404,415 research outputs found

    Medical image retrieval for augmenting diagnostic radiology

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    Even though the use of medical imaging to diagnose patients is ubiquitous in clinical settings, their interpretations are still challenging for radiologists. Many factors make this interpretation task difficult, one of which is that medical images sometimes present subtle clues yet are crucial for diagnosis. Even worse, on the other hand, similar clues could indicate multiple diseases, making it challenging to figure out the definitive diagnoses. To help radiologists quickly and accurately interpret medical images, there is a need for a tool that can augment their diagnostic procedures and increase efficiency in their daily workflow. A general-purpose medical image retrieval system can be such a tool as it allows them to search and retrieve similar cases that are already diagnosed to make comparative analyses that would complement their diagnostic decisions. In this thesis, we contribute to developing such a system by proposing approaches to be integrated as modules of a single system, enabling it to handle various information needs of radiologists and thus augment their diagnostic processes during the interpretation of medical images. We have mainly studied the following retrieval approaches to handle radiologists’different information needs; i) Retrieval Based on Contents, ii) Retrieval Based on Contents, Patients’ Demographics, and Disease Predictions, and iii) Retrieval Based on Contents and Radiologists’ Text Descriptions. For the first study, we aimed to find an effective feature representation method to distinguish medical images considering their semantics and modalities. To do that, we have experimented different representation techniques based on handcrafted methods (mainly texture features) and deep learning (deep features). Based on the experimental results, we propose an effective feature representation approach and deep learning architectures for learning and extracting medical image contents. For the second study, we present a multi-faceted method that complements image contents with patients’ demographics and deep learning-based disease predictions, making it able to identify similar cases accurately considering the clinical context the radiologists seek. For the last study, we propose a guided search method that integrates an image with a radiologist’s text description to guide the retrieval process. This method guarantees that the retrieved images are suitable for the comparative analysis to confirm or rule out initial diagnoses (the differential diagnosis procedure). Furthermore, our method is based on a deep metric learning technique and is better than traditional content-based approaches that rely on only image features and, thus, sometimes retrieve insignificant random images

    On Archiving and Retrieval of Sequential Images From Tomographic Databases in PACS

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    In the picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) used in modern hospitals, the current practice is to retrieve images based on keyword search, which returns a complete set of images from the same scan. Both diagnostically useful and negligible images in the image databases are retrieved and browsed by the physicians. In addition to the text-based search query method, queries based on image contents and image examples have been developed and integrated into existing PACS systems. Most of the content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems for medical image databases are designed to retrieve images individually. However, in a database of tomographic images, it is often diagnostically more useful to simultaneously retrieve multiple images that are closely related for various reasons, such as physiological continguousness, etc. For example, high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images are taken in a series of cross-sectional slices of human body. Typically, several slices are relevant for making a diagnosis, requiring a PACS system that can retrieve a contiguous sequence of slices. In this paper, we present an extension to our physician-in-the-loop CBIR system, which allows our algorithms to automatically determine the number of adjoining images to retain after certain key images are identified by the physician. Only the key images, so identified by the physician, and the other adjoining images that cohere with the key images are kept on-line for fast retrieval; the rest of the images can be discarded if so desired. This results in large reduction in the amount of storage needed for fast retrieval

    Investigation on advanced image search techniques

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    Content-based image search for retrieval of images based on the similarity in their visual contents, such as color, texture, and shape, to a query image is an active research area due to its broad applications. Color, for example, provides powerful information for image search and classification. This dissertation investigates advanced image search techniques and presents new color descriptors for image search and classification and robust image enhancement and segmentation methods for iris recognition. First, several new color descriptors have been developed for color image search. Specifically, a new oRGB-SIFT descriptor, which integrates the oRGB color space and the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), is proposed for image search and classification. The oRGB-SIFT descriptor is further integrated with other color SIFT features to produce the novel Color SIFT Fusion (CSF), the Color Grayscale SIFT Fusion (CGSF), and the CGSF+PHOG descriptors for image category search with applications to biometrics. Image classification is implemented using a novel EFM-KNN classifier, which combines the Enhanced Fisher Model (EFM) and the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) decision rule. Experimental results on four large scale, grand challenge datasets have shown that the proposed oRGB-SIFT descriptor improves recognition performance upon other color SIFT descriptors, and the CSF, the CGSF, and the CGSF+PHOG descriptors perform better than the other color SIFT descriptors. The fusion of both Color SIFT descriptors (CSF) and Color Grayscale SIFT descriptor (CGSF) shows significant improvement in the classification performance, which indicates that various color-SIFT descriptors and grayscale-SIFT descriptor are not redundant for image search. Second, four novel color Local Binary Pattern (LBP) descriptors are presented for scene image and image texture classification. Specifically, the oRGB-LBP descriptor is derived in the oRGB color space. The other three color LBP descriptors, namely, the Color LBP Fusion (CLF), the Color Grayscale LBP Fusion (CGLF), and the CGLF+PHOG descriptors, are obtained by integrating the oRGB-LBP descriptor with some additional image features. Experimental results on three large scale, grand challenge datasets have shown that the proposed descriptors can improve scene image and image texture classification performance. Finally, a new iris recognition method based on a robust iris segmentation approach is presented for improving iris recognition performance. The proposed robust iris segmentation approach applies power-law transformations for more accurate detection of the pupil region, which significantly reduces the candidate limbic boundary search space for increasing detection accuracy and efficiency. As the limbic circle, which has a center within a close range of the pupil center, is selectively detected, the eyelid detection approach leads to improved iris recognition performance. Experiments using the Iris Challenge Evaluation (ICE) database show the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Integrated browsing and searching of large image collections

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    Current image retrieval systems offer either an exploratory search method through browsing and navigation or a direct search method based on specific queries. Combining both of these methods in a uniform framework allows users to formulate queries more naturally, since they are already acquainted with the contents of the database and with the notion of matching the machine would use to return results. We propose a multi-mode and integrated image retrieval system that offers the user quick and effective previewing of the collection, intuitive and natural navigating to any parts of it, and query by example or composition for more specific and clearer retrieval goal

    Integration of biological data resources using image object keying.

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    This paper proposes a novel concept of ‘image object keying'. The work builds on earlier research in this area and shows how the 3D structure of a protein can be retrieved interactively from a gel electrophoresis protein spot. It uses intelligent image matching operations like the Hough Transform and Edge Detection techniques. Unique aspects are that searches may be initiated from multiple biological resources but with the results being integrated into a single page. A significant outcome of this work is that it enables researchers to search the database without the need to write and complex script

    Integrated content presentation for multilingual and multimedia information access

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    For multilingual and multimedia information retrieval from multiple potentially distributed collections generating the output in the form of standard ranked lists may often mean that a user has to explore the contents of many lists before finding sufficient relevant or linguistically accessible material to satisfy their information need. In some situations delivering an integrated multilingual multimedia presentation could enable the user to explore a topic allowing them to select from among a range of available content based on suitably chosen displayed metadata. A presentation of this type has similarities with the outputs of existing adaptive hypermedia systems. However, such systems are generated based on “closed” content with sophisticated user and domain models. Extending them to “open” domain information retrieval applications would raise many issues. We present an outline exploration of what will form a challenging new direction for research in multilingual information access
