46 research outputs found

    Empirical Assessment on Mathematics and Sciences’ Understanding Among Physically Challenged Pupils Using Information and Communication Technology

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    This work is an empirical assessment of the physically challenged students (deaf) in mathematics with a view of recognition and reintegration the brains among them back to the technological world view. The research design for the study is a quasi- experimental research design with experimental and control group. The sample for the study and Science consisted of 40 primary IV deaf pupils selected by strategically purposive sampling techniques from special school (of deaf) for the study. The instrument used for the study is Mathematics Achievement Test. The instructional package used was a comprehensive lesson plan on two major topics in Mathematics (Algebra and construction) with Visualized Instructional Package (VIP) anchored by a trained special Mathematics teacher. Finding revealed that the introduction of ICT and imagery in the teaching of the special pupils enhanced academic performance of physically challenged in mathematics Suggestions were made to stakeholders on the need to embrace ICT in the teaching of the special pupils in Mathematics

    Factors Influencing the Usage of ICT in Secondary Schools: A Case Study in Telangana State of India

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    Results are reported from a study in which teachers’ views on usage and impact of information and communication technology in secondary schools, were compared between private and government schools and between the state board (SSC) syllabus and CBSE board syllabus. The main purpose of the study was to answer the following questions: Firstly, How socio economic parameters can impact the ICT usage, Secondly, What differential role does ownership (Public/Private) of the management has an impact on the usage of ICT and Thirdly, How the board of education can have an impact on the usage of ICT in secondary schools? The key finding the study are as follows First, Gender, age group has no impact on ICT usage, Secondly, the ownership of management i.e Government schools Vs private schools has no impact on the usage of ICT in secondary schools, Thirdly,  it’s been observed that there is a significant impact of board of education , i.e State board Vs CBSE board on the usage of ICT in secondary schools Keywords: Gender, age, income, StateSecondary Certificate (SSC), Central Boardfor Secondary Education(CBSE), ICT, government, privat

    ESL Teacher and ICT:Teachers' Perception

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    Exploring awareness and factors facilitating diffusion, adoption and use of social media in teaching, learning and research by faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    This paper focused on Exploring Awareness and Factors Facilitating Diffusion, Adoption and Use of Social Media in Teaching, Learning and Research (TLR) by Faculty Members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The objectives of this paper are: To identify the types social media faculty members of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, are aware of and to identify factors that facilitate the diffusion, adoption and use of social media in TLR by faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The researchers used single case study research design for this study. The population of this study comprised all the faculty members including staff in training in the 12 faculties of ABU, Zaria with a total number of One thousand nine hundred and fifty nine (1, 959). The researchers selected participants purposefully who must have had life experiences with using social media in Teaching, Learning, Research. Thus, the researchers used this criterion to select 12 faculty members for the interview, one from each faculty. The researcher employed interview as the instrument for collecting data. The researcher adopted the thematic process of data analysis. It was found out that Faculty members were aware of two types of social media: Everyday life Social Media and Scholarly Social Media. Factors that facilitate the diffusion of social media for TLR are: being technologically savvy (curiosity), social media as a tool for interactions, social media as a tool for collaboration and Interactions among faculty members. Factors that facilitate Adoption of social media for TLR by the faculty members are academic network, official academic gathering, and family members. Factors that facilitate the Use of social media by the faculty members are social media benefit, ease of use and Exposure of faculty members abroad (training) etc. It was concluded that Faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria were aware of scholarly social media and everyday life social media. They indicated that diffusion, adoption and use of social media for teaching, learning and research depend on some factors. These factors included curiosity, Academic connectivity like academic colleagues, online forums, students etc. It was recommended that University management should mount training programmes aimed at creating awareness on the academic implication of the two social media types and how best to apply in Teaching, Learning, Research. Training programmes in the form of workshops, conferences and symposium etc. would ensure increased awareness and encourage best practice and Faculty members should endeavor to acquire technology savvy skills as it will help in upstanding social media technologies which will improve Teaching, Learning and Research in the University

    The Implementation Of Ict In Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    [EN] Innovation in education through the use of ICT plays a very important role on human evolution. The use of ICT innovation in education breaks up existing barriers and expands knowledge frontiers, opening the possibility of developing a more skilled labour force once students end their studies. For this to take place, the existence of ICT champions, defined as those who actively promote and foster the use of technology in institutions, and competent teacher training programs are essential so that information is transmitted efficiently to students. The objective of this research is to analyse existing publications related to ICT innovation in education to understand better the impact and benefits on society of the implementation of ICT in education, as well as getting to know the keys to implementing it successfully. The methodology applied is bibliometric analysis, this is a systematic literature review which consists of analysing a large number of papers and extracting relevant conclusions related to the topic. The Web of Science database was used to select the papers to be reviewed. The keywords: Education, Innovation and ICT were combined using the Boolean operator ÂżANDÂż to conduct the search. Papers which we considered that best fitted the topic were selected from the Web of Science search result conducted previously.MartĂ­nez Climent, C.; Veciana-Belmonte, M.; Botella-Carrubi, D.; Sendra-GarcĂ­a, FJ. (2021). The Implementation Of Ict In Education: A Systematic Literature Review. IATED Academy. 1-10. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19065911

    Kaldor primary public art project: Working with contemporary public art and teachers through the e5 instructional model

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    This paper discusses the Kaldor Primary Public Art Project that was conceived and enacted during the late 2009 and first half of 2010, where the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (Victoria, Australia) worked in collaboration with Kaldor Public Art Projects.The concept of this project was developed by Kaldor Public Art Projects, a not-for-profit organisation that has pioneered the presentation of influential art projects in Australia. These projects have changed and shaped Australians’ perceptions and appreciation of contemporary art through the support and development of individual artists. The project aim was to build teacher capacity in using contemporary visual art in primary arts programs. The key components of the project highlighted building understanding and use of the e5 Instructional Model (Department of Education and Early Childhood., 2009); using interactive whiteboards as an instructional tool; and developing a resource for primary teachers that aligns with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, State Government of Victoria , 2009). This paper reflects the experiences of the ten teachers from Victorian government and catholic schools involved in the project. Throughout particular focus is made to honouring the voice of the teachers and students who experienced the contemporary public art units and lesson sequences using the e5 Instructional Model. Acknowledgement of the varied experiences prior and through the project is made to areas of visual arts program in schools and involvement in contemporary arts practice to highlight visual arts teachers' professional development and formation of a community

    Does Faculty Perceived ICT Abilities Influence Integration of Information and Communication Technologies in Instruction? A Case of University Early Childhood Education Programmes in Kenya

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based instruction provide opportunities whereby the teacher is a facilitator and learners are active participants. ICT has tended to make learners effectively connect theory and practice. For ICT to be successfully utilised in instruction teachers need to possess the prerequisite ICT abilities. This study aimed at evaluating integration of ICT in instruction in Early Childhood Education (ECE) programmes in universities in Kenya and how faculty perceived ICT abilities related to ICT integration in instruction. A sample of 88 lecturers purposely drawn from public and private universities that were ECE pioneers and offered ECE programmes formed the study subjects. Questionnaire, observation checklist and document analysis were used to collect data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were the methods of data analysis employed. Results from data analysed revealed that faculty were integrating basic ICT tools in instruction. It was also revealed that there was no significant difference in ICT integration in instruction by faculty in public and in private universities. The relationship between faculty perceived ICT abilities and ICT integration in instruction was highly significant at alpha value 0.05. It was recommended that there was need for university administration to organize in-service training for faculty to adequately learn how to integrate advanced ICT tools in instruction

    ICT in National Pandemic: The Hope for Academic Development (Case Study of Secondary Schools and Universities in Owerri Municipal Nigeria)

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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become more of a classroom to all nation in carrying out academic activities. This research work used descriptive research method of analysis. This study was concerned with looking at the significance and hope of nations through the use of ICT in academic development in secondary and university education in Owerri municipal Imo state, Nigeria. Out of the Two hundred and five (205) respondent used for this research from different schools, including teachers the majority of respondents 132 (64.4%) were females and the remaining 73 (35.6%) were males. Their ages were 73 (36 %) for 16-20 years, 61 (30 %) for 10-15 years, 51 (26%) for 20-25 years and 17 (8 %) for 26 years above. All the 205 respondents indicated that ICT is the only hope for distance learning during national pandemic for academic development. The researcher went further to ask the respondents the frequently used ICT software that aids online learning and the highest respond shown that whatsapp (50 %) was the highest used app due to its ability to reduce data consumption followed by Google classroom (24%). They found out that the use of ICT encourage research activities since all information needed for any form of online research is found on the internet. Majority of the respondents strongly agreed that ICT permits online assignment (57.5 %). Communicating high expectations, emphasizing time on task, creating quizzes and exams, immediate feedback mechanisms are major principles underlying teaching. This research can conclude that ICTs are said to help expand approach to education, support the relevance of education to the progressively digital workplace, and raise educational quality. Keywords: academic, ICT, national, pandemic DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-7-02 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Instrumentalization vs Instrumentation of Microlearning in a Math Class

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    The study aims to innovate the teaching and learning process of mathematics with a group of elementary school students from a rural population of Colombia, where the use of information and communications technology resources, as well as internet access in limited. The teachers implement microlearning so that children learn to solve arithmetic problems. The experience is descriptive with a non-probabilistic convenience sampling, developed from the creation and application of a virtual learning object whose pedagogical strategy was the use of microlearning. The study shows that the use of information and communications technology resources assist the students to learn mathematics. It also develops the office content, skill to interpret, know and solve mathematical problems from everyday situation to student