13,879 research outputs found

    The GENCOD project : Automated generation of Hardware code for safety critical applications on FPGA targets

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    International audienceGENCOD is a research project for solutions to automated generation of safe code for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) targets. The paper will describe typical ASIC/FPGA workflow, and current implementation for airborne electronic hardware design. Major stakes in certification for airborne electronic hardware will be discussed. The next part will detail the project, the proposed workflow and the associated tools. We will present the current experimentations. Finally, the conclusion will expose advantages and drawbacks of such approach

    Deriving safety cases for hierarchical structure in model-based development

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    Model-based development and automated code generation are increasingly used for actual production code, in particular in mathematical and engineering domains. However, since code generators are typically not qualified, there is no guarantee that their output satisfies the system requirements, or is even safe. Here we present an approach to systematically derive safety cases that argue along the hierarchical structure in model-based development. The safety cases are constructed mechanically using a formal analysis, based on automated theorem proving, of the automatically generated code. The analysis recovers the model structure and component hierarchy from the code, providing independent assurance of both code and model. It identifies how the given system safety requirements are broken down into component requirements, and where they are ultimately established, thus establishing a hierarchy of requirements that is aligned with the hierarchical model structure. The derived safety cases reflect the results of the analysis, and provide a high-level argument that traces the requirements on the model via the inferred model structure to the code. We illustrate our approach on flight code generated from hierarchical Simulink models by Real-Time Worksho

    An application generator for rapid prototyping of Ada real-time control software

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    The need to increase engineering productivity and decrease software life cycle costs in real-time system development establishes a motivation for a method of rapid prototyping. The design by iterative rapid prototyping technique is described. A tool which facilitates such a design methodology for the generation of embedded control software is described

    Integrated formal verification of safety-critical software

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    This work presents a formal verification process based on the Systerel Smart Solver (S3) toolset for the development of safety-critical embedded software. In order to guarantee the correctness of the implementation of a set of textual requirements, the process integrates different verification techniques (inductive proof, bounded model checking, test case generation and equivalence proof) to handle different types of properties at their best capacities. It is aimed at the verification of properties at system, design, and code levels. To handle the floating-point arithmetic (FPA) in both the design and the code, an FPA library is designed and implemented in S3. This work is illustrated on an Automatic Rover Protection (ARP) system implemented on-board a robot. Focus is placed on the verification of safety and functional properties and on the equivalence proof between the design model and the generated code

    System to Software Integrity: A Case Study

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    It is widely acknowledged that the main source of cost for developing high-integrity software systems is their verification. A significant portion of this verification cost is spent assessing that software complies with its requirements. Over the years several different methods have been developed to address this issue, in particular: testing, peer reviews, formal verification and automatic code generation. It is more and more frequent that these verification strategies are mixed within the same system, so as to adopt the most appropriate one for each component. This increases the complexity of the integration phase because it has to cope with multiple formalisms, development and verification methods. Our goal is to propose a pragmatic process to integrate components developed using different methods into a single system and demonstrate that properties already verified for each component in isolation are preserved in their composition. This process leverages AADL as a pivotal modeling language for system specification and relies on specific verifications between the latter and the components developed using heterogeneous modeling and programming languages, namely Simulink for computation intensive parts and Ada/SPARK 2014 for other components. Our paper proceeds as follows. First we provide a high-level overview of our approach and enumerate the current methods for addressing the property preservation problem. Then we illustrate practically our approach using the Nose Gear Challenge problem, a simplified yet complete example of a high-integrity real-time system. We then conclude by comparing our approach to the state of the art

    ESAS Deliverable PS Customer Survey on Code Generations in Safety-Critical Applications

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    Automated code generators (ACG) are tools that convert a (higher-level) model of a software (sub-)system into executable code without the necessity for a developer to actually implement the code. Although both commercially supported and in-house tools have been used in many industrial applications, little data exists on how these tools are used in safety-critical domains (e.g., spacecraft, aircraft, automotive, nuclear). The aims of the survey, therefore, were threefold: 1) to determine if code generation is primarily used as a tool for prototyping, including design exploration and simulation, or for fiight/production code; 2) to determine the verification issues with code generators relating, in particular, to qualification and certification in safety-critical domains; and 3) to determine perceived gaps in functionality of existing tools

    Experiences with the GENE-AUTO Code Generator in the Aerospace Industry

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    International audienceThis paper gives an overview of the most recent experimentations that Astrium and Airbus conducted with the GENE AUTO code generator during 2009. GENE-AUTO is an open source automatic and qualifiable C code generator taking as input Simulink ® /Stateflow ® and Scilab/Scicos models. It was developed in the context of an ITEA European project that ended in December 2008 (www.geneauto.org). The GENE-AUTO toolset is currently maintained by its developers and evaluated for industrial usage by several end-users. This paper presents the case studies that we used for evaluation purposes, explains the organisation between the users and technology providers with respect to the toolset maintenance and summarizes the experimentation results