846 research outputs found

    Information Granulation for the Design of Granular Information Retrieval Systems

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    With the explosive growth of the amount of information stored on computer networks such as the Internet, it is increasingly more difficult for information seekers to retrieve relevant information. Traditional document ranking functions employed by Internet search engines can be enhanced to improve the effectiveness of information retrieval (IR). This paper illustrates the design and development of a granular IR system to facilitate domain specific search. In particular, a novel computational model is designed to rank documents according the searchers’ specific granularity requirements. The initial experiments confirm that our granular IR system outperforms a classical vector-based IR system. In addition, user-based evaluations also demonstrate that our granular IR system is effective when compared with a well-known Internet search engine. Our research work opens the door to the design and development of the next generation of Internet search engines to alleviate the problem of information overload

    Information Flow Model for Commercial Security

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    Information flow in Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is a well-known difficult problem. This paper formalizes the fundamental concepts and establishes a theory of information flow security. A DAC system is information flow secure (IFS), if any data never flows into the hands of owner’s enemies (explicitly denial access list.

    Knowledge Engineering in Search Engines

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    With large amounts of information being exchanged on the Internet, search engines have become the most popular tools for helping users to search and filter this information. However, keyword-based search engines sometimes obtain information, which does not meet user’ needs. Some of them are even irrelevant to what the user queries. When the users get query results, they have to read and organize them by themselves. It is not easy for users to handle information when a search engine returns several million results. This project uses a granular computing approach to find knowledge structures of a search engine. The project focuses on knowledge engineering components of a search engine. Based on the earlier work of Dr. Lin and his former student [1], it represents concepts in the Web by simplicial complexes. We found that to represent simplicial complexes adequately, we only need the maximal simplexes. Therefore, this project focuses on building maximal simplexes. Since it is too costly to analyze all Web pages or documents, the project uses the sampling method to get sampling documents. The project constructs simplexes of documents and uses the simplexes to find maximal simplexes. These maximal simplexes are regarded as primitive concepts that can represent Web pages or documents. The maximal simplexes can be used to build an index of a search engine in the future

    Examining Granular Computing from a Modeling Perspective

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    In this paper, we use a set of unified components to conduct granular modeling for problem solving paradigms in several fields of computing. Each identified component may represent a potential research direction in the field of granular computing. A granular computing model for information analysis is proposed. The model may suggest that granular computing is an instrument for implementing perception based computing based on numeric computing. In addition, a novel granular language modeling technique is proposed for information extraction from web pages. This paper also suggests that the study of data mining in the framework of granular computing may address the issues of interpretability and usage of discovered patterns

    Using Granule to Search Privacy Preserving Voice in Home IoT Systems

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    The Home IoT Voice System (HIVS) such as Amazon Alexa or Apple Siri can provide voice-based interfaces for people to conduct the search tasks using their voice. However, how to protect privacy is a big challenge. This paper proposes a novel personalized search scheme of encrypting voice with privacy-preserving by the granule computing technique. Firstly, Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) are used to extract voice features. These features are obfuscated by obfuscation function to protect them from being disclosed the server. Secondly, a series of definitions are presented, including fuzzy granule, fuzzy granule vector, ciphertext granule, operators and metrics. Thirdly, the AES method is used to encrypt voices. A scheme of searchable encrypted voice is designed by creating the fuzzy granule of obfuscation features of voices and the ciphertext granule of the voice. The experiments are conducted on corpus including English, Chinese and Arabic. The results show the feasibility and good performance of the proposed scheme

    A finder and representation system for knowledge carriers based on granular computing

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    In one of his publications Aristotle states ”All human beings by their nature desire to know” [Kraut 1991]. This desire is initiated the day we are born and accompanies us for the rest of our life. While at a young age our parents serve as one of the principle sources for knowledge, this changes over the course of time. Technological advances and particularly the introduction of the Internet, have given us new possibilities to share and access knowledge from almost anywhere at any given time. Being able to access and share large collections of written down knowledge is only one part of the equation. Just as important is the internalization of it, which in many cases can prove to be difficult to accomplish. Hence, being able to request assistance from someone who holds the necessary knowledge is of great importance, as it can positively stimulate the internalization procedure. However, digitalization does not only provide a larger pool of knowledge sources to choose from but also more people that can be potentially activated, in a bid to receive personalized assistance with a given problem statement or question. While this is beneficial, it imposes the issue that it is hard to keep track of who knows what. For this task so-called Expert Finder Systems have been introduced, which are designed to identify and suggest the most suited candidates to provide assistance. Throughout this Ph.D. thesis a novel type of Expert Finder System will be introduced that is capable of capturing the knowledge users within a community hold, from explicit and implicit data sources. This is accomplished with the use of granular computing, natural language processing and a set of metrics that have been introduced to measure and compare the suitability of candidates. Furthermore, are the knowledge requirements of a problem statement or question being assessed, in order to ensure that only the most suited candidates are being recommended to provide assistance

    Shape recognition through multi-level fusion of features and classifiers

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    Shape recognition is a fundamental problem and a special type of image classification, where each shape is considered as a class. Current approaches to shape recognition mainly focus on designing low-level shape descriptors, and classify them using some machine learning approaches. In order to achieve effective learning of shape features, it is essential to ensure that a comprehensive set of high quality features can be extracted from the original shape data. Thus we have been motivated to develop methods of fusion of features and classifiers for advancing the classification performance. In this paper, we propose a multi-level framework for fusion of features and classifiers in the setting of gran-ular computing. The proposed framework involves creation of diversity among classifiers, through adopting feature selection and fusion to create diverse feature sets and to train diverse classifiers using different learn-Xinming Wang algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed multi-level framework can effectively create diversity among classifiers leading to considerable advances in the classification performance
