27 research outputs found

    Experimental DML over digital repositories in Japan

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    In this paper the authors show an overview of Virtual Digital Mathematics Library in Japan (DML-JP), contents of which consist of metadata harvested from institutional repositories in Japan and digital repositories in the world. DML-JP is, in a sense, a subject specific repository which collaborate with various digital repositories. Beyond portal website, DML-JP provides subject-specific metadata through OAI-ORE. By the schema it is enabled that digital repositories can load the rich metadata which were added by mathematicians

    Isomorphic Pressures on Institutional Repositories in Japan

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    24x 7 Slide Presentation. 24×7 presentations are 7-minute presentations comprising no more than 24 slides. Similar to Pecha Kuchas or Lightning Talks, these 24×7 presentations will be grouped into blocks based on conference themes, with each block followed by a moderated discussion / question and answer session involving the audience and whole block of presenters. This format will provide conference goers with a fast-paced survey of like work across many institutions, and presenters the chance to disseminate their work in more depth and context than a traditional poster.A variety of IRs have appeared in the past two decades, some as responses to the pressures on the economic model of scholarly publishing, and others as a result of the natural evolution of scholarly communication in some disciplines. In 2003, Japanese Universities started their first system of IR. Since then, over the past decade, more than 300 Japanese universities and research institutions have set up repositories and the number of full-text items on repositories has exceeded one million. The purpose of my research is to examine how Japanese institutions have developed and maintained successful IR’s. This qualitative research will use the lens of Institutional Isomorphism (II) as expressed by DiMaggio and Powell (1983). II is the similarity of processes or structures between organizations, and how they are a result of imitation or independent development under similar environments and pressures (Greenwood, 2008, p.15 - 17). Collecting data via interviews at five institutions (the IR Managers) involved with IR development at Japanese institutions, may reveal noticeable patterns or regularities of IR development. A comparative case study approach will be used to provide a detailed account and cross-case analysis of IR

    Japan's Institutional Repositories: Where Did They Come From and Where Are They Headed?

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    This study follows the rapid and substantial growth of institutional repositories in Japan, and evaluates the publicly searchable content of 86 IRs made available through Japan's web portal, JAIRO, and the NII Institutional Repositories DataBase Contents Analysis System. The findings are examined from an international and comparative framework, and highlight variations in Japanese academic scholarship and publishing, as well as ongoing challenges in the areas of faculty participation, copyright and peer-review

    Hita-Hita : grass roots open access adovocacy and institutional repositories in Japan

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    12/07/2012 COAR workshop in ICTK2012 Nimhans Convention Centre, Bangalore, Indi

    Development of the Shinshu University Online System of General Academic Resources (SOAR)

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    This paper discusses the development of the Shinshu University Online System of General Academic Resources (SOAR). As a participant in the 2006-2007 Cyber Science Infrastructure (CSI) development project of the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Shinshu University is seeking to develop SOAR as an integrated academic resource system. In addition to developing an environment for providing accesstothe latest academic resources within the university, SOAR is intended to promulgate university research results and research activities, both within Japan and around the world, to a broad audience. Specifically, this system achieves mutual coordination by linking e-journals and the Web of Science to the researcher directory and the institutional repository—two system cornerstones. SOAR can be regarded as a potential model for future academic-resource systems. Although the Institutional Repository (SOAR-IR) was developed using existing software, the Researcher Directory (SOARRD) is a new system based on XML technology.ArticleProgress in Informatics. 5:137-151 (2008)journal articl

    DRF International Conference 2008 - Open Access and Institutional Repository in Asia-Pacific : Conference Proceedings

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    30th and 31st January, 2008 Osaka University Suita Campus, Osaka, Japan2008年 1月30日・31日 大阪大学吹田キャンパス銀杏会館にて開

    NII's Initiative for Institutional Repository over CSI : Retrospect of 2006-2007 and Prospect of Phase II

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    DRFIC2008 Session 1. Open Access and Institutional Repository in Asia-PacificDRFIC2008 セッション1:アジア・環太平洋地域におけるオープンアクセスと機関リポジトリ 報告