13 research outputs found

    Tantangan Aplikasi Sekolah Pintar di Kawasan Timur Indonesia

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    Teknologi pendidikan sebagai sarana memudahkan proses pembelajaran dilihat sebagai suatu hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan lagi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penulisan jurnal ini adalah menumbuhkan kesadaran di antara para pemangku kepentingan dan pembuat kebijakan dalam merumuskan strategi dalam formula penerapan teknologi pendidikan di Indonesia umumnya dan KTI khususnya. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penulisan jurnal ini adalah ulasan dokumen masa lalu dan saat ini. Hasil analisis penelitian ini yaitu faktor pengajar, faktor perencanaan strategis dan faktor infrastruktur teknologi dan komunikasi. Kesimpulannya bahwa mutu pendidikan peserta didik harus ditingkatkan guna meningkatkan literasi teknologi

    Etika pemimpin pendapat kesihatan wanita di Instagram

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    Kemunculan pemimpin pendapat di media sosial telah membuka ruang kepada masyarakat untuk lebih peka terhadap isu kesihatan. Walaubagaimanapun, ia menimbulkan persoalan terhadap isu kredibiliti mesej kerana tidak semua pemimpin pendapat mempunyai latar belakang dalam bidang perubatan dan kesihatan. Pemimpin pendapat media sosial dibahaskan mempunyai kecenderungan dalam mempengaruhi pemikiran dan tingkah laku khalayak. Maka apa yang disampaikan oleh pemimpin pendapat serta bagaimana proses yang dilalui oleh mereka dalam membentuk kandungan di media sosial adalah penting untuk diteliti. Persoalan etika dalam penyampaian mesej adalah antara aspek yang dititikberatkan dalam pemahaman proses pembentukan maklumat. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat pengawalan diri dan etika pemimpin pendapat kesihatan wanita dalam isu gaya hidup sihat di media sosial Instagram. Kajian ini menggunakan Teori Pengampangan Media oleh Kurt Lewin sebagai panduan kajian. Satu temu bual mendalam telah dijalankan ke atas enam orang pemimpin pendapat kesihatan wanita bagi tujuan kajian. Hasil kajian tertumpu kepada pengawalan diri dan etika pemimpin pendapat. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pemimpin pendapat kesihatan wanita beretika dalam menyebarkan mesej kesihatan di Instagram. Selain itu, dapatan kajian ini turut melihat beberapa aspek yang sering diberi perhatian oleh pemimpin pendapat dalam menyampaikan mesej kesihatan seperti isu pemakaian, kesahan maklumat, kredibiliti diri dan mesej yang berbentuk penajaan

    Reducing Primary Care Attendance Intentions for Pediatric Respiratory Tract Infections

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate a theory and evidence-based, parent-targeted online intervention, combining microbiological local syndromic surveillance data, symptom information, and home-care advice, to reduce primary care attendance for self-limiting, low-risk pediatric respiratory tract infections (RTIs). METHODS: The effect of this novel intervention on primary care attendance intentions was evaluated in an online experimental study. A representative sample of mothers (n = 806) was randomly assigned to receive the intervention material before (intervention) or after (control) answering questions concerning attendance intentions for an RTI illness scenario and mediating factors. Both groups provided feedback on the material. Group comparisons, linear regression, and path analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Intervention participants reported lower attendance intentions compared with control participants (d = 0.69, 95% CI, 0.55-0.83), an effect that remained when controlling for demographic and clinical characteristics (B = −1.62, 95% CI, −1.97 to −1.30). The path model highlighted that the intervention effect (B = −0.33, 95% CI, −0.40 to −0.26) was mostly indirect and mediated by infection and antibiotic knowledge, symptom severity concerns, and social norm perceptions concerning attendance. Information on when to attend was rated as the most important intervention component 227 times, followed by symptoms rated 186 times. Information on circulating viruses was rated as least important 274 times. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was effective in reducing primary care attendance intentions by increasing knowledge, lowering attendance motivation, and reducing the need for additional resources. The contribution of individual intervention components and effects on behavioral outcomes requires further testing

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penugasan dan Monitoring Siswa Prakerin berbasis SMS Gateway dengan Raspberry Pi.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi penugasan dan monitoring siswa prakerin berbasis SMS gateway dengan Raspberry Pi, dan (2) untuk mengetahui kualitas sistem informasi penugasan dan monitoring siswa prakerin berbasis SMS gateway dengan Raspberry Pi berdasarkan ISO 9126 pada aspek usability, functionality, dan portability. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu pada prosedur pengembangan Waterfall oleh Roger S. Pressman. Desain pengembanagn tersebut dikelompokan atas lima prosedur, yang meliputi: (a) communication, (b) planning, (c) modeling,(d) construction dan (e) deployment. Sumber subjek uji coba terdiri dari guru normatif adaptif, panitia prakerin, pengembang smartschool dan ahli programer. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket untuk pengujian aspek usability dan functionality serta lima program web browser yang berbeda untuk pengujian aspek portability. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penugasan dan Monitoring Prakerin berbasis SMS Gateway dengan Raspberry Pi memiliki spesifikasi antara lain: sistem informasi penugasan dan monitoring prakerin berbasis SMS gateway dengan Raspberry Pi berbasis web, sistem dapat diakses melalui jaringan lokal dan internet, input nomor telepon peserta prakerin melalui file excel, sistem informasi penugasan dan monitoring siswa prakerin berbasis SMS gateway dapat mengirim pesan berdasarkan grup kelas masing-masing, sistem informasi penugasan dan monitoring siswa prakerin berbasis SMS gateway menggunakan database MySQL, sistem dibangun menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3, dan (2) pengujian tingkat kualitas Sistem Informasi Penugasan dan Monitoring Siswa Prakerin berbasis SMS Gateway dengan Raspberry Pi dengan menggunakan standar pengujian ISO 9126 pada aspek usablity menghasilkan persentase sebesar 85% (tinggi) dengan alpha cronbach sebesar 0,851 (good), aspek functionality menghasilkan nilai 1 (baik), dan memenuhi aspek portability

    Exploring how by adopting an adaptive leadership approach, a program Chair can improve the currently insufficient faculty engagement in basic research to meet the requirements set by the accreditation body, in a collaborative nursing program in Ontario.

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    This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) proposes a leadership-based solution that aims to increase faculty commitment to conducting basic research in an Ontario college. The current and future status of research in a Collaborative Nursing Degree program where basic research is mandated by the accreditation body are reviewed. After conducting a comprehensive review of the organizational context, vision, and leadership, contingency theory of leadership was recognized as the most appropriate organizational theory. Guided by contingency theory, distributed and resilient leadership models were chosen to help gain an in-depth understanding of the needs, capabilities, and motivations of the faculty. Kotter’s (2012) eight-stage process was chosen as the framework for change planning. This model is a highly structured step-by-step process that helps managers know what they should do and when and how they are ready to move to the next stage (Cawsey et al., 2016). Four possible solutions are examined; creating a research mentor role has been identified as the preferred solution. Quality mentoring has been linked to more successful research activities, improved research productivity, and ultimately, higher professional satisfaction among the mentees. Through connecting with the organizational analysis and the possible solutions, as well as Kotter and Schlesinger’s (2008) methods for dealing with resistance to change, a comprehensive implementation plan was identified. The Plan-Do-Study-Act evaluation and monitoring framework was selected to examine the change process. This OIP can be adopted by and applied to similar contexts, where change leadership is used to guide changes to practices and, ultimately, to the organizational culture


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    Older adults, defined as those age 60 and above, are at an increased risk for many health-related complications that are directly related to nutrition (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). This study highlights the lack of nutrition education material developed for older adults in Kentucky. Such material has great potential to influence the health of older adults (Chernoff, 2001). This study evaluated an intervention developed, by means of formative research, to teach older adults nutrition basics. Both direct and indirect measures related to stages of change for healthy eating behaviors were collected six weeks pre-intervention and then immediately post-intervention. Grocery store receipts (behavioral measure), Pfizer’s (2011) “Newest Vital Sign (NVS)” tool (cognitive measure), a modified version of Andres et al. (2011) S-Weight and P-Weight questionnaire (attitudinal measure) and focus groups with staff, caretakers, and administrators working with older adults, served as tools for data collection. In addition, participants were interviewed, either one-on-one or in a focus group setting after the conclusion of the intervention. The goal was to assess general feedback with regards to intervention implementation and areas for improvement. While none of the quantitative data achieved statistical significance, qualitative data showed promise with regards to the intervention having a positive effect on participants. Specifically, the intervention had a positive impact on nutrition behavior, knowledge, and attitudes. Older adults indicated increased knowledge in relation to reading a nutrition facts label and judging appropriate portion size. In addition, participants indicated behavior change via decreased calorie intake due to portion size awareness, intentional food choice, and decreased grocery spending. Likewise, participants conveyed positive attitudes towards eating healthy, preparing food at home, and monitoring their caloric intake. While the intervention was influenced by the novel COVID-19, results offer many theoretical and practical implications; both of which are discussed

    Politikere pÄ sociale medier:Nye dynamikker eller gammel logik?

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