8 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: Powerpoint is one of the communication tools which used to presenting learning material, and this article aims to know the use of PowerPoint as media that can improve students’ speaking skill. Methodology: The researcher uses the Pre-experimental method one group Pretest-Posttest design by regulating pretest to measure the subordinate variable, test treatment, and regulating posttest. Main Findings: The result shows that posttest frequency is higher than pretest frequency by compering median 12.6> 12.2. it means that PowerPoint provides video, audio, animation, slideshow, etc. can improve students’ speaking skills. Applications of this study:  The population in this research are all of the students of MA Al-Asyhar Bungah Gresik with 20 social learners and 23 science learners class. Novelty/Originality of this study: Media makes the students more understand, the instructor must prepare the exciting material, by using interesting media it helps students more understand. Because the use of media will stimulate students' understanding, the teacher can use interested and straightforward media which can make them focus on the material


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    The industrial era 4.0 demands changes in various aspects of life, including using the learning strategies and media. A learning strategy that suits the demands of the industrial era 4.0 is online learning using digital information technology-based. Many platforms offered to teachers for online learning, both paid and free platforms. Google Classroom is an example of a free online learning platform. Meanwhile, Office Administration Vocational School teacher usualy conduct offline learning using PowerPoint. This study aimed to find out the effectiveness of learning media of Google Classroom and PowerPoint in increasing the learning motivation of students in Office Administration Vocational School (OAVS) in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study used a quantitative approach, a quasi-experimental method, and a non-equivalent control group design model. The population was students of OAVS in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, covering four districts and one city. The sample was selected by cluster sampling technique based on the districts or city. Each district or city selected two schools as a sample, in which homogenous in characteristics. Data collection techniques used observation, documentation, and focus group discussion.AbstrakEra industri 4.0 menuntut perubahan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk penggunaan strategi dan media pembelajaran. Strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tuntutan era industri 4.0 adalah pembelajaran online menggunakan berbasis teknologi informasi digital. Banyak platform yang ditawarkan kepada guru untuk pembelajaran online, baik platform berbayar maupun gratis. Google Classroom adalah contoh platform pembelajaran online gratis. Sedangkan guru SMK Administrasi Perkantoran biasanya melakukan pembelajaran offline dengan menggunakan PowerPoint. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan media pembelajaran Google Classroom dan PowerPoint dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa SMK Administrasi Perkantoran di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, metode eksperimen semu, dan model desain kelompok kontrol non-ekuivalen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK Administrasi Perkantoran di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang meliputi empat kabupaten dan satu kota. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik cluster sampling berdasarkan kabupaten atau kota. Setiap kabupaten atau kota memilih dua sekolah sebagai sampel yang sifatnya homogen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi, dan focus group discussion.

    Evaluating the Constructive or Destructive Role of PowerPoint in Accounting Education

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    Objectives:With change in technology teaching methodology also changed and technology penetrates into the class rooms. The most commonly used computer aided teaching methodology in class rooms is PowerPoint presentation. It replaces the traditional method of teaching i.e. whiteboard and marker. This study measure the impact of PowerPoint presentation on student' performance. Methodology:We choose 282 students studying accounting courses in various universities of Multan, Pakistan. We used SPSS and Microsoft Excel to analyze the data. Result:We found that PowerPoint has negative impact on the student's performance. But on the other hand, students feel tiresome with traditional method of teaching. Students prefer to take quantitative courses via traditional method, and they prefer to take qualitative courses by PowerPoint presentation

    La PercepciĂłn de los Estudiantes sobre Scrum usando un Proyecto en un Curso de IngenierĂ­a de Software

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    Gaining insight into what students experience in a course in software engineering is essential to the continuous development of the course design. The growing use of agile approaches in professional settings has facilitated their introduction into training and undergraduate courses in software engineering. This paper reports a case study of student participation in a course project by using a previously presented training model. We aimed to assess how students felt with the training model when conducting the 5 Scrum events: Sprint Planning, Daily Meeting, Sprint, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective. To achieve our goal, we applied a 22-item survey to 31 undergraduate students to gather students’ opinions. Results showed that most students had a positive opinion about team communication, the position of Scrum Master, Sprint goals definition, and guidance using meetings as a means of checkpoint

    Comparison of a Traditional Teaching Model to the SCALE-UP Teaching Model in Undergraduate Biology: A Mixed Method Study

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    This project compared a SCALE-UP teaching model to a traditional teaching model. Traditional teaching is now considered a poor motivator for student performance and interests, and the SCALE-UP model was proposed to combat these problems. SCALE-UP classrooms are designed to encourage cooperative learning as well as other active learning methods. The study looked at teacher and student opinions of the two models to determine which one they preferred and why. The study also compared the students' grades between the two classes to see if there was a difference between test scores, as well as learning gains for pre-test to post-test. Student and teacher behaviors were also quantified based on categories of engagement in class. The purpose of this study was to support the literature on the idea of a viable and better option to traditional lecture in the form of the SCALE-UP model. Based on the results, students prefer and enjoy a SCALE-UP classroom more than a traditional lecture. The students also performed better and learn more when compared to the traditional lecture class.M.S

    Teaching and Learning in Veterinary Education

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    In dem ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit (Teil I: Vorlesungen in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung) wurde anhand einer Literaturübersicht und einer schriftlich durchgeführten Befragung von Studierenden (n = 333) untersucht, wie die Ausbildung durch die didaktische Gestaltung von Vorlesungen verbessert werden kann. Es stellte sich heraus, dass Vorlesungen effektiv mit dem durchdachten Einsatz von PowerPoint unterstützen Vorträgen, dem Begegnen von Aufmerksamkeitsabnahme und Langeweile, Elementen des aktiven Lernens und des problemorientierten Lernens sowie der Bereitstellung von vorlesungsbegleitenden Handouts und Online-Materialien gestaltet werden können. Im Hinblick auf Erwartungen der Studierenden an eine gute Vorlesung wurde gezeigt, dass bei dem Einsatz von visuellen Medien und der Bereitstellung von Online-Unterlagen die Erwartungen der Studierenden weitestgehend erfüllt wurden. Mängel sahen die Studierenden bei der Ausführung von strukturierten und verständlichen Vorlesungen sowie bei der Bereitstellung von begleitenden Handouts. Auch der gewünschte Bezug zur Praxis, die Einbeziehung von Fallbeispielen sowie eine unterhaltsame Gestaltung von Vorlesungen und das Wecken von Begeisterung fehlten vielen Studierenden. Im Zusammenhang mit neuen Lehr- und Lernformen in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung wurde im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit der Einsatz von E-Learning untersucht (Teil II: E-Learning: Einsatzszenarien in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung). Hierzu wurden ebenfalls 333 Studierende schriftlich befragt. Von Interesse war, mit welchen Internetanwendungen die Studierenden bereits vertraut sind und wie sie dem Einsatz von E-Learning gegenüberstehen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Mehrheit der Studierenden die technischen Voraussetzungen für die Nutzung von E-Learning erfüllte und mit einer großen Anzahl von Internetanwendungen vertraut ist. Hinsichtlich der Einstellung zum Thema E-Learning standen die Studierenden, der jüngeren Semestern und die Studierenden, die bereits Erfahrungen mit E-Learning gemacht hatten, dem Einsatz von E-Learning positiver gegenüber. Im Rahmen von E-Learning wurde in einem dritten Teil dieser Arbeit (Teil III: Lernen mit Podcasts am Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin) eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, die klären sollte, ob Studierende der Veterinärmedizin den Einsatz von Podcasts für die Lehre wünschen und welche Dauer und Gestaltung bei Podcasts bevorzugt wird. Dazu wurden drei Internetseiten mit identischen Lehrinhalten erstellt, von denen die Studierenden eine auswählen konnten. Zwei dieser Internetseiten stellten Podcasts unterschiedlicher Länge zur Verfügung. Auf einer dritten Internetseite wurden die Lehrinhalte ohne Podcasts angeboten. Insgesamt besuchten 81 Studierende eine der drei Internetseiten. Die Mehrheit dieser Studierenden entschied sich für eine Internetseite mit Podcasts und bevorzugte dabei die kürzere Variante. Unter den Teilnehmern wurde eine Online-Befragung durchgeführt (n = 64). Der Großteil der Studierenden stand dem Einsatz von Podcasts positiv gegenüber und wünschte sich eine multimediale Ergänzung von Podcasts mit Videos (70%) und Bildern (72%).In the first part of this paper (Part I: Lectures in veterinary education) a literature review and a survey with veterinary students (n = 333) were conducted in order to clarify how to improve veterinary education. The focus was set on the didactic design of lectures. It was shown that lectures could be effectively designed with the appropriate use of PowerPoint presentations, prevention of attention decrease and boredom, the promotion of active and problem-based learning elements and the provision of handouts and online materials. In order to investigate the expectations of students on a good lecture, it was shown that teachers met the expectations regarding the use of visual media and the provision of supporting online documents. The students found fault with the performance of structured and understandable lectures and the provision of traditional handouts. Also many students missed practical relevance, additional case studies, an entertaining design of lectures and the awakening of enthusiasm. In the context of new teaching and learning methods in veterinary education, the use of e-learning was investigated in the second part of this paper (Part II: E-learning in veterinary education). As in part one 333 students were surveyed by questionnaire. It was of interest with what kind of internet applications the students already feel familiar with and how they regard the use of e-learning. It was shown that the majority of students met the technical requirements and was familiar with a large number of Internet applications. In respect of attitudes towards e-learning, it was concluded that students of lower semesters and students who have had experiences with e-learning looked upon e-learning more favourably. In the context of e-learning the third part of this work (Part III: Learning with podcasts at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), should clarify whether veterinary students want podcasts for learning and what duration and what kind of design the students prefer. Three websites were created with identical course content and students could choose one of these sites. On two of these sites podcasts of various lengths were available. On a third site, the course content was offered without podcasts. A total of 81 students visited one of the three websites. The majority of these students chose a website with podcasts and preferred the shorter version. Among the participants an online survey was conducted (n = 64). The majority of students was positive about the use of podcasts and preferred multimedia podcasts with videos (70%) and images (72%)


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    Hundreds of thousands of K-12 children in the United States are enrolled in online K-12 virtual schools that consistently report poor academic outcomes. There is a need to assess how well instructors in a synchronous online environment present new material to learners in a way that best aligns with how the brain manages and integrates new information into long-term memory. Online K-12 teachers use PowerPoint to design Electronic Slide Presentation (ESP) decks, which are used as their main form of instruction with their students during synchronous classes. The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) provides a set of principles which are proven to reduce extraneous cognitive processing, manage essential processing, and foster generative processing for learners. Yet many are concerned that teachers lack the skills and knowledge of best slide deck design practices required to create effective online learning environments. This research examines online K-12 teachers\u27 perceptions and practices related to designing ESP slides that mitigate extraneous cognitive load. This study establishes a base of knowledge previously unknown about online teacher practices to determine if there is a need for teacher education or professional development materials specific to improving synchronous K-12 virtual classroom learning outcomes in the context of ESP design. The purpose of the study was to investigate to what extent virtual K-12 teachers design their lesson slides to reduce cognitive overload for their students. A questionnaire was used to measure perceptions and practices of teachers at a large K-12 academy encompassing three schools in the Midwest state of Ohio. A rubric was then used to evaluate sample ESP decks submitted by teachers to assess adherence to the CTML principles known to reduce extraneous cognitive load. Collected demographic information was analyzed with frequencies, means, and standard deviations. Group differences were examined using t-tests and Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) tests. Associations among variables were examined with correlation and multiple linear regression tests. Results of this research might be used to support teacher education and development programs