52 research outputs found

    Milk Contamination Problems in China - Implications for International Dairy Businesses

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    Agribusiness, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Comparison of the cooperation patterns and quality control of the dairy industry in China : a comparative case study of the Mengniu Group and the Yili Group

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    Food safety has been a global issue in the recent years, and in particular dairy product have come to attention. Dairy products are associated with people’s standard of living and economic prosperity. In recent decades, a number of developing countries, such as China, India and countries in South East Asia, have increased their share in global dairy production and consumption. However, the stronger consumers demand for dairy product, has been followed by increased concern about the quality of dairy product. After a well-reported milk scandal 2008, the dairy industry in China faced enormous challenges. To regain both lost both profits and reputation. Since this crisis, the Chinese dairy industry has continued to work with food safety to rebuild their reputation and improve the quality of dairy product and service. In this thesis, the work of two leading dairy companies in China, the Mengniu Dairy Company Limited and the Yili Group is presented and compared. These two cases hold leading positions in the world dairy market, and have been competing for many years. The analysis explores and compares how these two dairy industries cooperated with dairy farmers to control the quality of raw milk quality. The supply of the raw milk is a key element in the end-chain dairy products and the dairy farmers play a significant role in dairy supply chain, so the cooperation between processing companies and farmers will affect the success of the whole chain

    The power of big data : how big data affects organizational performance in Chinese dairy industry

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    The popularity of Big data system has increased in recent years due to the high speed and huge volume. Big data has changed firms the way to evaluate the marketplace, research customer demands and reconsider their business performance. Big data now is able to renovate the business model and reshape the structure in the market. In recent years, Big data has greatly influenced the organizational model in the Chinese dairy industry. But how the Chinese dairy firms grasp the Big data development opportunity and what results would it be? The objective of the study is to identify with the current insight on which level the dairy companies in China are initiated with Big data in order to investigate on how Big data can affect the organizational performance. And also to investigate what are the advantages and challenges for using Big data as well as the how Big data influences the decision-making in reality. For the theoretical part in this study, the focus is on organizational theory, the concept of digital technology, characteristics of Big data and business impacts of Big data. The qualitative research methods including literature review and in-depth interview have been used to know the situation of Big data implementation in Chinese dairy industry. The information management cycle has been used to the research in order to describe the empirical results. The research analysis has discovered that Big data allows dairy firms to add value to customers and decision-making process. However, Big data will raise the risk of disclosing the corporate privacy information and high costs for establishing Big data system will place a burden for most of the small dairy firms

    Research on Gambling Agreement in Private Equity Financing

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    Due to the high threshold requirements of applying for a large number of loans from banks, more and more small and medium-sized enterprises have chosen private placement to raise funds, and the betting agreements have been signed to protect the interests of both enterprises and investors. This paper analyzes the case that the bet agreement was applied by Mengniu Dairy and Morgan Stanley in private equity financing. It firstly expounds its background and financing process at that time, then explores why Mengniu Dairy can bet successfully. Finally, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to promote success of the gambling agreement in private equity especially for small and medium-sized enterprises

    Sustainable Protein Transformation in China: Update on Progress and Opportunities

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    In a world defined by climate change and biodiversity loss, declining food security, and malnutrition, it is undeniable that the global food system has reached an inflection point. As such, the need to transform the way we produce and consume food has become increasingly urgent, and the largest global meat, dairy and aquaculture companies play a key role in this transformation

    Identificaci?n y an?lisis de conflictos entre los actores de la cadena de suministros de la leche en el Per?

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    Para 2018, la producci?n mundial de leche se estim? en 827 millones de TM, lo que representar?a un incremento de 2% con relaci?n al a?o anterior. Para 2030 se estima que alcance las 1,268 TM que representar?a un incremento de 2.3% promedio anual. Sin embargo, el principal eslab?n est? fragmentado puesto que el 85.9% de los actores tiene menos de diez vacas. A esto se suma que la mayor?a de organizaciones de productores ganaderos carecen de una gesti?n adecuada lo que reduce su poder de negociaci?n y su capacidad de insertarse en el mercado. Frente a ellos, est? la gran industria, integrada b?sicamente por tres grandes empresas: Laive SA, Nestl? Per? SA y Leche Gloria SA. En el Per?, los conflictos de mayor envergadura dan motivo a disputas administrativas que se ventilan en las salas y tribunal del organismo regulador denominado INDECOPI que interviene s?lo ante fallas de mercado que lesionen intereses p?blicos. Para este estudio, se revisaron las resoluciones emitidas desde 2006 A trav?s de la relectura de los expedientes seleccionados, se identificaron los siguientes conflictos: 1. Reconstituci?n de leche en polvo importada; 2. Baja calidad de la leche fresca; 3. Bajos precios al productor; y 4. Ejercicio de la posici?n de dominio de los procesadores