel, J.D., Torres-Sánchez, R., Blaya-Ros, P.J., Toledo-Moreo, A.B., Jiménez-Buendía, M., Soto-Valles, F., 2019. Design and Calibration of a Low-Cost SDI-12 Soil Moisture Sensor. Sensors, 19, 491. DOI: 10.3390/s19030491 - Article II. González-Teruel, J.D., Jones, S.B., Soto-Valles, F., Torres-Sánchez, R., Lebron, I., Friedman, S.P., Robinson, D.A., 2020. Dielectric Spectroscopy and Application of Mixing Models Describing Dielectric Dispersion in Clay Minerals and Clayey Soils. Sensors, 20, 6678. DOI: 10.3390/s20226678 Article III. González-Teruel, J.D., Jones, S.B., Robinson, D.A., Giménez-Gallego, J., Zornoza, R., Torres-Sánchez, R., 2022. Measurement of the broadband complex permittivity of soils in the frequency domain with a low-cost Vector Network Analyzer and an Open-Ended coaxial probe. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 195, 106847. DOI: 10.1016/J.COMPAG.2022.106847 Article IV. González-Teruel, J.D., Ruiz-Abellon, M.C., Blanco, V., Blaya-Ros, P.J., Domingo, R., Torres-Sánchez, R., 2022. Prediction of Water Stress Episodes in Fruit Trees Based on Soil and Weather Time Series Data. Agronomy, 12, 1422. DOI: 10.3390/agronomy12061422Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Tecnologías Industriale

    On The Frequency‐Dependent Model of Grounding Systems for Power System Transient Analysis

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    Electromagnetic Waves

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    This volume is based on the contributions of several authors in electromagnetic waves propagations. Several issues are considered. The contents of most of the chapters are highlighting non classic presentation of wave propagation and interaction with matters. This volume bridges the gap between physics and engineering in these issues. Each chapter keeps the author notation that the reader should be aware of as he reads from chapter to the other

    A GPR-GPS-GIS-integrated, information-rich and error-aware system for detecting, locating and characterizing underground utilities

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    Underground utilities have proliferated throughout the years. The location and dimension of many underground utilities have not always been properly collected and documented, leading to utility conflicts and utility strikes, and thus resulting in property damages, project delays, cost overruns, environment pollutions, injuries and deaths. The underlying reasons are twofold. First, the reliable data regarding the location and dimension of underground utility are missing or incomplete. Existing methods to collect data are not efficient and effective. Second, positional uncertainties are inherent in the measured utility locations. An effective means is not yet available to visualize and communicate the inherent positional uncertainties associated with utility location data to end-users (e.g., excavator operator). To address the aforementioned problems, this research integrate ground penetrating radar (GPR), global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS) to form a total 3G system to collect, inventory and visualize underground utility data. Furthermore, a 3D probabilistic error band is created to model and visualize the inherent positional uncertainties in utility data. ^ Three main challenges are addressed in this research. The first challenge is the interpretation of GPR and GPS raw data. A novel method is created in this research to simultaneously estimate the radius and buried depth of underground utilities using GPR scans and auxiliary GPS data. The proposed method was validated using GPR field scans obtained under various settings. It was found that this newly created method increases the accuracy of estimating the buried depth and radius of the buried utility under a general scanning condition. The second challenge is the geo-registration of detected utility locations. This challenge is addressed by integration of GPR, GPS and GIS. The newly created system takes advantages of GPR and GPS to detect and locate underground utilities in 3D and uses GIS for storing, updating, modeling, and visualizing collected utility data in a real world coordinate system. The third challenge is positional error/uncertainty assessment and modeling. The locational errors of GPR system are evaluated in different depth and soil conditions. Quantitative linkages between error magnitudes and its influencing factors (i.e., buried depths and soil conditions) are established. In order to handle the positional error of underground utilities, a prototype of 3D probabilistic error band is created and implemented in GIS environment. This makes the system error-aware and also paves the way to a more intelligent error-aware GIS. ^ To sum up, the newly created system is able to detect, locate and characterize underground utilities in an information-rich and error-aware manner

    Internet of Things in Agricultural Innovation and Security

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    The agricultural Internet of Things (Ag-IoT) paradigm has tremendous potential in transparent integration of underground soil sensing, farm machinery, and sensor-guided irrigation systems with the complex social network of growers, agronomists, crop consultants, and advisors. The aim of the IoT in agricultural innovation and security chapter is to present agricultural IoT research and paradigm to promote sustainable production of safe, healthy, and profitable crop and animal agricultural products. This chapter covers the IoT platform to test optimized management strategies, engage farmer and industry groups, and investigate new and traditional technology drivers that will enhance resilience of the farmers to the socio-environmental changes. A review of state-of-the-art communication architectures and underlying sensing technologies and communication mechanisms is presented with coverage of recent advances in the theory and applications of wireless underground communications. Major challenges in Ag-IoT design and implementation are also discussed