11 research outputs found

    Framework for the Analysis of the Adaptability, Extensibility, and Scalability of Semantic Information Integration and the Context Mediation Approach

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    Technological advances such as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) have increased the feasibility and importance of effectively integrating information from an ever widening number of systems within and across enterprises. A key difficulty of achieving this goal comes from the pervasive heterogeneity in all levels of information systems. A robust solution to this problem needs to be adaptable, extensible, and scalable. In this paper, we identify the deficiencies of traditional semantic integration approaches. The COntext INterchange (COIN) approach overcomes these deficiencies by declaratively representing data semantics and using a mediator to create the necessary conversion programs from a small number of conversion rules. The capabilities of COIN is demonstrated using an example with 150 data sources, where COIN can automatically generate the over 22,000 conversion programs needed to enable semantic interoperability using only six parametizable conversion rules. This paper presents a framework for evaluating adaptability, extensibility, and scalability of semantic integration approaches. The application of the framework is demonstrated with a systematic evaluation of COIN and other commonly practiced approaches.This work has been supported, in part, by MITRE Corp., the MIT-MUST project, the Singapore-MIT Alliance, and Suruga Bank

    Integration von Subsystemen in einem Active Data Warehouse

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    Reconciling Equational Heterogeneity within a Data Federation

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    Mappings in most federated databases are conceptualized and implemented as black-box transformations between source schemas and a federated schema. This approach does not allow specific mappings to be declared once and reused in other situations. We present an alternative approach, in which data-level mappings are represented independent of source and federated schemas as a network between “contexts”. This compendious representation expedites the data federation process via mapping reuse and automated mapping composition from simpler mappings. We illustrate the benefits of mapping reuse and composition by using an example that incorporates equational mappings and the application of symbolic equation solving techniques

    Information Brokering across Heterogeneous Digital Data: A Metadata-based Approach

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    Information intermediation is the foundation stone of some of the Internet companies, and is perhaps second only to the Internet Infrastructure companies. This book on information brokering discusses next step in information interoperability and integration. It is useful for researchers, software architects, CTOs, and product developers.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/books/1076/thumbnail.jp

    Consolidation of Heterogeneous Terminology Resources

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAndrejs Vasiļjevs Promocijas darbā piedāvātas jaunas pieejas datu sistēmu veidošanā un datorizētā informācijas apstrādē, lai risinātu aktuālas problēmas terminoloģijas jomā. Promocijas darbs teorētiski un praktiski parāda, ka terminoloģijas resursu fragmentācijas un heterogenitātes radītās pieejamības un lietojamības problēmas var efektīvi atrisināt ar federatīvu daudzvalodu sistēmu, kas nodrošina konsolidētu datu reprezentāciju un integrāciju lietojumprogrammatūrā. Darbā piedāvāta vienota metodoloģija konsolidētu sistēmu izveidē, kas ietver svarīgākos soļus no scenārijos balstītas prasību analīzes līdz autonomu datubāzu federācijai. Piedāvāts jauns princips - terminu ierakstu sastatīšana, lai identificētu un apvienotu semantiski atbilstošus daudzvalodu terminus. Semantiskajai salīdzināšanai piedāvāta automatizēta korpusbāzēta kontekstanalīzes metode. Atslēgvārdi: datorsistēmas, terminoloģija, federatīvās datubāzes, terminu sastatīšana, terminoloģijas konsolidācijaAndrejs Vasiļjevs This thesis researches data management and accessibility problems in the terminology domain. The thesis theoretically and practically demonstrates that the usability problems posed by the fragmentation and heterogeneity of terminology resources can be effectively solved with a federated multilingual database system that consolidates data representation and integration in authoring software. A unified consolidation methodology is proposed covering all major aspects from scenario based requirements analysis, data modeling, storage and representation to the federation of autonomous databases. The thesis introduces a new concept of terminology entry compounding for identification of semantically matching multilingual terms from different resources. An automated corpus based on context analysis is proposed for term sense disambiguation in entry compounding. Keywords: computing, terminology, federated databases, term compounding, terminology consolidatio

    Examining the Application of Modular and Contextualised Ontology in Query Expansions for Information Retrieval

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    This research considers the ongoing challenge of semantics-based search from the perspective of how to exploit Semantic Web languages for search in the current Web environment. The purpose of the PhD was to use ontology-based query expansion (OQE) to improve search effectiveness by increasing search precision, i.e. retrieving relevant documents in the topmost ranked positions in a returned document list. Query experiments have required a novel search tool that can combine Semantic Web technologies in an otherwise traditional IR process using a Web document collection

    Architectures for integration of information systems under conditions of dynamic reconfiguration of virtual enterprises

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    Tese Doutoramento Programa Doutoral em Industrial and Systems EngineeringThe aim of this thesis is to explore Architectures of information systems Integration under conditions of dynamic reconfiguration of Virtual Enterprises. The main challenge that we identify and which formed the basis of the research is that information technologies alone cannot support efficiently and effectively the human knowledge and their natural way of interacting. Already from Sausurre (1916) it could be argued that part of knowledge resides in person, and the attempt to try to model it is sufficient for it to be misrepresented. And this is the motto of all this work. Enhance the capabilities of emerging technologies, but in the sense that allow humanto- human interaction, having the information system merely a means to make this possible. Thus we argue that a communicational architecture of information systems integration (where Pragmatics mechanisms are enabled) in virtual enterprises in dynamic reconfiguration scenarios, are better able than the existing transactional architectures. We propose a communicational architecture able to achieve an effective integration of information systems, as well as designing its logical and functional model. We also define the necessary semiotic framework in order to a communicational integration architecture could be efficient and effective. We implemented two prototypes to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed architecture. The demonstration of the research hypothesis was demonstrated with the realization of two experimentations where the ontologies have been unable to resolve disagreements or absences of opinion inherent in people who collaborated. This was overcome with the implementation of mechanisms that allow the co-creation between members of the group that participated in the trial.O objectivo desta tese é explorar Arquitecturas de Integração de Sistemas de Informação em condições de Reconfiguração Dinâmica de Empresas Virtuais. O principal desafio que identificamos e que serviu de base da pesquisa é que as tecnologias de informação por si só não conseguem suportar de forma eficiente e efectiva o conhecimento humano e a sua forma natural de interagir. Já Sausurre (1916) defendia que parte do conhecimento residirá sempre na pessoa, e a tentativa de o tentar modelar é suficiente para que seja deturpado. E esse é o mote de todo este trabalho. Enaltecer as capacidades das tecnologias emergentes mas no sentido de elas permitirem a interacção homem-to-homem, sendo o sistema de informação meramente um meio para que tal seja possível. Argumentamos por isso que uma arquitectura comunicacional de integração de sistemas de informação, onde Pragmatics mechanisms are enabled, em empresas virtuais em cenários de reconfiguração dinâmica, são mais capazes que as actuais arquitecturas transacionais. Propomos para isso uma arquitectura comunicacional capaz de conseguir uma integração efectiva de sistemas de informação, assim como desenhamos o seu modelo lógico e funcional. Definimos ainda o quadro semiótico necessário para que uma arquitectura comunicacional de integração seja eficiente e effectiva. Implementamos dois protótipos capazes de demonstrar a aplicabilidade da arquitectura proposta. A demonstração da hipótese de pesquisa ficou demonstrada com a realização de uma experimentação onde as ontologias se mostraram incapazes de resolver discordâncias ou ausências de opinião inerentes às pessoas que colaboram. Tal foi superado com a aplicação de mecanismos que permitiram a co-criação entre os membros do grupo que realizou a experimentação

    Effective information integration and reutilization : solutions to technological deficiency and legal uncertainty

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, Technology, Management, and Policy Program, February 2006."September 2005."Includes bibliographical references (p. 141-148).The amount of electronically accessible information has been growing exponentially. How to effectively use this information has become a significant challenge. A post 9/11 study indicated that the deficiency of semantic interoperability technology hindered the ability to integrate information from disparate sources in a meaningful and timely fashion to allow for preventive precautions. Meanwhile, organizations that provided useful services by combining and reusing information from publicly accessible sources have been legally challenged. The Database Directive has been introduced in the European Union and six legislative proposals have been made in the U.S. to provide legal protection for non-copyrightable database contents, but the Directive and the proposals have differing and sometimes conflicting scope and strength, which creates legal uncertainty for valued-added data reuse practices. The need for clearer data reuse policy will become more acute as information integration technology improves to make integration much easier. This Thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach to addressing both the technology and the policy challenges, identified above, in the effective use and reuse of information from disparate sources.(cont.) The technology component builds upon the existing Context Interchange (COIN) framework for large-scale semantic interoperability. We focus on the problem of temporal semantic heterogeneity where data sources and receivers make time-varying assumptions about data semantics. A collection of time-varying assumptions are called a temporal context. We extend the existing COIN representation formalism to explicitly represent temporal contexts, and the COIN reasoning mechanism to reconcile temporal semantic heterogeneity in the presence of semantic heterogeneity of time. We also perform a systematic and analytic evaluation of the flexibility and scalability of the COIN approach. Compared with several traditional approaches, the COIN approach has much greater flexibility and scalability. For the policy component, we develop an economic model that formalizes the policy instruments in one of the latest legislative proposals in the U.S. The model allows us to identify the circumstances under which legal protection for non-copyrightable content is needed, the different conditions, and the corresponding policy choices.(cont.) Our analysis indicates that depending on the cost level of database creation, the degree of differentiation of the reuser database, and the efficiency of policy administration, the optimal policy choice can be protecting a legal monopoly, encouraging competition via compulsory licensing, discouraging voluntary licensing, or even allowing free riding. The results provide useful insights for the formulation of a socially beneficial database protection policy.by Hongwei Zhu.Ph.D