27 research outputs found

    Efficient Hill Climber for Multi-Objective Pseudo-Boolean Optimization

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    Chicano, F., Whitley D., & Tinós R. (2016). Efficient Hill Climber for Multi-Objective Pseudo-Boolean Optimization. 16th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization (LNCS 9595), pp. 88-103Local search algorithms and iterated local search algorithms are a basic technique. Local search can be a stand-alone search method, but it can also be hybridized with evolutionary algorithms. Recently, it has been shown that it is possible to identify improving moves in Hamming neighborhoods for k-bounded pseudo-Boolean optimization problems in constant time. This means that local search does not need to enumerate neighborhoods to find improving moves. It also means that evolutionary algorithms do not need to use random mutation as a operator, except perhaps as a way to escape local optima. In this paper, we show how improving moves can be identified in constant time for multiobjective problems that are expressed as k-bounded pseudo-Boolean functions. In particular, multiobjective forms of NK Landscapes and Mk Landscapes are considered.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Fulbright program, Ministerio de Educación (CAS12/00274), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (TIN2014-57341-R), Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Materiel Command, USAF (FA9550-11-1-0088), FAPESP (2015/06462-1) and CNPq

    Local Optimal Sets and Bounded Archiving on Multi-objective NK-Landscapes with Correlated Objectives

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    The properties of local optimal solutions in multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems are crucial for the effectiveness of local search algorithms, particularly when these algorithms are based on Pareto dominance. Such local search algorithms typically return a set of mutually nondominated Pareto local optimal (PLO) solutions, that is, a PLO-set. This paper investigates two aspects of PLO-sets by means of experiments with Pareto local search (PLS). First, we examine the impact of several problem characteristics on the properties of PLO-sets for multi-objective NK-landscapes with correlated objectives. In particular, we report that either increasing the number of objectives or decreasing the correlation between objectives leads to an exponential increment on the size of PLO-sets, whereas the variable correlation has only a minor effect. Second, we study the running time and the quality reached when using bounding archiving methods to limit the size of the archive handled by PLS, and thus, the maximum size of the PLO-set found. We argue that there is a clear relationship between the running time of PLS and the difficulty of a problem instance.Comment: appears in Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII, Ljubljana : Slovenia (2014

    Local Optimal Sets and Bounded Archiving on Multi-objective NK-Landscapes with Correlated Objectives

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    The properties of local optimal solutions in multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems are crucial for the effectiveness of local search algorithms, particularly when these algorithms are based on Pareto dominance. Such local search algorithms typically return a set of mutually nondominated Pareto local optimal (PLO) solutions, that is, a PLO-set. This paper investigates two aspects of PLO-sets by means of experiments with Pareto local search (PLS). First, we examine the impact of several problem characteristics on the properties of PLO-sets for multi-objective NK-landscapes with correlated objectives. In particular, we report that either increasing the number of objectives or decreasing the correlation between objectives leads to an exponential increment on the size of PLO-sets, whereas the variable correlation has only a minor effect. Second, we study the running time and the quality reached when using bounding archiving methods to limit the size of the archive handled by PLS, and thus, the maximum size of the PLO-set found. We argue that there is a clear relationship between the running time of PLS and the difficulty of a problem instance.Comment: appears in Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII, Ljubljana : Slovenia (2014

    An Analysis on Selection for High-Resolution Approximations in Many-Objective Optimization

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    This work studies the behavior of three elitist multi- and many-objective evolutionary algorithms generating a high-resolution approximation of the Pareto optimal set. Several search-assessment indicators are defined to trace the dynamics of survival selection and measure the ability to simultaneously keep optimal solutions and discover new ones under different population sizes, set as a fraction of the size of the Pareto optimal set.Comment: apperas in Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII, Ljubljana : Slovenia (2014

    Multi-Line distance minimization: A visualized many-objective test problem suite

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    Studying the search behavior of evolutionary many objective optimization is an important, but challenging issue. Existing studies rely mainly on the use of performance indicators which, however, not only encounter increasing difficulties with the number of objectives, but also fail to provide the visual information of the evolutionary search. In this paper, we propose a class of scalable test problems, called multi-line distance minimization problem (ML-DMP), which are used to visually examine the behavior of many-objective search. Two key characteristics of the ML-DMP problem are: 1) its Pareto optimal solutions lie in a regular polygon in the two-dimensional decision space, and 2) these solutions are similar (in the sense of Euclidean geometry) to their images in the high-dimensional objective space. This allows a straightforward understanding of the distribution of the objective vector set (e.g., its uniformity and coverage over the Pareto front) via observing the solution set in the two-dimensional decision space. Fifteen well-established algorithms have been investigated on three types of 10 ML-DMP problem instances. Weakness has been revealed across classic multi-objective algorithms (such as Pareto-based, decomposition based and indicator-based algorithms) and even state-of-the-art algorithms designed especially for many-objective optimization. This, together with some interesting observations from the experimental studies, suggests that the proposed ML-DMP may also be used as a benchmark function to challenge the search ability of optimization algorithms.10.13039/501100000266-Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; 10.13039/501100001809-National Natural Science Foundation of China; 10.13039/501100000288-Royal Society

    On the Combined Impact of Population Size and Sub-problem Selection in MOEA/D

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    This paper intends to understand and to improve the working principle of decomposition-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. We review the design of the well-established Moea/d framework to support the smooth integration of different strategies for sub-problem selection, while emphasizing the role of the population size and of the number of offspring created at each generation. By conducting a comprehensive empirical analysis on a wide range of multi-and many-objective combinatorial NK landscapes, we provide new insights into the combined effect of those parameters on the anytime performance of the underlying search process. In particular, we show that even a simple random strategy selecting sub-problems at random outperforms existing sophisticated strategies. We also study the sensitivity of such strategies with respect to the ruggedness and the objective space dimension of the target problem.Comment: European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Apr 2020, Seville, Spai

    Connectedness and Local Search for Bicriteria Knapsack Problems

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    Best paper award / The final publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceThis article reports an experimental study on a given structural property of connectedness of optimal solutions for two variants of the bicriteria knapsack problem. A local search algorithm that explores this property is then proposed and its performance is compared against exact algorithms in terms of running time and number of optimal solutions found. The experimental results indicate that this simple local search algorithm is able to find a representative set of optimal solutions in most of the cases, and in much less time than exact approaches

    Closed state model for understanding the dynamics of MOEAs

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    International audienceThis work proposes the use of simple closed state models to capture, analyze and compare the dynamics of multi- and many-objective evolutionary algorithms. Two- and three-state models representing the composition of the instantaneous population are described and learned for representatives of the major approaches to multi-objective optimization, i.e. dominance, extensions of dominance, decomposition, and indicator algorithms. The model parameters are trained from data obtained running the algorithms with various population sizes on enumerable MNK-landscapes with 3, 4, 5 and 6 objectives. We show ways to interpret and use the model parameter values in order to analyze the population dynamics according to selected features. For example, we are interested in knowing how parameter values change for a given population size with the increase of the number of objectives. We also show a graphical representation capturing in one graph how the parameters magnitude and sign relate to the connections between states

    Surrogate-assisted Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization based on Decomposition and Walsh Basis

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    International audienceWe consider the design and analysis of surrogate-assisted algorithms for expensive multi-objective combinatorial optimization. Focusing on pseudo-boolean functions, we leverage existing techniques based on Walsh basis to operate under the decomposition framework of MOEA/D. We investigate two design components for the cheap generation of a promising pool of offspring and the actual selection of one solution for expensive evaluation. We propose different variants, ranging from a filtering approach that selects the most promising solution at each iteration by using the constructed Walsh surrogates to discriminate between a pool of offspring generated by variation, to a substitution approach that selects a solution to evaluate by optimizing the Walsh surrogates in a multi-objective manner. Considering bi-objective NK landscapes as benchmark problems offering different degree of non-linearity, we conduct a comprehensive empirical analysis including the properties of the achievable approximation sets, the anytime performance, and the impact of the order used to train the Walsh surrogates. Our empirical findings show that, although our surrogate-assisted design is effective, the optimal integration of Walsh models within a multi-objective evolutionary search process gives rise to particular questions for which different trade-off answers can be obtained