69,301 research outputs found

    Astronomical photonics in the context of infrared interferometry and high-resolution spectroscopy

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    We review the potential of Astrophotonics, a relatively young field at the interface between photonics and astronomical instrumentation, for spectro-interferometry. We review some fundamental aspects of photonic science that drove the emer- gence of astrophotonics, and highlight the achievements in observational astrophysics. We analyze the prospects for further technological development also considering the potential synergies with other fields of physics (e.g. non-linear optics in condensed matter physics). We also stress the central role of fiber optics in routing and transporting light, delivering complex filters, or interfacing instruments and telescopes, more specifically in the context of a growing usage of adaptive optics.Comment: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation conference, June 2016, 21 pages, 10 Figure

    Bridging the Mid-Infrared-to-Telecom Gap with Silicon Nanophotonic Spectral Translation

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    Expanding far beyond traditional applications in optical interconnects at telecommunications wavelengths, the silicon nanophotonic integrated circuit platform has recently proven its merits for working with mid-infrared (mid-IR) optical signals in the 2-8 {\mu}m range. Mid-IR integrated optical systems are capable of addressing applications including industrial process and environmental monitoring, threat detection, medical diagnostics, and free-space communication. Rapid progress has led to the demonstration of various silicon components designed for the on-chip processing of mid-IR signals, including waveguides, vertical grating couplers, microcavities, and electrooptic modulators. Even so, a notable obstacle to the continued advancement of chip-scale systems is imposed by the narrow-bandgap semiconductors, such as InSb and HgCdTe, traditionally used to convert mid-IR photons to electrical currents. The cryogenic or multi-stage thermo-electric cooling required to suppress dark current noise, exponentially dependent upon the ratio Eg/kT, can limit the development of small, low-power, and low-cost integrated optical systems for the mid-IR. However, if the mid-IR optical signal could be spectrally translated to shorter wavelengths, for example within the near-infrared telecom band, photodetectors using wider bandgap semiconductors such as InGaAs or Ge could be used to eliminate prohibitive cooling requirements. Moreover, telecom band detectors typically perform with higher detectivity and faster response times when compared with their mid-IR counterparts. Here we address these challenges with a silicon-integrated approach to spectral translation, by employing efficient four-wave mixing (FWM) and large optical parametric gain in silicon nanophotonic wires

    Versatile silicon-waveguide supercontinuum for coherent mid-infrared spectroscopy

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    Infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool for basic and applied science. The molecular spectral fingerprints in the 3 um to 20 um region provide a means to uniquely identify molecular structure for fundamental spectroscopy, atmospheric chemistry, trace and hazardous gas detection, and biological microscopy. Driven by such applications, the development of low-noise, coherent laser sources with broad, tunable coverage is a topic of great interest. Laser frequency combs possess a unique combination of precisely defined spectral lines and broad bandwidth that can enable the above-mentioned applications. Here, we leverage robust fabrication and geometrical dispersion engineering of silicon nanophotonic waveguides for coherent frequency comb generation spanning 70 THz in the mid-infrared (2.5 um to 6.2 um). Precise waveguide fabrication provides significant spectral broadening and engineered spectra targeted at specific mid-infrared bands. We use this coherent light source for dual-comb spectroscopy at 5 um.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure