7 research outputs found

    Information Technology Infrastructure for Agriculture Genotyping Studies

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    1 The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the main aspects of the Czech legal regulation of the arbitration proceeding under the view of the particular Western European national and international legal orders. By doing so, the author strives for critical review of the arbitration proceeding as per the Czech legal order under the worldwide perspectives and with the prism of modern Western European and world legal theory of the arbitration proceeding. The intention of such research is to determine if the contemporary Czech legal regulation of the arbitration proceeding is in conformity with the modern theory and practice of the arbitration proceeding. This thesis also aims to answer a question whether the Czech courts shall have the right to review the application of law by the arbitrators. The author is seeking to answer this question by comparing the the Czech, or rather Continental system of law with the law of England and Wales.1 Smyslem této práce je pojednat o rozhodných aspektech české právní úpravy rozhodčího řízení pod úhlem pohledu vybraných západoevropských vnitrostátních a mezinárodních právních předpisů. Autor tímto usiluje o kritický náhled na rozhodčí řízení v právním řádu České republiky v širších světových souvislostech a prizmatem moderní západoevropské a světové právní teorie rozhodčího řízení. Intencí takového postupu je zodpovědět otázku, zda současná česká právní úprava rozhodčího řízení je v souladu s trendem, kterým se teorie a praxe rozhodčího řízení vyvíjí. Cílem této práce je rovněž zodpovědět otázku, zda by české soudy měly mít pravomoc věcně přezkoumávat aplikaci práva rozhodci, přičemž odpověď na tuto otázku hledá autor ve srovnání českého, resp. kontinentálního systému práva s právem Anglie a Walesu.Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Information Technology Infrastructure for Agriculture Genotyping Studies

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    Information Technology Infrastructure for Agriculture Genotyping Studies

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    Photograph taken by Salt Lake Tribune staf

    Insight review on impact of infrastructural development in driving the SDGs in developing nations: a case study of Nigeria

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize the dominance of infrastructure as a panacea for the nation’s development to improve the quality of people’s lives. In Nigeria, inadequate infrastructure has impaired the prospect of attaining some of these SDGs. Some of the identified barriers causing the poor implementations of SDGs in Nigeria include poverty, poor accountability, inadequate domestic water supply, poor energy supply, poor human capital development initiatives, poor transportation and telecommunication networks, illiteracy level, and environmental degradation. But while the SDGs are a non-enforced agreement, the way and manner of implementation and the conditions under which the state acts in accordance with the agenda were not properly spelled out. However, the success of the SDGs in Nigeria requires commitment from government at all levels to provide adequate funding, financial prudence, stable polity, sound policies, availability of functional infrastructural facilities and ensuring value for money. This will result in achieved opportunities such as the establishment of new businesses, boosting of employment rate, ample growth opportunities, enhance riskadjusted financial returns to investors, an increase in the rate of youth and adults in formal education and non-formal education, and promoting environment friendliness. This review further recommends that government should address the challenges faced in the area of power, telecommunication, corruption and access to agrarian areas in the country in order to have an inclusive infrastructural development that is positively driving growth. Moreover, assessment of projects should include initial capital investment, operational cost, maintenance, and disposal of the asset which will guarantee more sustainable infrastructure projects that are likely to perform much better through the lifecycle. Thus, successfully achieving the SDGs must involve innovative approaches to infrastructure financing and sustainable public procurement

    High Dimensional Regression Techniques for Complex Data

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    This dissertation focuses on developing mixed effects models for large scale and complex data. Our motivating applications involve areas where this data is common, including epidemiological studies, environmental sciences, and genetics. Two key attributes for most of the modeling techniques discussed in this dissertation are that they scale easily to large data and that they achieve full variable selection, which is often a desirable trait in mixed effects models. These attributes are primarily handled in two ways. The first is with carefully constructed latent variables that we introduce to make the posterior distributions more tractable. This allows a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler to be carried out with Gibbs steps, which results in efficient computation of posterior estimates, especially in large data scenarios. The second is through a decomposition of the covariance matrix associated with the random effects and with the use of spike and slab priors, we can achieve full variable selection in not only the fixed effects, but also the random effects. The finite sample performance of our techniques are assessed through extensive simulations and are used to analyze motivating data sets, which includes data from group testing procedures, human disease surveillance studies, and genetics

    Form Reviewer "Information Technology Infrastructure for Agriculture Genotyping Studies"

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