102 research outputs found

    Relationships between correlated spikes, oxygen and LFP in the resting-state primate

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    Resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI) provides a view of human brain organization based on correlation patterns of blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signals recorded across the whole brain. The neural basis of resting-state BOLD fluctuations and their correlation remains poorly understood. We simultaneously recorded oxygen level, spikes, and local field potential (LFP) at multiple sites in awake, resting monkeys. Following a spike, the average local oxygen and LFP voltage responses each resemble a task-driven BOLD response, with LFP preceding oxygen by 0.5 s. Between sites, features of the long-range correlation patterns of oxygen, LFP, and spikes are similar to features seen in rsfMRI. Most of the variance shared between sites lies in the infraslow frequency band (0.01-0.1 Hz) and in the infraslow envelope of higher-frequency bands (e.g. gamma LFP). While gamma LFP and infraslow LFP are both strong correlates of local oxygen, infraslow LFP explains significantly more of the variance shared between correlated oxygen signals than any other electrophysiological signal. Together these findings are consistent with a causal relationship between infraslow LFP and long-range oxygen correlations in the resting state

    Cognitive and Physiologic Impacts of the Infraslow Oscillation

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    Brain states are traditionally recognized via sleep-wake cycles, but modern neuroscience is beginning to identify many sub-states within these larger arousal types. Multiple lines of converging evidence now point to the infraslow oscillation (ISO) as a mediator of brain sub-states, with impacts ranging from the creation of resting state networks (RSNs) in awake subjects to interruptions in neural activity during sleep. This review will explore first the basic characteristics of the ISO in human subjects before reviewing findings in sleep and in animals. Networks of consistently correlated brain regions known as RSNs seen in human functional neuroimaging studies oscillate together at infraslow frequencies. The infraslow rhythm subdivides nonREM in a manner that may correlate with plasticity. The mechanism of this oscillation may be found in the thalamus and may ultimately come from glial cells. Finally, I review the functional impacts of ISOs on brain phenomena ranging from higher frequency oscillations, to brain networks, to information representation and cognitive performance. ISOs represent a relatively understudied phenomenon with wide effects on the brain and behavior

    Brain rhythms of pain

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    Pain is an integrative phenomenon that results from dynamic interactions between sensory and contextual (i.e., cognitive, emotional, and motivational) processes. In the brain the experience of pain is associated with neuronal oscillations and synchrony at different frequencies. However, an overarching framework for the significance of oscillations for pain remains lacking. Recent concepts relate oscillations at different frequencies to the routing of information flow in the brain and the signaling of predictions and prediction errors. The application of these concepts to pain promises insights into how flexible routing of information flow coordinates diverse processes that merge into the experience of pain. Such insights might have implications for the understanding and treatment of chronic pain

    Neural Correlates of Spontaneous BOLD Fluctuations: A Simultaneous LFP-fMRI Investigation In The Non-human Primate

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    Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) is widely used to explore functional connectivity (FC) between brain regions across neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, the neural basis of spontaneous low frequency blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fluctuations is poorly understood. Here, we acquired rs-fMRI data in macaque monkeys together with simultaneous recordings of local field potentials (LFPs) in prefrontal cortex area 9/46d. We first evaluated the correlation between LFPs (1-100 Hz) and BOLD signals and found unique frequency power correlates of positive and negative FC. Anti-correlation of high and low power envelopes indicated that ongoing cross-frequency interactions are a neural correlate of FC. On the other hand, seed-based analysis of the BOLD signal from the vicinity of electrode revealed the same spatial topology when using the power envelopes of high frequency bands of LFPs in the regression analysis. Variations of the canonical hemodynamic response function (HRF) in distinct cortical areas were also investigated to find the optimal HRF that can best fit in model analysis and estimate the BOLD response. While we found the optimal HRF that yields the highest correlation, the HRF shape was consistent within subjects and between brain regions. Our results suggest that intrinsic connectivity networks may be specifically driven by unique LFP profiles and these profiles contribute differently to BOLD FC. This study provides insight into the neural correlates of spontaneous BOLD FC at rest

    Influence of Focal Activity on Macroscale Brain Dynamics in Health and Disease

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    Macroscopic recordings of brain activity (e.g. fMRI, EEG) are a sensitive biomarker of the neural networks supporting neurocognitive function. However, it remains largely unclear what mechanisms mediate changes in macroscale networks after focal brain injuries like stroke, seizure, and TBI. Recently, optical neuroimaging in animal models has emerged as a powerful tool to begin addressing these questions. Using widefield imaging of cortical calcium dynamics in mice, this dissertation investigates the mechanisms by which focal disruptions in activity alter brain-wide functional dynamics. In two chapters, I demonstrate 1) that focal sensory stimulation elicits state-dependent, global slow waves propagating from primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Using a focal ischemic stroke model, I show that bilateral activation of somatosensory cortices is required for initiating global SWs, while spontaneous SWs are generated independent of S1. 2) That regional disruption of cortical excitability induces widespread changes across cortical networks, using chemogenetic manipulation of parvalbumin interneurons to model focal epileptiform activity in S1. We further show that local imbalances in excitability propagate differentially through intra- and interhemispheric connections, and can induce plasticity in large-scale networks. These studies begin to define the mechanisms of macro-scale network disruption after focal injuries, adding to our understanding of how local cortical circuits modulate global brain networks

    Neural Basis of Functional Connectivity MRI

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    The brain is hierarchically organized across a range of scales. While studies based on electrophysiology and anatomy have been fruitful on the micron to millimeter scale, findings based on functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI) suggest that a higher level of brain organization has been largely overlooked. These findings show that the brain is organized into networks, and each network extends across multiple brain areas. This large-scale, across-area brain organization is functionally relevant and stable across subjects, primate species, and levels of consciousness. This dissertation addresses the neural origin of MRI functional connectivity. fcMRI relies on temporal correlation in at-rest blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fluctuations. Thus, understanding the neural origin of at-rest BOLD correlation is of critical significance. By shedding light on the origin of the large-scale brain organization captured by fcMRI, it will guide the design and interpretation of fcMRI studies. Prior investigations of the neural basis of BOLD have not addressed the at-rest BOLD correlation, and they have been focusing on task-related BOLD. At-rest BOLD correlation captured by fcMRI likely reflects a distinct physiological process that is different from that of task-related BOLD, since these two kinds of BOLD dynamics are different in their temporal scale, spatial spread, energy consumption, and their dependence on consciousness. To address this issue, we develop a system to simultaneously record oxygen and electrophysiology in at-rest, awake monkeys. We demonstrate that our oxygen measurement, oxygen polarography, captures the same physiological phenomenon as BOLD by showing that task-related polarographic oxygen responses and at-rest polarographic oxygen correlation are similar to those of BOLD. These results validate the use of oxygen polarography as a surrogate for BOLD to address the neural origin of MRI functional connectivity. Next, we show that at-rest oxygen correlation reflects at-rest correlation in electrophysiological signals, especially spiking activity of neurons. Using causality analysis, we show that oxygen is driven by slow changes in raw local field potential levels (slow LFP), and slow LFP itself is driven by spiking activity. These results provide critical support to the idea that oxygen correlation reflects neural activity, and pose significant challenges to the traditional view of neurohemodynamic coupling. In addition, we find that at-rest correlation does not originate from criticality, which has been the dominant hypothesis in the field. Instead, we show that at-rest correlation likely reflects a specific and potentially localized oscillatory process. We suggest that this oscillatory process could be a result of the delayed negative feedback loop between slow LFP and spiking activity. Thus, we conclude that at-rest BOLD correlation captured by fcMRI is driven by at-rest slow LFP correlation, which is itself driven by spiking activity correlation. The at-rest spiking activity correlation, itself, is likely driven by an oscillatory process. Future studies combining recording with interventional approaches, like pharmacological manipulation and microstimulation, will help to elucidate the circuitry underlying the oscillatory process and its potential functional role

    Low frequency hippocampal-cortical activity drives brain-wide resting-state functional MRI connectivity

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    The hippocampus, including the dorsal dentate gyrus (dDG), and cortex engage in bidirectional communication. We propose that low-frequency activity in hippocampal–cortical pathways contributes to brain-wide resting-state connectivity to integrate sensory information. Using optogenetic stimulation and brain-wide fMRI and resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI), we determined the large-scale effects of spatiotemporal-specific downstream propagation of hippocampal activity. Low-frequency (1 Hz), but not high-frequency (40 Hz), stimulation of dDG excitatory neurons evoked robust cortical and subcortical brain-wide fMRI responses. More importantly, it enhanced interhemispheric rsfMRI connectivity in various cortices and hippocampus. Subsequent local field potential recordings revealed an increase in slow oscillations in dorsal hippocampus and visual cortex, interhemispheric visual cortical connectivity, and hippocampal–cortical connectivity. Meanwhile, pharmacological inactivation of dDG neurons decreased interhemispheric rsfMRI connectivity. Functionally, visually evoked fMRI responses in visual regions also increased during and after low-frequency dDG stimulation. Together, our results indicate that low-frequency activity robustly propagates in the dorsal hippocampal–cortical pathway, drives interhemispheric cortical rsfMRI connectivity, and mediates visual processing

    Oxygen Polarography in the Awake Macaque: Bridging BOLD fMRI and Electrophysiology

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    Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI is the predominant method for evaluating human brain activity. This technique identifies brain activity by measuring blood oxygen changes associated with neural activity. Although clearly related, the nature of the relationship between BOLD fMRI identified brain activity and electrophysiologically measured neural activity remains unclear. Direct comparison of BOLD fMRI and electrophysiology has been severely limited by the technical challenges of combining the two techniques. Microelectrode electrophysiology in non-human primates is an excellent model for studying neural activity related to high order brain function similar to that commonly studied with BOLD fMRI in humans, i.e. attention, working memory, engagement. This thesis discusses the development of, validation of, and first results obtained using a new multi-site oxygen polarographic recording system in the awake macaques as a surrogate for BOLD fMRI. Oxygen polarography measures tissue oxygen which is coupled to blood oxygen. This tool offers higher resolution than BOLD fMRI and can be more readily combined with electrophysiology. Using this new tool we evaluated local field potential and oxygen responses to an engaging visual stimulus in two distinct brain systems. In area V3, a key region in the visual system and representative of stimulus driven sensory cortex, we show increased tissue oxygen and local field potential power in response to visual stimulus. In area 23 of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), a hub of the default-mode network we show decreased oxygen and local field potential in response to the same stimulus. The default-mode network is a set of brain regions identified in humans whose BOLD fMRI activity is higher at rest than during external engagement, arguing that they sub-serve a function that is engaged as the default-mode in humans. Our results provide new evidence of default-mode network activity in the macaque similar to that seen in humans, provide evidence that the BOLD identified default-mode suppression reflects neural suppression and overall support a strong relationship between neural activity and BOLD fMRI. However, we also note that the LFP responses in both regions show substantial nuances that cannot be seen in the oxygen response and suggest response complexity that is invisible with fMRI. Further the nature of the relationship between LFP and oxygen differs between regions. Our multi-site technique also allows us to evaluate inter-regional interaction of ongoing oxygen fluctuations. Inter-regional correlation of BOLD fMRI fluctuations is commonly used as an index of functional connectivity and has provided new insight into behaviorally relevant aspects of the brains organization and its disruption in disease. Here we demonstrate that we can measure the same inter-regional correlation using oxygen polarography. We utilize the increased resolution of our technique to investigate the frequency structure of the signals driving the correlation and find that inter-regional correlation of oxygen fluctuations appears to depend on a rhythmic mechanism operating at ~0.06 Hz

    Monkey in the middle: why non-human primates are needed to bridge the gap in resting-state investigations

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    Resting-state investigations based on the evaluation of intrinsic low-frequency fluctuations of the BOLD fMRI signal have been extensively utilized to map the structure and dynamics of large-scale functional network organization in humans. In addition to increasing our knowledge of normal brain connectivity, disruptions of the spontaneous hemodynamic fluctuations have been suggested as possible diagnostic indicators of neurological and psychiatric disease states. Though the non-invasive technique has been received with much acclamation, open questions remain regarding the origin, organization, phylogenesis, as well as the basis of disease-related alterations underlying the signal patterns. Experimental work utilizing animal models, including the use of neurophysiological recordings and pharmacological manipulations, therefore, represents a critical component in the understanding and successful application of resting-state analysis, as it affords a range of experimental manipulations not possible in human subjects. In this article, we review recent rodent and non-human primate studies and based on the examination of the homologous brain architecture propose the latter to be the best-suited model for exploring these unresolved resting-state concerns. Ongoing work examining the correspondence of functional and structural connectivity, state-dependency and the neuronal correlates of the hemodynamic oscillations are discussed. We then consider the potential experiments that will allow insight into different brain states and disease-related network disruptions that can extend the clinical applications of resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI)