263,883 research outputs found

    Use of Information Visualization Techniques for Collection Management in Libraries: A Conceptual Review

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    This paper presents a conceptual review exploring the application of information visualization techniques in the context of collection management in libraries. Collection management plays a crucial role in ensuring libraries offer relevant and diverse resources to meet the information needs of users. Information visualization, with its ability to visually represent complex data, has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing collection management practices. Drawing upon a comprehensive literature review, this paper examines the theoretical foundations, benefits, challenges, and practical applications of information visualization techniques in library collection management. It discusses various visualization methods, such as charts, graphs, and maps, and explores their potential in assessing collection composition, analyzing usage patterns, and supporting decision-making processes. The paper highlights the benefits of information visualization in improving user engagement, optimizing resource allocation, and facilitating data-driven decision making. It also addresses challenges related to data integration, technology infrastructure, and ethical considerations. Through real-world case studies and examples, this conceptual review provides insights into successful implementations of information visualization in collection management. The paper concludes by emphasizing the potential of information visualization techniques to transform collection management practices in libraries, enhancing the accessibility, relevance, and impact of library resources

    A usability study on the use of multi-context visualization

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    Graph visualization has been widely used in real-world applications, as it provides better presentation of overall data structure. However, there are navigation problems existing in deep and large relational datasets. To address these challenges, a new technique called multi-context visualization, which provides users with rich contextual information, has been proposed as the solution to the navigation in large scale datasets. This paper evaluates the multi-context visualization by conducting an experiment-based user study. To answer whether the more contextual information positively assist in making more accurate and easier decisions, it aims to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the multi-context visualization, by measuring the user performance. Specifically, this usability test was designed to test if the use of multiple context views can improve navigation problems for deep and large relational data sets. © 2008 IEEE

    Towards Expressive and Versatile Visualization-as-a-Service (VaaS)

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    The rapid growth of data in scientific visualization has posed significant challenges to the scalability and availability of interactive visualization tools. These challenges can be largely attributed to the limitations of traditional monolithic applications in handling large datasets and accommodating multiple users or devices. To address these issues, the Visualization-as-a-Service (VaaS) architecture has emerged as a promising solution. VaaS leverages cloud-based visualization capabilities to provide on-demand and cost-effective interactive visualization. Existing VaaS has been simplistic by design with focuses on task-parallelism with single-user-per-device tasks for predetermined visualizations. This dissertation aims to extend the capabilities of VaaS by exploring data-parallel visualization services with multi-device support and hypothesis-driven explorations. By incorporating stateful information and enabling dynamic computation, VaaS\u27 performance and flexibility for various real-world applications is improved. This dissertation explores the history of monolithic and VaaS architectures, the design and implementations of 3 new VaaS applications, and a final exploration of the future of VaaS. This research contributes to the advancement of interactive scientific visualization, addressing the challenges posed by large datasets and remote collaboration scenarios

    Interactive 3D Visualization of a Large University Campus over the Web

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    Nowadays, with the rise and generalized use of web applications and graphical hardware evolution, one of the most interesting problems deals with realistic real-time visualization of virtual environments on web browsers. This paper shows an on-line application to dynamically visualize a large campus on the World Wide Web. The application focuses on a smooth walk through a large 3D environment in real-time as an alternative way to index geographically related information. This way, contents are continuously filtered based on viewpointÂżs position. This can be made thanks to the availability of different models corresponding to different levels of detail (LOD) for each modeled building. A server storage model has been purposed including all models, compound of meshes, textures and information. The technique is based on an algorithm that performs a progressive refining of the models, according to the distance from the viewpoint.Vendrell Vidal, E.; Sanchez Belenguer, C. (2011). Interactive 3D Visualization of a Large University Campus over the Web. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. 3:514-521. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/35020S514521

    Seeing is believing: the importance of visualization in real-world machine learning applications

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    The increasing availability of data sets with a huge amount of information, coded in many diff erent features, justifi es the research on new methods of knowledge extraction: the great challenge is the translation of the raw data into useful information that can be used to improve decisionmaking processes, detect relevant profi les, fi nd out relationships among features, etc. It is undoubtedly true that a picture is worth a thousand words, what makes visualization methods be likely the most appealing and one of the most relevant kinds of knowledge extration methods. At ESANN 2011, the special session "Seeing is believing: The importance of visualization in real-world machine learning applications" reflects some of the main emerging topics in the field. This tutorial prefaces the session, summarizing some of its contributions, while also providing some clues to the current state and the near future of visualization methods within the framework of Machine Learning.Postprint (published version


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    Communities, also called clusters or modules, are groups of nodes which probably share common properties and/or play similar roles within a graph. They widely exist in real networks such as biological, social, and information networks. Allowing users to interactively browse and explore the community structure, which is essential for understanding complex systems, is a challenging yet important research topic. My work has been focused on visualization approaches to exploring the community structure in graphs based on automatic community detection results. In this dissertation, we first report a formal user study that investigated the essen- tial influence factors, benefits, and constraints of a community based graph visual- ization system in a background application of seeking information from text corpora. A general evaluation methodology for exploratory visualization systems has been proposed and practiced. The evaluation methodology integrates detailed cognitive load analysis and users’ prior knowledge evaluation with quantitative and qualitative measures, so that in-depth insights can be gained. The study revealed that visual exploration based on the community structure benefits the understanding of real net- works. A literature review and a set of interviews were then conducted to learn tasks facing such graph exploration and the state-of-the-arts. This work led to commu- nity related graph visualization task taxonomy. Our examination of existing graph visualization systems revealed that a large number of community related graph visualization tasks are poorly supported in existing approaches. To bridge the gap, several novel visualization techniques are proposed. In these approaches, graph topology information is mapped to a multidimensional space where the relationships between the communities and the nodes can be explicitly explored. Several user studies and case studies have been conducted to demonstrate the usefulness of these systems in real-world applications

    MEGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-View Network Embedding

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    Data from many real-world applications can be naturally represented by multi-view networks where the different views encode different types of relationships (e.g., friendship, shared interests in music, etc.) between real-world individuals or entities. There is an urgent need for methods to obtain low-dimensional, information preserving and typically nonlinear embeddings of such multi-view networks. However, most of the work on multi-view learning focuses on data that lack a network structure, and most of the work on network embeddings has focused primarily on single-view networks. Against this background, we consider the multi-view network representation learning problem, i.e., the problem of constructing low-dimensional information preserving embeddings of multi-view networks. Specifically, we investigate a novel Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework for Multi-View Network Embedding, namely MEGAN, aimed at preserving the information from the individual network views, while accounting for connectivity across (and hence complementarity of and correlations between) different views. The results of our experiments on two real-world multi-view data sets show that the embeddings obtained using MEGAN outperform the state-of-the-art methods on node classification, link prediction and visualization tasks.Comment: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-1

    Virtual and Real Data Populated Intersection Visualization and Testing Tool for V2X Application Development

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    The capability afforded by Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication improves situational awareness and provides advantages for many of the traffic problems caused by reduced visibility or No-Line-of-Sight situations, being useful for both autonomous and non-autonomous driving. Additionally, with the traffic light Signal Phase and Timing and Map Datainformation and other advisory information provided with Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication, outcomes which benefit the driver in the long run, such as reducing fuel consumption with speed regulation or decreasing traffic congestion through optimal speed advisories, providing red light violation warning messages and intersection motion assist messages for collision-free intersection maneuvering are all made possible. However, developing applications to obtain these benefits requires an intensive development process within a lengthy testing period. Understanding the intersection better is a large part of this development process. Being able to see what information is broadcasted and how this information translates into the real world would both benefit the development of these highly useful applications and also ensure faster evaluation, when presented visually, using an easy to use and interactive tool. Moreover, recordings of this broadcasted information can be modified and used for repeated testing. Modification of the data makes it flexible and allows us to use it for a variety of testing scenarios at a virtually populated intersection. Based on this premise, this paper presents and demonstrates visualization tools to project SPaT, MAP and Basic Safety Message information into easy to read real-world based graphs. Also, it provides information about the modification of the real-world data to allow creation of a virtually populated intersection, along with the capability to also inject virtual vehicles at this intersection
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