5,062 research outputs found

    Distance to Center of Mass Encoding for Instance Segmentation

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    The instance segmentation can be considered an extension of the object detection problem where bounding boxes are replaced by object contours. Strictly speaking the problem requires to identify each pixel instance and class independently of the artifice used for this mean. The advantage of instance segmentation over the usual object detection lies in the precise delineation of objects improving object localization. Additionally, object contours allow the evaluation of partial occlusion with basic image processing algorithms. This work approaches the instance segmentation problem as an annotation problem and presents a novel technique to encode and decode ground truth annotations. We propose a mathematical representation of instances that any deep semantic segmentation model can learn and generalize. Each individual instance is represented by a center of mass and a field of vectors pointing to it. This encoding technique has been denominated Distance to Center of Mass Encoding (DCME)

    The Right (Angled) Perspective: Improving the Understanding of Road Scenes Using Boosted Inverse Perspective Mapping

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    Many tasks performed by autonomous vehicles such as road marking detection, object tracking, and path planning are simpler in bird's-eye view. Hence, Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM) is often applied to remove the perspective effect from a vehicle's front-facing camera and to remap its images into a 2D domain, resulting in a top-down view. Unfortunately, however, this leads to unnatural blurring and stretching of objects at further distance, due to the resolution of the camera, limiting applicability. In this paper, we present an adversarial learning approach for generating a significantly improved IPM from a single camera image in real time. The generated bird's-eye-view images contain sharper features (e.g. road markings) and a more homogeneous illumination, while (dynamic) objects are automatically removed from the scene, thus revealing the underlying road layout in an improved fashion. We demonstrate our framework using real-world data from the Oxford RobotCar Dataset and show that scene understanding tasks directly benefit from our boosted IPM approach.Comment: equal contribution of first two authors, 8 full pages, 6 figures, accepted at IV 201

    Predicting Future Instance Segmentation by Forecasting Convolutional Features

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    Anticipating future events is an important prerequisite towards intelligent behavior. Video forecasting has been studied as a proxy task towards this goal. Recent work has shown that to predict semantic segmentation of future frames, forecasting at the semantic level is more effective than forecasting RGB frames and then segmenting these. In this paper we consider the more challenging problem of future instance segmentation, which additionally segments out individual objects. To deal with a varying number of output labels per image, we develop a predictive model in the space of fixed-sized convolutional features of the Mask R-CNN instance segmentation model. We apply the "detection head'" of Mask R-CNN on the predicted features to produce the instance segmentation of future frames. Experiments show that this approach significantly improves over strong baselines based on optical flow and repurposed instance segmentation architectures

    Predicting Deeper into the Future of Semantic Segmentation

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    The ability to predict and therefore to anticipate the future is an important attribute of intelligence. It is also of utmost importance in real-time systems, e.g. in robotics or autonomous driving, which depend on visual scene understanding for decision making. While prediction of the raw RGB pixel values in future video frames has been studied in previous work, here we introduce the novel task of predicting semantic segmentations of future frames. Given a sequence of video frames, our goal is to predict segmentation maps of not yet observed video frames that lie up to a second or further in the future. We develop an autoregressive convolutional neural network that learns to iteratively generate multiple frames. Our results on the Cityscapes dataset show that directly predicting future segmentations is substantially better than predicting and then segmenting future RGB frames. Prediction results up to half a second in the future are visually convincing and are much more accurate than those of a baseline based on warping semantic segmentations using optical flow.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2017. Supplementary material available on the authors' webpage

    Using Prior Knowledge for Verification and Elimination of Stationary and Variable Objects in Real-time Images

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    With the evolving technologies in the autonomous vehicle industry, now it has become possible for automobile passengers to sit relaxed instead of driving the car. Technologies like object detection, object identification, and image segmentation have enabled an autonomous car to identify and detect an object on the road in order to drive safely. While an autonomous car drives by itself on the road, the types of objects surrounding the car can be dynamic (e.g., cars and pedestrians), stationary (e.g., buildings and benches), and variable (e.g., trees) depending on if the location or shape of an object changes or not. Different from the existing image-based approaches to detect and recognize objects in the scene, in this research 3D virtual world is employed to verify and eliminate stationary and variable objects to allow the autonomous car to focus on dynamic objects that may cause danger to its driving. This methodology takes advantage of prior knowledge of stationary and variable objects presented in a virtual city and verifies their existence in a real-time scene by matching keypoints between the virtual and real objects. In case of a stationary or variable object that does not exist in the virtual world due to incomplete pre-existing information, this method uses machine learning for object detection. Verified objects are then removed from the real-time image with a combined algorithm using contour detection and class activation map (CAM), which helps to enhance the efficiency and accuracy when recognizing moving objects

    Bounding Box-Free Instance Segmentation Using Semi-Supervised Learning for Generating a City-Scale Vehicle Dataset

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    Vehicle classification is a hot computer vision topic, with studies ranging from ground-view up to top-view imagery. In remote sensing, the usage of top-view images allows for understanding city patterns, vehicle concentration, traffic management, and others. However, there are some difficulties when aiming for pixel-wise classification: (a) most vehicle classification studies use object detection methods, and most publicly available datasets are designed for this task, (b) creating instance segmentation datasets is laborious, and (c) traditional instance segmentation methods underperform on this task since the objects are small. Thus, the present research objectives are: (1) propose a novel semi-supervised iterative learning approach using GIS software, (2) propose a box-free instance segmentation approach, and (3) provide a city-scale vehicle dataset. The iterative learning procedure considered: (1) label a small number of vehicles, (2) train on those samples, (3) use the model to classify the entire image, (4) convert the image prediction into a polygon shapefile, (5) correct some areas with errors and include them in the training data, and (6) repeat until results are satisfactory. To separate instances, we considered vehicle interior and vehicle borders, and the DL model was the U-net with the Efficient-net-B7 backbone. When removing the borders, the vehicle interior becomes isolated, allowing for unique object identification. To recover the deleted 1-pixel borders, we proposed a simple method to expand each prediction. The results show better pixel-wise metrics when compared to the Mask-RCNN (82% against 67% in IoU). On per-object analysis, the overall accuracy, precision, and recall were greater than 90%. This pipeline applies to any remote sensing target, being very efficient for segmentation and generating datasets.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, submitted to journa
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