118 research outputs found

    Location based services in wireless ad hoc networks

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    In this dissertation, we investigate location based services in wireless ad hoc networks from four different aspects - i) location privacy in wireless sensor networks (privacy), ii) end-to-end secure communication in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks (security), iii) quality versus latency trade-off in content retrieval under ad hoc node mobility (performance) and iv) location clustering based Sybil attack detection in vehicular ad hoc networks (trust). The first contribution of this dissertation is in addressing location privacy in wireless sensor networks. We propose a non-cooperative sensor localization algorithm showing how an external entity can stealthily invade into the location privacy of sensors in a network. We then design a location privacy preserving tracking algorithm for defending against such adversarial localization attacks. Next we investigate secure end-to-end communication in randomly deployed wireless sensor networks. Here, due to lack of control on sensors\u27 locations post deployment, pre-fixing pairwise keys between sensors is not feasible especially under larger scale random deployments. Towards this premise, we propose differentiated key pre-distribution for secure end-to-end secure communication, and show how it improves existing routing algorithms. Our next contribution is in addressing quality versus latency trade-off in content retrieval under ad hoc node mobility. We propose a two-tiered architecture for efficient content retrieval in such environment. Finally we investigate Sybil attack detection in vehicular ad hoc networks. A Sybil attacker can create and use multiple counterfeit identities risking trust of a vehicular ad hoc network, and then easily escape the location of the attack avoiding detection. We propose a location based clustering of nodes leveraging vehicle platoon dispersion for detection of Sybil attacks in vehicular ad hoc networks --Abstract, page iii

    Joint ERCIM eMobility and MobiSense Workshop

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    Exploiting the power of multiplicity: a holistic survey of network-layer multipath

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    The Internet is inherently a multipath network: For an underlying network with only a single path, connecting various nodes would have been debilitatingly fragile. Unfortunately, traditional Internet technologies have been designed around the restrictive assumption of a single working path between a source and a destination. The lack of native multipath support constrains network performance even as the underlying network is richly connected and has redundant multiple paths. Computer networks can exploit the power of multiplicity, through which a diverse collection of paths is resource pooled as a single resource, to unlock the inherent redundancy of the Internet. This opens up a new vista of opportunities, promising increased throughput (through concurrent usage of multiple paths) and increased reliability and fault tolerance (through the use of multiple paths in backup/redundant arrangements). There are many emerging trends in networking that signify that the Internet's future will be multipath, including the use of multipath technology in data center computing; the ready availability of multiple heterogeneous radio interfaces in wireless (such as Wi-Fi and cellular) in wireless devices; ubiquity of mobile devices that are multihomed with heterogeneous access networks; and the development and standardization of multipath transport protocols such as multipath TCP. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature on network-layer multipath solutions. We will present a detailed investigation of two important design issues, namely, the control plane problem of how to compute and select the routes and the data plane problem of how to split the flow on the computed paths. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic articulation of the main design issues in network-layer multipath routing along with a broad-ranging survey of the vast literature on network-layer multipathing. We also highlight open issues and identify directions for future work

    Airborne Network Data Availability Using Peer to Peer Database Replication on a Distributed Hash Table

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    The concept of distributing one complex task to several smaller, simpler Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as opposed to one complex UAV is the way of the future for a vast number of surveillance and data collection tasks. One objective for this type of application is to be able to maintain an operational picture of the overall environment. Due to high bandwidth costs, centralizing all data may not be possible, necessitating a distributed storage system such as mobile Distributed Hash Table (DHT). A difficulty with this maintenance is that for an Airborne Network (AN), nodes are vehicles and travel at high rates of speed. Since the nodes travel at high speeds they may be out of contact with other nodes and their data becomes unavailable. To address this the DHT must include a data replication strategy to ensure data availability. This research investigates the percentage of data available throughout the network by balancing data replication and network bandwidth. The DHT used is Pastry with data replication using Beehive, running over an 802.11 wireless environment, simulated in Network Simulator 3. Results show that high levels of replication perform well until nodes are too tightly packed inside a given area which results in too much contention for limited bandwidth

    A Novel Efficient Dynamic Throttling Strategy for Blockchain-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in 6G-Enabled VSNs

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    Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) have emerged as a new social interaction paradigm, where vehicles can form social networks on the roads to improve the convenience/safety of passengers. VSNs are part of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) services, which is one of the industrial verticals in the coming sixth generation (6G) networks. The lower latency, higher connection density, and near-100% coverage envisaged in 6G will enable more efficient implementation of VSNs applications. The purpose of this study is to address the problem of lateral movements of attackers who could compromise one device in a VSN, given the large number of connected devices and services in VSNs and attack other devices and vehicles. This challenge is addressed via our proposed Blockchain-based Collaborative Distributed Intrusion Detection (BCDID) system with a novel Dynamic Throttling Strategy (DTS) to detect and prevent attackersā€™ lateral movements in VSNs. Our experiments showed how the proposed DTS improve the effectiveness of the BCDID system in terms of detection capabilities and handling queries three times faster than the default strategy with 350k queries tested. We concluded that our DTS strategy can increase transaction processing capacity in the BCDID system and improve its performance while maintaining the integrity of data on-chain

    An Architecture for M2M Enabled Social Networks

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    Social Networks (SNs), such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, are becoming more and more popular nowadays. People are now more connected than before. They share information, pictures, videos and news with their family and friends. However, sharing physical phenomena in SNs is still a manual process done by people themselves. For instance, people would like to share current health status, feelings, thoughts, weather or riding information with friends. The sharing of ambient information automatically in SNs can promote independent living. Moreover, it can enhance the autonomy and confidence of elderly people via continuous monitoring and health support. A set of biometric sensors, for example, placed within a patient body can inform a doctor about patientā€™s health status; hence the doctor can perform a remote diagnosis. Nowadays people are surrounded by devices like smartphone, sensors, cameras, computers and many other devices known as machines. These devices can automatically collect contextual information from the neighborhood. This thesis proposes an architecture for posting contextual information in SNs to support the automatic sharing of physical phenomena. In the proposed architecture, machines collect the contextual data through an overlay-based gateway to support scalability in terms of number of devices. Considering the resource-constrained devices, the architecture makes use of the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), a lightweight standard protocol. An SN processes that data into shareable information and disseminates it as appropriate within the usersā€™ Community of Interests (COIs) (e.g., family, friends). A proof of concept prototype is developed to verify the feasibility of the proposed architecture and its performance has been partially evaluated

    Security Enhancement of IoT and Fog Computing Via Blockchain Applications

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    Blockchain technology is now becoming highly appealing to the next generation because it is better tailored to the information age. Blockchain technologies can also be used in the Internet of Things (IoT) and fog computing. The development of IoT and Fog Computing technologies in different fields has resulted in a major improvement in distributed networks. Blockchain technology is now becoming highly appealing to the next generation because it is better tailored to the information age. Blockchain technologies can also be used in IoT and fog computing.  The blockchain principle necessitates a transparent data storage mechanism for storing and exchanging data and transactions throughout the network. In this paper, first, we explained Blockchain, its architecture, and its security. Then we view Blockchain application in IoT security. Then we explained Fog computing, Generic Security Requirements for Fog Computing, and we also discuss Blockchain applications that enhance Fog Computing Security. Finally, we conduct a review of some recent literature on using Blockchain applications to improve the security of IoT and fog computing and a comparison of the methods proposed in the literature
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