6 research outputs found

    RODES: A Robust-Design Synthesis Tool for Probabilistic Systems

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    We introduce RODES – a tool for the synthesis of probabilis- tic systems that satisfy strict reliability and performance requirements, are Pareto-optimal with respect to a set of optimisation objectives, and are robust to variations in the system parameters. Given the design space of a system (modelled as a parametric continuous-time Markov chain), RODES generates system designs with low sensitivity to required tol- erance levels for the system parameters. As such, RODES can be used to identify and compare robust designs across a wide range of Pareto- optimal tradeoffs between the system optimisation objectives

    Multithreading Application for Counting Vehicle by Using Background Subtraction Method

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    Image and video processing has become important part in intelligent transportation system (ITS) application, especially for collecting road traffic data. Pictures that already collected by a charged coupled device (CCD) camera usually being processed by several image processing algorithms and the application’s code will be executed in a large number of iteration because many algorithms are getting involved in processing the frame which captured by the camera. Typical application will process the first frame until finish and then continue to the next frame, so the application must wait until the first frame being processed. If the algorithms that executed quite complex and have a significant running time there will be a dropped frame and the time difference between data acquisition and real time video is divided by large margin. We proposed an implementation of multithreading to boost the application performance so the data can be acquire in real time and every new frame could be processed in short time. The application performance before and after using a multithreading is known by comparing the data acquisition time that stored in the database. The application effectiveness could define by running a multiple video streaming in same resolution

    The Power of Models: Modeling Power Consumption for IoT devices

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    Low-energy technologies in the Internet of Things (IoTs) era are still unable to provide the reliability needed by the industrial world, particularly in terms of the wireless operation that pervasive deployments demand. While the industrial wireless performance has achieved an acceptable degree in communications, it is no easy task to determine an efficient energy-dimensioning of the device in order to meet the application requirements. This is especially true in the face of the uncertainty inherent in energy harvesting. Thus, it is of utmost importance to model and dimension the energy consumption of the IoT applications at the pre-deployment or pre-production stages, especially when considering critical factors, such as reduced cost, life-time, and available energy. This paper presents a comprehensive model for the power consumption of wireless sensor nodes. The model takes a system-level perspective to account for all energy expenditures: communications, acquisition and processing. Furthermore, it is based only on parameters that can empirically be quantified once the platform (i.e., technology) and the application (i.e., operating conditions) are defined. This results in a new framework for studying and analyzing the energy life-cycles in applications, and it is suitable for determining in advance the specific weight of application parameters, as well as for understanding the tolerance margins and tradeoffs in the system

    Um estudo sobre os mecanismos de concorrência da linguagem Go

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    Este estudo explora a linguagem Go e seus mecanismos para programação concorrente. Apresenta-se uma visão geral da linguagem, destacando os recursos de concorrência oferecidos por ela. Soluções de problemas clássicos de concorrência e de padrões de computação distribuída são propostos e analisados, mostrando o uso dos diversos recursos providos por Go. As soluções apresentadas demonstram a simplificação de código por meio das abstrações oferecidas pela linguagem e pelo modelo de concorrência baseado em trocas de mensagens via canais de comunicação. Avalia-se também a possibilidade e dificuldades de estender a linguagem para oferecer uma implementação generalizada de corrotinas, usando como referência uma implementação na linguagem Lua. Por fim, apresentamos uma análise simplificada do desempenho do Go, comparando os tempos de execução de um algoritmo de multiplicação de matrizes entre duas soluções: uma desenvolvida em Go, e outra em C++. A linguagem C++ obteve desempenho superior a Go

    Indoor Positioning and Navigation

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    In recent years, rapid development in robotics, mobile, and communication technologies has encouraged many studies in the field of localization and navigation in indoor environments. An accurate localization system that can operate in an indoor environment has considerable practical value, because it can be built into autonomous mobile systems or a personal navigation system on a smartphone for guiding people through airports, shopping malls, museums and other public institutions, etc. Such a system would be particularly useful for blind people. Modern smartphones are equipped with numerous sensors (such as inertial sensors, cameras, and barometers) and communication modules (such as WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE/5G, and UWB capabilities), which enable the implementation of various localization algorithms, namely, visual localization, inertial navigation system, and radio localization. For the mapping of indoor environments and localization of autonomous mobile sysems, LIDAR sensors are also frequently used in addition to smartphone sensors. Visual localization and inertial navigation systems are sensitive to external disturbances; therefore, sensor fusion approaches can be used for the implementation of robust localization algorithms. These have to be optimized in order to be computationally efficient, which is essential for real-time processing and low energy consumption on a smartphone or robot

    Information streams sharing a finite buffer

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