270 research outputs found

    Information-based objective functions for active data selection

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    Learning can be made more efficient if we can actively select particularly salient data points. Within a Bayesian learning framework, objective functions are discussed that measure the expected informativeness of candidate measurements. Three alternative specifications of what we want to gain information about lead to three different criteria for data selection. All these criteria depend on the assumption that the hypothesis space is correct, which may prove to be their main weakness

    Active learning for feasible region discovery

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    Often in the design process of an engineer, the design specifications of the system are not completely known initially. However, usually there are some physical constraints which are already known, corresponding to a region of interest in the design space that is called feasible. These constraints often have no analytical form but need to be characterised based on expensive simulations or measurements. Therefore, it is important that the feasible region can be modeled sufficiently accurate using only a limited amount of samples. This can be solved by using active learning techniques that minimize the amount of samples w.r.t. what we try to model. Most active learning strategies focus on classification models or regression models with classification accuracy and regression accuracy in mind respectively. In this work, regression models of the constraints are used, but only the (in) feasibility is of interest. To tackle this problem, an information-theoretic sampling strategy is constructed to discover these regions. The proposed method is then tested on two synthetic examples and one engineering example and proves to outperform the current state-of-the-art

    Information theoretic approach to interactive learning

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    The principles of statistical mechanics and information theory play an important role in learning and have inspired both theory and the design of numerous machine learning algorithms. The new aspect in this paper is a focus on integrating feedback from the learner. A quantitative approach to interactive learning and adaptive behavior is proposed, integrating model- and decision-making into one theoretical framework. This paper follows simple principles by requiring that the observer's world model and action policy should result in maximal predictive power at minimal complexity. Classes of optimal action policies and of optimal models are derived from an objective function that reflects this trade-off between prediction and complexity. The resulting optimal models then summarize, at different levels of abstraction, the process's causal organization in the presence of the learner's actions. A fundamental consequence of the proposed principle is that the learner's optimal action policies balance exploration and control as an emerging property. Interestingly, the explorative component is present in the absence of policy randomness, i.e. in the optimal deterministic behavior. This is a direct result of requiring maximal predictive power in the presence of feedback.Comment: 6 page

    Active Learning for Hidden Attributes in Networks

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    In many networks, vertices have hidden attributes, or types, that are correlated with the networks topology. If the topology is known but these attributes are not, and if learning the attributes is costly, we need a method for choosing which vertex to query in order to learn as much as possible about the attributes of the other vertices. We assume the network is generated by a stochastic block model, but we make no assumptions about its assortativity or disassortativity. We choose which vertex to query using two methods: 1) maximizing the mutual information between its attributes and those of the others (a well-known approach in active learning) and 2) maximizing the average agreement between two independent samples of the conditional Gibbs distribution. Experimental results show that both these methods do much better than simple heuristics. They also consistently identify certain vertices as important by querying them early on
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