776,257 research outputs found

    National Water and Climate Center

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    This branch of the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the development and transfer of water and climate information and technology which support natural resources conservation. The NWCC website contains various types of data such as precipitation maps, climate data, water supply forecasts, drought reports, stream flow data, soil types and temperature, and snow pack data. Some of the data is in the form of interactive maps or graphs that can be modified by the user. The Water Quality and Quantity Services section contains information, tools and policies regarding pest management, erosion control, wetlands, nutrient management, irrigation, animal waste management and hydraulics. There are also fact sheets on a range of topics such as wildfire, conservation buffers and snow surveys. Educational levels: Graduate or professional, Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division

    Personal data broker instead of blockchain for students’ data privacy assurance

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    Data logs about learning activities are being recorded at a growing pace due to the adoption and evolution of educational technologies (Edtech). Data analytics has entered the field of education under the name of learning analytics. Data analytics can provide insights that can be used to enhance learning activities for educational stakeholders, as well as helping online learning applications providers to enhance their services. However, despite the goodwill in the use of Edtech, some service providers use it as a means to collect private data about the students for their own interests and benefits. This is showcased in recent cases seen in media of bad use of students’ personal information. This growth in cases is due to the recent tightening in data privacy regulations, especially in the EU. The students or their parents should be the owners of the information about them and their learning activities online. Thus they should have the right tools to control how their information is accessed and for what purposes. Currently, there is no technological solution to prevent leaks or the misuse of data about the students or their activity. It seems appropriate to try to solve it from an automation technology perspective. In this paper, we consider the use of Blockchain technologies as a possible basis for a solution to this problem. Our analysis indicates that the Blockchain is not a suitable solution. Finally, we propose a cloud-based solution with a central personal point of management that we have called Personal Data Broker.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Di Bidang Kesiswaan, Kepegawaian Dan Keuangan Di Sma Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik

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    The development of information and communication technology has indirectly influenced the world of education and learning in this country. These developments are fundamental and have brought significant changes in the acceleration and innovation of education. However, in addressing these developments, not all parties or circles are able to respond well. Therefore, to be able to give a positive impact, one that needs to be done is the development of information and communication technology that is done through the utilization of ICT in education that includes the role of ICT as the substance of education, learning aids, educational facilities, competency standards, administrative support education, education unit management tools, and educational infrastructure. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The method of data collection is: observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis technique using qualitative analysis. The steps in data analysis techniques include, data reduction, data display and verification. The results of this study can be concluded that the development of information and communication technology in the field of student affairs in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Gresik applied in terms of: acceptance of new students, reporting of learning outcomes, and student discipline control. In the field of personnel, technology is developed in terms of employee planning and staffing assessment. While in the field of finance is developing services in the field of finance by working with Bank BRI Syari’ah

    Course Design Principles to Support the Learning of Complex Information Infrastructures

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    This paper presents an integrated, learning-centred course design for studying the complex, rapidly changing information infrastructures underpinning organisations and society. Students need to develop an agile, critical mindset in order to influence and be influenced by these socio-technical systems in ways which enhance information management, control and innovation. There are several challenges to developing this mindset. Students and technology vendors often expect technical training and current educational materials reinforce this approach. A silo-based structure to most degrees exacerbates the problem. The complexity of context and rapidity of change often get lost in the mix. This paper addresses these problems and makes two contributions. It models an information infrastructure as a complex adaptive system (CAS) with particular characteristics. It suggests design principles to support the learning of complex information infrastructures by extending the learning context in Whetten’s learning-centred course design. An educational ecosystem, supported by integrated case studies underpins this design

    Globalization Work and Management

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    Major changes are occurring in the sphere of work and management. While there is emergence of new time based and information based opportunities, some traditional office and business work opportunities are shrinking. Simultaneously, there is recognition of a new type of “Permanently Temporary” Employment that is a pointer to the need for employment laws that take into account new work realities. On a larger plane, changes are also occurring in trade and business world. A few truly global organizations have emerged. However, organizations that operate in 30-40 or 10-20 countries are many, and are beginning to encounter the problem of operating in international environment. Use of values and social concerns have become the new element in protection of markets in addition to the traditional concern for quality and the recent concern for environment. There is a shifting of polluting industries to new environments resulting in environmental hazards where none existed and a major shift in the job market around the globe. National economies are also shifting from industrial to service and information economies. Another major change is linked with the development of distance learning opportunities and a move towards a universal language. This is influencing not only the way education is imparted but also nature and management of educational institutions thus forcing organizations to rethink their human resource development and learning strategies. At the core of all these changes is a major technological breakthrough – in satellite imaging, communication, computing, high speed travel and transport technologies. This explosion of Technology has resulted in new competition giving older organizations very little response time. Emergence of the new slim and trim organizations have forced unions to change focus from wages and benefits to protection of jobs. Since both work and technology are changing at a fast pace, the sphere of management has also been affected. In some ways control and unity of command are under revision and calls for a reassessment of the management theory and practice. The paper concludes with a discussion of the challenges ahead before the business world and developing societies.


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    Stages of development of information technology and components of information management of the automated decision support system for control of educational process in higher educational establishments were presented.Предложены этапы разработки информационной технологии и состав-ляющие информационного обеспечения автоматизированной системы под-держки принятия решений при управлении учебным процессом в высших учебных заведениях.Запропоновано етапи розробки інформаційної технології та складові ін-формаційного забезпечення автоматизованої системи підтримки прий¬няття рішень при управлінні навчальним процесом у вищих закладах освіт


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    The purposes of this study were to develop a management information system for learning modules, to compare the learning achievement between the experimental group and control group, and to evaluate the students’ satisfactions of learning modules. The samples were 60 first-year undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon. They registered in the course of Programming Language in the academic year 2012. They were selected by a purposive sampling method and assigned into two groups, 30 students in the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. The experimental group studied with learning modules developed by the researcher and the control groups studied with usual instruction. The developed management information system consisted of sub-systems for user management, teaching and learning management, and reporting in which it was evaluated by a panel of experts in information technology at a “very good” level. Learning modules were evaluated by a panel of experts in educational technology at a “good” level. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) statistic by using the pretest scores as the covariates. The results indicated that the efficiency of the learning modules was validated at 82.00 %, at an “acceptable” level by using the KW-CAI formulae. The achievement scores of the experimental group were higher than that of the control group at the significant level of .01. The students' satisfactions were rated at a “good” level

    School Information System Innovation by Eduversal through Edunav Implementation in Indonesia: A Case Study at SMP-SMA Kesatuan Bangsa Bilingual Boarding School Yogyakarta

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    Technological innovation is a science which will continue to develop over time, therefore knowledge, skills, and understanding are needed in life, especially in educational institutions. Many researchers have conducted studies on educational system innovations because the implementation of information systems in educational institutions has made a positive contribution to education management. The existence of an educational information system provides convenience in communicating, exchanging information quickly and accurately, as well as an increase in educational services. This research is based on the implementation of the Edunav Information System as an information system innovation which is applied to educational institutions. Edunav is an application for student progress reports in learning in the form of e-reports. The form of the reported activity from the learning process includes attendance, homework, quizzes, unit tests and so on. This study aims to uncover the factors which drive the Edunav Information System to be implemented and the benefits derived from it at the SMP-SMA Kesatuan Bangsa Bilingual Boarding School Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The data of this research are obtained from in-depth interviews, observation, and literature study. In-depth interviews were conducted with several informants by means of a snowball. The results of this study show that there are several factors which encourage the implementation of the Edunav Information System at the Kesatuan Bangsa School, which are 1) complex problems occur in the field as there is no integrated system; 2) manual data processing which is recorded in books; 3) the existence of school initiatives to make changes from conventional to digital schools by increasing the use of information technology; 4) increasing competitiveness among schools is significant, especially for private schools. The perceived benefits of the Edunav Information System are 1) as an information system for schools, parents, and students; 2) as a media to support education; 3) as a means of control for schools, parents and students

    Using relationship theory to improve STEM outreach to corporations: A case study for STARBASE Los Alamitos

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    The goal of this study was to improve corporate outreach efforts for an educational program called Starbase Los Alamitos. This Starbase program is part of a larger effort by the Department of Defense to improve STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education in the United States. This study was guided by the following research question: How can STEM programs use relationship management theory to improve corporate outreach? A review of the literature was performed and this study used relationship theory to design eight questions for a four person focus group. Control and treatment websites were identified. Participants were shown the control and treatment websites and then were asked the eight questions. The data was analyzed and then findings and recommendations were made. At the conclusion of the study a presentation was made to the Director of Starbase Los Alamitos recommending the use of communications that intentionally fostered relationships with corporations rather than merely providing information. Appendix N contains the information that was presented to the Director

    Google Drive Based Digital Archives: Implementation Review in Curriculum Management

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    The massive development of technology underlies the demands for digitization. One crucial effort of digitization in the field of education is the use of digital archives in the management of educational institutions. This research aims to describe the implementation of Google Drive-based digital archives focusing on curriculum management in MTs Al-Mahsyar Nurul Iman Tenggarong Seberang. A qualitative method with a descriptive type is employed in conducting this research. Data related to the digital management of curriculum archives are obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this research indicate that the digital management of curriculum archives based on Google Drive at MTs Al-Mahsyar Nurul Iman Tenggarong Seberang has been implemented, although the curriculum archives are not yet fully efficiently managed. The implementation of Google Drive as a curriculum field archive medium is evident in efforts involving the creation, storage, control, distribution, utilization, and supervision of archives, with subject archive classifications including madrasah work meetings, learning materials, implementation reports, evaluation and student learning outcome reports, student graduation administration, as well as EMIS (Education Management Information System) data