15 research outputs found

    Automatic Performance Testing using Input-Sensitive Profiling

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    During performance testing, software engineers commonly perform application profiling to analyze an application\u27s traces with different inputs to understand performance behaviors, such as time and space consumption. However, a non-trivial application commonly has a large number of inputs, and it is mostly manual to identify the specific inputs leading to performance bottlenecks. Thus, it is challenge is to automate profiling and find these specific inputs. To solve these problems, we propose novel approaches, FOREPOST, GA-Prof and PerfImpact, which automatically profile applications for finding the specific combinations of inputs triggering performance bottlenecks, and further analyze the corresponding traces to identify problematic methods. Specially, our approaches work in two different types of real-world scenarios of performance testing: i) a single-version scenario, in which performance bottlenecks are detected in a single software release, and ii) a two-version scenario, in which code changes responsible for performance regressions are detected by considering two consecutive software releases

    On data skewness, stragglers, and MapReduce progress indicators

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    We tackle the problem of predicting the performance of MapReduce applications, designing accurate progress indicators that keep programmers informed on the percentage of completed computation time during the execution of a job. Through extensive experiments, we show that state-of-the-art progress indicators (including the one provided by Hadoop) can be seriously harmed by data skewness, load unbalancing, and straggling tasks. This is mainly due to their implicit assumption that the running time depends linearly on the input size. We thus design a novel profile-guided progress indicator, called NearestFit, that operates without the linear hypothesis assumption and exploits a careful combination of nearest neighbor regression and statistical curve fitting techniques. Our theoretical progress model requires fine-grained profile data, that can be very difficult to manage in practice. To overcome this issue, we resort to computing accurate approximations for some of the quantities used in our model through space- and time-efficient data streaming algorithms. We implemented NearestFit on top of Hadoop 2.6.0. An extensive empirical assessment over the Amazon EC2 platform on a variety of real-world benchmarks shows that NearestFit is practical w.r.t. space and time overheads and that its accuracy is generally very good, even in scenarios where competitors incur non-negligible errors and wide prediction fluctuations. Overall, NearestFit significantly improves the current state-of-art on progress analysis for MapReduce

    an interactive visualization framework for performance analysis

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    Input-sensitive profiling is a recent methodology for analyzing how the performance of a routine scales as a function of the workload size. As increasingly more detailed profiles are collected by an input-sensitive profiler, the information conveyed to a user can quickly become overwhelming. In this paper, we present an interactive graphical tool called aprof-plot for visualizing performance profiles. Exploiting curve fitting techniques, aprof-plot can estimate the asymptotic complexity of each routine, pointing the attention of the programmer to the most critical routines of an application. A variety of routine-based charts can be automatically generated by our tool, allowing the developer to analyze the performance scalability of a routine. Several examples based on real-world applications are discussed, showing how to conduct an effective performance investigation using aprof-plot

    On Improving (Non)Functional Testing

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    Software testing is commonly classified into two categories, nonfunctional testing and functional testing. The goal of nonfunctional testing is to test nonfunctional requirements, such as performance and reliability. Performance testing is one of the most important types of nonfunctional testing, one goal of which is to detect the phenomena that an Application Under Testing (AUT) exhibits unexpectedly worse performance (e.g., lower throughput) with some input data. During performance testing, a critical challenge is to understand the AUT’s behaviors with large numbers of combinations of input data and find the particular subset of inputs leading to performance bottlenecks. However, enumerating those particular inputs and identifying those bottlenecks are always laborious and intellectually intensive. In addition, for an evolving software system, some code changes may accidentally degrade performance between two software versions, it is even more challenging to find problematic changes (out of a large number of committed changes) may lead to performance regressions under certain test inputs. This dissertation presents a set of approaches to automatically find specific combinations of input data for exposing performance bottlenecks and further analyze execution traces to identify performance bottlenecks. In addition, this dissertation also provides an approach that automatically estimates the impact of code changes on performance degradation between two released software versions to identify the problematic ones likely leading to performance regressions. Functional testing is used to test the functional correctness of AUTs. Developers commonly write test suites for AUTs to test different functionalities and locate functional faults. During functional testing, developers rely on some strategies to order test cases to achieve certain objectives, such as exposing faults faster, which is known as Test Case Prioritization (TCP). TCP techniques are commonly classified into two categories, dynamic and static techniques. A set of empirical studies has been conducted to examine and understand different TCP techniques, but there is a clear gap in existing studies. No study has compared static techniques against dynamic techniques and comprehensively examined the impact of test granularity, program size, fault characteristics, and the similarities in terms of fault detection on TCP techniques. Thus, this dissertation presents an empirical study to thoroughly compare static and dynamic TCP techniques in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and similarity of uncovered faults at different granularities on a large set of real-world programs, and further analyze the potential impact of program size and fault characteristics on TCP evaluation. Moreover, in the prior work, TCP techniques have been typically evaluated against synthetic software defects, called mutants. For this reason, it is currently unclear whether TCP performance on mutants would be representative of the performance achieved on real faults. to answer this fundamental question, this dissertation presents the first empirical study that investigates TCP performance when applied to both real-world faults and mutation faults for understanding the representativeness of mutants

    Performanzabschätzung von parallelen Programmen durch symbolische Ausführung

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    Die Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit aktueller Prozessgenerationen wird durch das Hinzufügen von zusätzlichen Rechenkernen erreicht. Durch die hieraus gegebene Möglichkeit der nebenläufigen Ausführung von unabhängigen Teilstücken einer Anwendung kann die Ausführungszeit signifikant verringert werden. Damit eine Anwendung von Parallelisierung profitieren kann, müssen hierfür passende Stellen im Quellcode vom Entwickler erkannt und parallelisiert werden. Durch eine Bestimmung von Ausführungskosten können teure Pfade erkannt und analysiert werden. Da sich die Laufzeiten einer Anwendung durch unterschiedliche Eingabeparameter ändern, müssen diese entsprechend gewählt werden. Um passende Eingaben zu erzeugen, kann das Prinzip der symbolischen Ausführung verwendet werden. Hierbei wird der Kontrollfluss analysiert und die Variablenbelegung so angepasst, dass eine hohe Abdeckung ermöglicht wird. Ein großes Problem der symbolischen Ausführung stellt die Pfad-Explosion dar. Die fortschreitende Teilung von Pfaden an Verzweigungspunkten führt zu einem exponentiellen Wachstum der Anzahl an Pfaden. Ab einem bestimmten Punkt kann deren Anzahl zu groß werden, als dass sie die Testanwendung sinnvoll verwalten könnte. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Entwickler dabei zu unterstützen, in einer bereits vorhandenen Anwendung Schleifen mit Parallelisierungspotential im Quellcode zu finden. Hierzu soll das auf der Compiler-Infrastruktur LLVM aufbauende Test-Programm KLEE erweitert werden. Die primäre Aufgabe von KLEE ist es, durch symbolische Ausführung Ausführungspfade durch Anwendungen zu bestimmen und deren Wege auf vorgegebene Fehlerfälle zu untersuchen. Mit Hilfe der symbolischen Ausführung sollen Variablenbelegungen bestimmt werden, die zu hohen Ausführungskosten bei einem Pfad führen. Durch die Analyse der Pfade auf Hot-Spots, also Bereiche, die besonders hohe Kosten verursachen, wird es einem Entwickler ermöglicht, gezielt diese auf ihr Parallelisierungspotential zu untersuchen. Um dem Problem der Pfad EXplosion entgegen zu wirken, muss die Implementierung sinnvoll zwischen den Ausführungspfaden wählen können. Es sollen nur die Pfade weiter analysiert werden, bei denen absehbar ist, dass sie zu interessanten Problemstellen führen

    Computing homomorphic program invariants

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    Program invariants are properties that are true at a particular program point or points. Program invariants are often undocumented assertions made by a programmer that hold the key to reasoning correctly about a software verification task. Unlike the contemporary research in which program invariants are defined to hold for all control flow paths, we propose \textit{homomorphic program invariants}, which hold with respect to a relevant equivalence class of control flow paths. For a problem-specific task, homomorphic program invariants can form stricter assertions. This work demonstrates that the novelty of computing homomorphic program invariants is both useful and practical. Towards our goal of computing homomorphic program invariants, we deal with the challenge of the astronomical number of paths in programs. Since reasoning about a class of program paths must be efficient in order to scale to real-world programs, we extend prior work to efficiently divide program paths into equivalence classes with respect to control flow events of interest. Our technique reasons about inter-procedural paths, which we then use to determine how to modify a program binary to abort execution at the start of an irrelevant program path. With off-the-shelf components, we employ the state-of-the-art in fuzzing and dynamic invariant detection tools to mine homomorphic program invariants. To aid in the task of identifying likely software anomalies, we develop human-in-the-loop analysis methodologies and a toolbox of human-centric static analysis tools. We present work to perform a statically-informed dynamic analysis to efficiently transition from static analysis to dynamic analysis and leverage the strengths of each approach. To evaluate our approach, we apply our techniques to three case study audits of challenge applications from DARPA\u27s Space/Time Analysis for Cybersecurity (STAC) program. In the final case study, we discover an unintentional vulnerability that causes a denial of service (DoS) in space and time, despite the challenge application having been hardened against static and dynamic analysis techniques

    Virtualizing Data Parallel Systems for Portability, Productivity, and Performance.

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    Computer systems equipped with graphics processing units (GPUs) have become increasingly common over the last decade. In order to utilize the highly data parallel architecture of GPUs for general purpose applications, new programming models such as OpenCL and CUDA were introduced, showing that data parallel kernels on GPUs can achieve speedups by several orders of magnitude. With this success, applications from a variety of domains have been converted to use several complicated OpenCL/CUDA data parallel kernels to benefit from data parallel systems. Simultaneously, the software industry has experienced a massive growth in the amount of data to process, demanding more powerful workhorses for data parallel computation. Consequently, additional parallel computing devices such as extra GPUs and co-processors are attached to the system, expecting more performance and capability to process larger data. However, these programming models expose hardware details to programmers, such as the number of computing devices, interconnects, and physical memory size of each device. This degrades productivity in the software development process as programmers must manually split the workload with regard to hardware characteristics. This process is tedious and prone to errors, and most importantly, it is hard to maximize the performance at compile time as programmers do not know the runtime behaviors that can affect the performance such as input size and device availability. Therefore, applications lack portability as they may fail to run due to limited physical memory or experience suboptimal performance across different systems. To cope with these challenges, this thesis proposes a dynamic compiler framework that provides the OpenCL applications with an abstraction layer for physical devices. This abstraction layer virtualizes physical devices and memory sub-systems, and transparently orchestrates the execution of multiple data parallel kernels on multiple computing devices. The framework significantly improves productivity as it provides hardware portability, allowing programmers to write an OpenCL program without being concerned of the target devices. Our framework also maximizes performance by balancing the data parallel workload considering factors like kernel dependencies, device performance variation on workloads of different sizes, the data transfer cost over the interconnect between devices, and physical memory limits on each device.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113361/1/jhaeng_1.pd