8 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of query expansion in searching the Holy Quran

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    Modern Arabic text is written without diacritical marks (short vowels), which causes considerable ambiguity at the word level in the absence of context. Exceptional from this is the Holy Quran, which is endorsed with short vowels and other marks to preserve the pronunciation and hence, the correctness of sensing its words. Searching for a word in vowelized text requires typing and matching all its diacritical marks, which is cumbersome and preventing learners from searching and understanding the text. The other way around, is to ignore these marks and fall in the problem of ambiguity. In this paper, we provide a novel diacritic-less searching approach to retrieve from the Quran relevant verses that match a user’s query through automatic query expansion techniques. The proposed approach utilizes a relational database search engine that is scalable, portable across RDBMS platforms, and provides fast and sophisticated retrieval. The results are presented and the applied approach reveals future directions for search engines

    A Useful Framework for Identification and Analysis of Different Query Expansion Approaches based on the Candidate Expansion Terms Extraction Methods

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    Query expansion is a method for improving retrieval performance by supplementing an original query with additional terms. This process improves the quality of search engine results and helps users to find the required information. In the recent years, different methods have been proposed in this area. In addition to such a variety of different approaches in this area and necessity of the study of their characteristics, the lack of a comprehensive classification based on candidate expansion terms extraction methods and also suitable and complete criteria to evaluate them, make the precise study, comparison and evaluation of methods for query expansion and choosing appropriate method based on need difficult for researchers. Therefore, in this paper a new useful framework is presented. In the proposed framework, in addition to the identification of three basic approaches based on the candidate expansion terms extraction methods for query expansion and expressing their properties, appropriate criteria for qualitative evaluation of these methods will be described. Next, the proposed approaches will be evaluated qualitatively based on these criteria. Using the systematic and structured framework proposed in this paper leads a useful platform for researchers to be provided for the comparative study of existing methods in the field, investigating their features specially their drawbacks to improve them and choosing appropriate method based on their needs

    Corpus linguistics and language learning: bootstrapping linguistic knowledge and resources from text

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    This submission for the award of the degree of PhD by published work must: “make a contribution to knowledge in a coherent and related subject area; demonstrate originality and independent critical ability; satisfy the examiners that it is of sufficient merit to qualify for the award of the degree of PhD.” It includes a selection of my work as a Lecturer (and later, Senior Lecturer) at Leeds University, from 1984 to the present. The overall theme of my research has been bootstrapping linguistic knowledge and resources from text. A persistent strand of interest has been unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learning of linguistic knowledge from textual sources; the attraction of this approach is that I could start with English, but go on to apply analogous techniques to other languages, in particular Arabic. This theme covers a broad range of research over more than 20 years at Leeds University which I have divided into 8 sub-topics: A: Constituent-Likelihood statistical modelling of English grammar; B: Machine Learning of grammatical patterns from a corpus; C: Detecting grammatical errors in English text; D: Evaluation of English grammatical annotation models; E: Machine Learning of semantic language models; F: Applications in English language teaching; G: Arabic corpus linguistics; H: Applications in Computing teaching and research. The first section builds on my early years as a lecturer at Leeds University, when my research was essentially a progression from my previous work at Lancaster University on the LOB Corpus Part-of-Speech Tagging project (which resulted in the Tagged LOB Corpus, a resource for Corpus Linguistics research still in use today); I investigated a range of ideas for extending and/or applying techniques related to Part-of-Speech tagging in Corpus Linguistics. The second section covers a range of co-authored papers representing grant-funded research projects in Corpus Linguistics; in this mode of research, I had to come up with the original ideas and guide the project, but much of the detailed implementation was down to research assistant staff. Another highly productive mode of research has been supervision of research students, leading to further jointly-authored research papers. I helped formulate the research plans, and guided and advised the students; as with research-grant projects, the detailed implementation of the research has been down to the research students. The third section includes a few of the most significant of these jointly-authored Corpus Linguistics research papers. A “standard” PhD generally includes a survey of the field to put the work in context; so as a fourth section, I include some survey papers aimed at introducing new developments in corpus linguistics to a wider audience

    Information retrieval using robust natural language processing

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