71 research outputs found

    Instantaneous Transfer Entropy for the Study of Cardiovascular and Cardio-Respiratory Nonstationary Dynamics

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    Objective: Measures of Transfer Entropy (TE) quantify the direction and strength of coupling between two complex systems. Standard approaches assume stationarity of the observations, and therefore are unable to track time-varying changes in nonlinear information transfer with high temporal resolution. In this study, we aim to define and validate novel instantaneous measures of transfer entropy to provide an im- proved assessment of complex non-stationary cardio-respiratory interactions


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    Cardiorespiratory interactions considered as an important indicator of neurodevelopment of preterm infants. The strength of cardiorespiratory interactions are presumed to be weak and rapidly fluctuating. The current signal processing algorithms are insufficient to capture such time varying weak interactions. In addition, detection of these interactions becomes difficult during life threatening events due to lack of information available due to apnea (absence of output from respiratory system) and the transient temporal destabilization of cardiac system due to bradycardia. To detect the cardiorespiratory interactions, a point process algorithm of cardiac system with respiration as covariates is proposed. The bivariate model is embedded on the point process-modeling framework to capture the time varying weak interactions between cardiac and respiratory system. This integrated framework is employed to detect the cardiorespiratory interactions in preterm infants during their life-threatening events

    Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Interactions during Apneic Events in Sleep via Fuzzy Kernel Measures of Information Dynamics

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    Apnea and other breathing-related disorders have been linked to the development of hypertension or impairments of the cardiovascular, cognitive or metabolic systems. The combined assessment of multiple physiological signals acquired during sleep is of fundamental importance for providing additional insights about breathing disorder events and the associated impairments. In this work, we apply information-theoretic measures to describe the joint dynamics of cardiorespiratory physiological processes in a large group of patients reporting repeated episodes of hypopneas, apneas (central, obstructive, mixed) and respiratory effort related arousals (RERAs). We analyze the heart period as the target process and the airflow amplitude as the driver, computing the predictive information, the information storage, the information transfer, the internal information and the cross information, using a fuzzy kernel entropy estimator. The analyses were performed comparing the information measures among segments during, immediately before and after the respiratory event and with control segments. Results highlight a general tendency to decrease of predictive information and information storage of heart period, as well as of cross information and information transfer from respiration to heart period, during the breathing disordered events. The information-theoretic measures also vary according to the breathing disorder, and significant changes of information transfer can be detected during RERAs, suggesting that the latter could represent a risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases. These findings reflect the impact of different sleep breathing disorders on respiratory sinus arrhythmia, suggesting overall higher complexity of the cardiac dynamics and weaker cardiorespiratory interactions which may have physiological and clinical relevance

    Cardiorespiratory Temporal Causal Links and the Differences by Sport or Lack Thereof

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    Fitness level, fatigue and adaptation are important factors for determining the optimal training schedule and predicting future performance. We think that adding analysis of the mutual relationships between cardiac and respiratory activity enables better athlete profiling and feedback for improving training. Therefore, the main objectives were (1) to apply several methods for temporal causality analysis to cardiorespiratory data; (2) to establish causal links between the signals; and (3) to determine how parameterized connections differed across various subgroups. One hundred elite athletes (31 female) and a control group of 20 healthy students (6 female) took part in the study. All were asked to follow a protocol comprising two 5-min sessions of free breathing - once supine, once standing. The data were collected using Pneumonitor 2. Respiratory-related curves were obtained through impedance pneumography, along with a single-lead ECG. Several signals (e.g., tidal volume, instantaneous respiratory rate, and instantaneous heart rate) were derived and stored as: (1) raw data down-sampled to 25Hz; (2) further down-sampled to 2.5Hz; and (3) beat-by-beat sequences. Granger causality frameworks (pairwise-conditional, spectral or extended), along with Time Series Models with Independent Noise (TiMINo), were studied. The connections enabling the best distinctions were found using recursive feature elimination with a random forest kernel. Temporal causal links are the most evident between tidal volume and instantaneous heart rate signals. Predictions of the “effect” variable were improved by adding preceding “cause” samples, by medians of 20.3% for supine and 14.2% for standing body positions. Parameterized causal link structures and directions distinguish athletes from non-athletes with 83.3% accuracy on average. They may also be used to supplement standard analysis and enable classification into groups exhibiting different static and dynamic components during performance. Physiological markers of training may be extended to include cardiorespiratory data, and causality analysis may improve the resolution of training profiling and the precision of outcome prediction

    A comparative study of ECG-derived respiration in ambulatory monitoring using the single-lead ECG

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    Cardiorespiratory monitoring is crucial for the diagnosis and management of multiple conditions such as stress and sleep disorders. Therefore, the development of ambulatory systems providing continuous, comfortable, and inexpensive means for monitoring represents an important research topic. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to derive respiratory information from the ECG signal. Ten methods to compute single-lead ECG-derived respiration (EDR) were compared under multiple conditions, including different recording systems, baseline wander, normal and abnormal breathing patterns, changes in breathing rate, noise, and artifacts. Respiratory rates, wave morphology, and cardiorespiratory information were derived from the ECG and compared to those extracted from a reference respiratory signal. Three datasets were considered for analysis, involving a total 59 482 one-min, single-lead ECG segments recorded from 156 subjects. The results indicate that the methods based on QRS slopes outperform the other methods. This result is particularly interesting since simplicity is crucial for the development of ECG-based ambulatory systems

    Multiscale Information Decomposition: Exact Computation for Multivariate Gaussian Processes

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    Exploiting the theory of state space models, we derive the exact expressions of the information transfer, as well as redundant and synergistic transfer, for coupled Gaussian processes observed at multiple temporal scales. All of the terms, constituting the frameworks known as interaction information decomposition and partial information decomposition, can thus be analytically obtained for different time scales from the parameters of the VAR model that fits the processes. We report the application of the proposed methodology firstly to benchmark Gaussian systems, showing that this class of systems may generate patterns of information decomposition characterized by mainly redundant or synergistic information transfer persisting across multiple time scales or even by the alternating prevalence of redundant and synergistic source interaction depending on the time scale. Then, we apply our method to an important topic in neuroscience, i.e., the detection of causal interactions in human epilepsy networks, for which we show the relevance of partial information decomposition to the detection of multiscale information transfer spreading from the seizure onset zone

    Testing dynamic correlations and nonlinearity in bivariate time series through information measures and surrogate data analysis

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    The increasing availability of time series data depicting the evolution of physical system properties has prompted the development of methods focused on extracting insights into the system behavior over time, discerning whether it stems from deterministic or stochastic dynamical systems. Surrogate data testing plays a crucial role in this process by facilitating robust statistical assessments. This ensures that the observed results are not mere occurrences by chance, but genuinely reflect the inherent characteristics of the underlying system. The initial process involves formulating a null hypothesis, which is tested using surrogate data in cases where assumptions about the underlying distributions are absent. A discriminating statistic is then computed for both the original data and each surrogate data set. Significantly deviating values between the original data and the surrogate data ensemble lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis. In this work, we present various surrogate methods designed to assess specific statistical properties in random processes. Specifically, we introduce methods for evaluating the presence of autodependencies and nonlinear dynamics within individual processes, using Information Storage as a discriminating statistic. Additionally, methods are introduced for detecting coupling and nonlinearities in bivariate processes, employing the Mutual Information Rate for this purpose. The surrogate methods introduced are first tested through simulations involving univariate and bivariate processes exhibiting both linear and nonlinear dynamics. Then, they are applied to physiological time series of Heart Period (RR intervals) and respiratory flow (RESP) variability measured during spontaneous and paced breathing. Simulations demonstrated that the proposed methods effectively identify essential dynamical features of stochastic systems. The real data application showed that paced breathing, at low breathing rate, increases the predictability of the individual dynamics of RR and RESP and dampens nonlinearity in their coupled dynamics

    Revealing Real-Time Emotional Responses: a Personalized Assessment based on Heartbeat Dynamics

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    Emotion recognition through computational modeling and analysis of physiological signals has been widely investigated in the last decade. Most of the proposed emotion recognition systems require relatively long-time series of multivariate records and do not provide accurate real-time characterizations using short-time series. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel personalized probabilistic framework able to characterize the emotional state of a subject through the analysis of heartbeat dynamics exclusively. The study includes thirty subjects presented with a set of standardized images gathered from the international affective picture system, alternating levels of arousal and valence. Due to the intrinsic nonlinearity and nonstationarity of the RR interval series, a specific point-process model was devised for instantaneous identification considering autoregressive nonlinearities up to the third-order according to the Wiener-Volterra representation, thus tracking very fast stimulus-response changes. Features from the instantaneous spectrum and bispectrum, as well as the dominant Lyapunov exponent, were extracted and considered as input features to a support vector machine for classification. Results, estimating emotions each 10 seconds, achieve an overall accuracy in recognizing four emotional states based on the circumplex model of affect of 79.29%, with 79.15% on the valence axis, and 83.55% on the arousal axis
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