51,182 research outputs found

    How to Spread a Rumor: Call Your Neighbors or Take a Walk?

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    We study the problem of randomized information dissemination in networks. We compare the now standard PUSH-PULL protocol, with agent-based alternatives where information is disseminated by a collection of agents performing independent random walks. In the VISIT-EXCHANGE protocol, both nodes and agents store information, and each time an agent visits a node, the two exchange all the information they have. In the MEET-EXCHANGE protocol, only the agents store information, and exchange their information with each agent they meet. We consider the broadcast time of a single piece of information in an nn-node graph for the above three protocols, assuming a linear number of agents that start from the stationary distribution. We observe that there are graphs on which the agent-based protocols are significantly faster than PUSH-PULL, and graphs where the converse is true. We attribute the good performance of agent-based algorithms to their inherently fair bandwidth utilization, and conclude that, in certain settings, agent-based information dissemination, separately or in combination with PUSH-PULL, can significantly improve the broadcast time. The graphs considered above are highly non-regular. Our main technical result is that on any regular graph of at least logarithmic degree, PUSH-PULL and VISIT-EXCHANGE have the same asymptotic broadcast time. The proof uses a novel coupling argument which relates the random choices of vertices in PUSH-PULL with the random walks in VISIT-EXCHANGE. Further, we show that the broadcast time of MEET-EXCHANGE is asymptotically at least as large as the other two's on all regular graphs, and strictly larger on some regular graphs. As far as we know, this is the first systematic and thorough comparison of the running times of these very natural information dissemination protocols.The authors would like to thank Thomas Sauerwald and Nicol\'{a}s Rivera for helpful discussions. This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the ANR Project PAMELA (ANR-16-CE23-0016-01), the NSF Award Numbers CCF-1461559, CCF-0939370 and CCF-18107, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship programme, and the ERC grant DYNAMIC MARCH

    Shortest, Fastest, and Foremost Broadcast in Dynamic Networks

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    Highly dynamic networks rarely offer end-to-end connectivity at a given time. Yet, connectivity in these networks can be established over time and space, based on temporal analogues of multi-hop paths (also called {\em journeys}). Attempting to optimize the selection of the journeys in these networks naturally leads to the study of three cases: shortest (minimum hop), fastest (minimum duration), and foremost (earliest arrival) journeys. Efficient centralized algorithms exists to compute all cases, when the full knowledge of the network evolution is given. In this paper, we study the {\em distributed} counterparts of these problems, i.e. shortest, fastest, and foremost broadcast with termination detection (TDB), with minimal knowledge on the topology. We show that the feasibility of each of these problems requires distinct features on the evolution, through identifying three classes of dynamic graphs wherein the problems become gradually feasible: graphs in which the re-appearance of edges is {\em recurrent} (class R), {\em bounded-recurrent} (B), or {\em periodic} (P), together with specific knowledge that are respectively nn (the number of nodes), Δ\Delta (a bound on the recurrence time), and pp (the period). In these classes it is not required that all pairs of nodes get in contact -- only that the overall {\em footprint} of the graph is connected over time. Our results, together with the strict inclusion between PP, BB, and RR, implies a feasibility order among the three variants of the problem, i.e. TDB[foremost] requires weaker assumptions on the topology dynamics than TDB[shortest], which itself requires less than TDB[fastest]. Reversely, these differences in feasibility imply that the computational powers of RnR_n, BΔB_\Delta, and PpP_p also form a strict hierarchy

    Investigating the Cost of Anonymity on Dynamic Networks

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    In this paper we study the difficulty of counting nodes in a synchronous dynamic network where nodes share the same identifier, they communicate by using a broadcast with unlimited bandwidth and, at each synchronous round, network topology may change. To count in such setting, it has been shown that the presence of a leader is necessary. We focus on a particularly interesting subset of dynamic networks, namely \textit{Persistent Distance} - G({\cal G}(PD)h)_{h}, in which each node has a fixed distance from the leader across rounds and such distance is at most hh. In these networks the dynamic diameter DD is at most 2h2h. We prove the number of rounds for counting in G({\cal G}(PD)2)_{2} is at least logarithmic with respect to the network size ∣V∣|V|. Thanks to this result, we show that counting on any dynamic anonymous network with DD constant w.r.t. ∣V∣|V| takes at least D+Ω(log ∣V∣)D+ \Omega(\text{log}\, |V| ) rounds where Ω(log ∣V∣)\Omega(\text{log}\, |V|) represents the additional cost to be payed for handling anonymity. At the best of our knowledge this is the fist non trivial, i.e. different from Ω(D)\Omega(D), lower bounds on counting in anonymous interval connected networks with broadcast and unlimited bandwith

    The Dynamics of Vehicular Networks in Urban Environments

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) have emerged as a platform to support intelligent inter-vehicle communication and improve traffic safety and performance. The road-constrained, high mobility of vehicles, their unbounded power source, and the emergence of roadside wireless infrastructures make VANETs a challenging research topic. A key to the development of protocols for inter-vehicle communication and services lies in the knowledge of the topological characteristics of the VANET communication graph. This paper explores the dynamics of VANETs in urban environments and investigates the impact of these findings in the design of VANET routing protocols. Using both real and realistic mobility traces, we study the networking shape of VANETs under different transmission and market penetration ranges. Given that a number of RSUs have to be deployed for disseminating information to vehicles in an urban area, we also study their impact on vehicular connectivity. Through extensive simulations we investigate the performance of VANET routing protocols by exploiting the knowledge of VANET graphs analysis.Comment: Revised our testbed with even more realistic mobility traces. Used the location of real Wi-Fi hotspots to simulate RSUs in our study. Used a larger, real mobility trace set, from taxis in Shanghai. Examine the implications of our findings in the design of VANET routing protocols by implementing in ns-3 two routing protocols (GPCR & VADD). Updated the bibliography section with new research work

    Applications of Temporal Graph Metrics to Real-World Networks

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    Real world networks exhibit rich temporal information: friends are added and removed over time in online social networks; the seasons dictate the predator-prey relationship in food webs; and the propagation of a virus depends on the network of human contacts throughout the day. Recent studies have demonstrated that static network analysis is perhaps unsuitable in the study of real world network since static paths ignore time order, which, in turn, results in static shortest paths overestimating available links and underestimating their true corresponding lengths. Temporal extensions to centrality and efficiency metrics based on temporal shortest paths have also been proposed. Firstly, we analyse the roles of key individuals of a corporate network ranked according to temporal centrality within the context of a bankruptcy scandal; secondly, we present how such temporal metrics can be used to study the robustness of temporal networks in presence of random errors and intelligent attacks; thirdly, we study containment schemes for mobile phone malware which can spread via short range radio, similar to biological viruses; finally, we study how the temporal network structure of human interactions can be exploited to effectively immunise human populations. Through these applications we demonstrate that temporal metrics provide a more accurate and effective analysis of real-world networks compared to their static counterparts.Comment: 25 page

    Distributed Queuing in Dynamic Networks

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    We consider the problem of forming a distributed queue in the adversarial dynamic network model of Kuhn, Lynch, and Oshman (STOC 2010) in which the network topology changes from round to round but the network stays connected. This is a synchronous model in which network nodes are assumed to be fixed, the communication links for each round are chosen by an adversary, and nodes do not know who their neighbors are for the current round before they broadcast their messages. Queue requests may arrive over rounds at arbitrary nodes and the goal is to eventually enqueue them in a distributed queue. We present two algorithms that give a total distributed ordering of queue requests in this model. We measure the performance of our algorithms through round complexity, which is the total number of rounds needed to solve the distributed queuing problem. We show that in 1-interval connected graphs, where the communication links change arbitrarily between every round, it is possible to solve the distributed queueing problem in O(nk) rounds using O(log n) size messages, where n is the number of nodes in the network and k <= n is the number of queue requests. Further, we show that for more stable graphs, e.g. T-interval connected graphs where the communication links change in every T rounds, the distributed queuing problem can be solved in O(n+ (nk/min(alpha,T))) rounds using the same O(log n) size messages, where alpha > 0 is the concurrency level parameter that captures the minimum number of active queue requests in the system in any round. These results hold in any arbitrary (sequential, one-shot concurrent, or dynamic) arrival of k queue requests in the system. Moreover, our algorithms ensure correctness in the sense that each queue request is eventually enqueued in the distributed queue after it is issued and each queue request is enqueued exactly once. We also provide an impossibility result for this distributed queuing problem in this model. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first solutions to the distributed queuing problem in adversarial dynamic networks.Comment: In Proceedings FOMC 2013, arXiv:1310.459

    LUNES: Agent-based Simulation of P2P Systems (Extended Version)

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    We present LUNES, an agent-based Large Unstructured NEtwork Simulator, which allows to simulate complex networks composed of a high number of nodes. LUNES is modular, since it splits the three phases of network topology creation, protocol simulation and performance evaluation. This permits to easily integrate external software tools into the main software architecture. The simulation of the interaction protocols among network nodes is performed via a simulation middleware that supports both the sequential and the parallel/distributed simulation approaches. In the latter case, a specific mechanism for the communication overhead-reduction is used; this guarantees high levels of performance and scalability. To demonstrate the efficiency of LUNES, we test the simulator with gossip protocols executed on top of networks (representing peer-to-peer overlays), generated with different topologies. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Systems (MOSPAS 2011). As part of the 2011 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2011
