6 research outputs found

    Observation on trust factor toward e-commerce acceptance

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    This paper will present the finding of study on trust in e-commerce acceptance by young Malay generation.The paper starts with the introduction to e-commerce and trust definition include barrier factor toward e-commerce acceptance.Next, the paper dwells on the finding of the previous study about barrier and informational content on commercial websites in creating trust among Internet user to accept e-commerce transaction. Afterward the paper presents a suggestion trust model framework to prove by the survey managed by the researchers.Furthermore the paper presents finding from survey.The finding found the respondents accept positively all trust factors such as security, familiarity, privacy, and informational content, ease of use as most important factor in trust building.Lastly, we have proposed a verified trust framework model, which is taken care result from the survey

    Metodologija dizajniranja simulacijskih sustava temeljenih na metodi diskretnih događaja u proizvodnom ambijentu

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    The paper considers Discrete Event Simulation design methodology. Primary objective is proposal of comprehensive, scientifically established design methodology to structure, guide, and improve manufacturing processes modeling efforts. Proposed approach replicate structure and behavior of original system at desired level of abstraction, incorporates specific academic knowledge in simulation solution and results in object oriented application architecture completely consistent with production planning and scheduling ontology. The paper begins pointing out importance of modeling and equality between knowledge and models from viewpoint of modern cybernetic science and referenced cybernetics theory relocates in manufacturing systems and discrete event simulation domain. Paper then proceeds to discuss a structure and main steps of proposed methodology with a more detailed discussion of simulation based production planning and scheduling. Finally, an example of successfully designed simulation solution is given. Proposed approach gives verbal and mathematical problem description, builds ontology of problem domain, uses Extended Petri Nets, event graphs and activity cycle diagrams as modeling tools, in order to obtain faithful model which easily can be replicated in object oriented class and object hierarchy. Methodology highlights inevitability of knowledge transfer between business processes, software development and academic research experts. Integration and overlapping of mentioned fields of knowledge result in object oriented application architecture fully consistent with ontology derived from conceptual phase of design methodology. Proposed methodology enables convergence of comprehensive but static MIS knowledge in dynamic simulation model in order to fully utilize its prediction power for effective integration of strategic and tactical decision making.U radu se razmatra metodologija dizajniranja računalnih simulacijskih sustava temeljenih na metodi diskretnih događaja. Primarni cilj je prijedlog sveobuhvatne, znanstveno utemeljene metodologije dizajniranja koja formulira, usmjerava te poboljšava nastojanja modeliranja proizvodnih procesa. Predloženi pristup replicira strukturu i ponašanje originalnih sustava na željenoj razini apstrakcije, inkorporira specifična akademska znanja u simulacijski sustav te rezultira u objektno orijentiranoj arhitekturi aplikacije koja je u potpunosti konzistentna sa ontologijom planiranja i terminiranja proizvodnje. Rad započinje naglašavanjem značaja modeliranja stavljajući znak jednakosti između znanja i modela iz perspektive moderne kibernetičke znanosti te pomenutu kibernetičku teoriju relocira u domene proizvodnih sustava i simulacije diskretnih događaja. U radu se potom daju osnovni podaci o strukturi i glavnim koracima predložene metodologije uz detaljnije objašnjenje planiranja i terminiranja proizvodnje uz pomoć simulacije. Na kraju se opisuje primjer uspješno dizajniranog simulacijskog sustava. Predloženi pristup daje verbalni i matematički opis problema, gradi ontologiju domene problema, koristi proširene Petrijeve mreže, graf događaje i cikluse dijagrama aktivnosti kao alate modeliranja, sa svrhom dobijanja vjernog modela koji se lako može replicirati u objektno orijentiranu hijerarhiju klasa i objekata. Metodologija ističe neizbježnost transfera znanja između stručnjaka za poslovne procese, te eksperata iz oblasti razvoja softvera i akademskih istraživanja. Integracija i preklapanje navedenih polja znanja rezultuje u objektno orijentiranoj arhitekturi aplikacije koja je potpuno u skladu s ontologijom koja slijedi iz konceptualne faze metodologije dizajniranja. Predložena metodologija omogućava konvergenciju sveobuhvatnog ali statičkog znanja sadržanog u informacijskom sustavu upravljanja u dinamički simulacijski model, sa ciljem potpunijeg iskorišćenja mogućnosti predviđanja te učinkovito integriranje strateškog i taktičkog odlučivanja

    Detecting Malicious Code in Sensor Network Applications Using Petri Nets

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    Sensor Network reprogramming is essential and crucial for software updates or bug fixes on nodes. Reprogramming is a challenging task as attackers can insert malicious code during code propagation. Such code propagates in an epidemic way bringing down the whole network. The proposed model called Malicious Code Detector is based on Petri nets. The strategy to use Petri nets to model attacks is to understand the properties of the attacks. The proposed system model detects the malicious code at each node. The main components of the System are Detection Tool and library of attack Petri nets. The Detection Tool based on a Detection Algorithm transforms code to Petri nets and uses attack Petri nets to detect the presence of corrupt code/attacks in the sensor application. Detecting such corrupt code can lead to shutting down of that particular node and preventing further propagation of this malicious code throughout the network.Computer Science Departmen

    Mitigating risk through effective information technology operations in local governments : towards a best practice

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    Sound IT governance is becoming increasingly important for any public or private organisation. However, based on previous research, it can be argued that local municipalities in South Africa are seemingly struggling to implement sound IT governance practices. As a result, very few municipalities perform strategic IT planning and as many as 80percent of municipalities do not have a Master System Plan (MSP) in place, which is required by law. IT governance and corporate governance are lately viewed as one and no longer as two separate governance disciplines, because computer systems and electronic communication are more important now than ever for the survival of any organisation. Therefore, it is important for municipalities to streamline their efforts towards sound IT governance. There are limitations which are faced by municipalities that limit these efforts. Possibly the biggest contributing factor towards this current municipal IT governance predicament, among others, is the fact that there are very few, if any, guidelines and resources available to municipalities to aid them in implementing proper IT infrastructures, systems and governance procedures. To improve the current state of IT governance in municipalities, better guidelines and procedures are required. This dissertation presents an IT governance framework to meet this aforementioned requirement. It is tailored to the requirements of local municipalities and is based on the international best practice, the Control Objectives for Information and related Technologies (COBIT) and the ISO/IEC 17799 code of practice for information security management. This proposed framework takes into account the Municipal Systems Act (nr 32 of 2000), Municipal Structures Act (nr 117 of 1998) and annual municipal IT audit reports’ requirements. Research was conducted at a district and its underlying, local municipalities to determine the proper IT governance criteria for municipalities. Case studies were performed at the municipalities and consisted of performing literature studies on the available municipal legislation and annual, municipal IT audit reports, conducting COBIT gap analyses, an ISO 17799 analysis, conducting interviews and developing questionnaires and data capturing and presentation tools. The resultant, proposed IT governance framework, titled the IT strategic objective plan (IT-SOP), when implemented by a municipality, should provide a solid governance foundation on which to base its business processes on