15 research outputs found

    An Innovative Practice System of Information Management and Information System Specialty Based on Actual Projects

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    The practical teaching is the key link of training the students’ practical and creative ability in major of information management and information system. On the basis of analyzing the training goal and social demand of the major, an innovative practice system based on actual projects is constructed to solve the main problems exist in the practical teaching, by combining with the successful experience of the practical teaching innovation in Wuhan University of Science and Technology. The system provides a good practical teaching environment and an innovation practical platform for the cultivation of high quality innovation talents. To study in actual projects will accumulate the students’ project experience, cultivate their innovation consciousness and promote their competition ability

    Creative Coding and Visual Portfolios for CS1

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    In this paper, we present the design and development of a new approach to teaching the college-level introductory computing course (CS1) using the context of art and creative coding. Over the course of a semester, students create a portfolio of aesthetic visual designs that employ basic computing structures typically taught in traditional CS1 courses using the Processing programming language. The goal of this approach is to bring the excitement, creativity, and innovation fostered by the context of creative coding. We also present results from a comparative study involving two offerings of the new course at two different institutions. Additionally, we compare our results with another successful approach that uses personal robots to teach CS1

    Creative Coding and Visual Portfolios for CS1

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    In this paper, we present the design and development of a new approach to teaching the college-level introductory computing course (CS1) using the context of art and creative coding. Over the course of a semester, students create a portfolio of aesthetic visual designs that employ basic computing structures typically taught in traditional CS1 courses using the Processing programming language. The goal of this approach is to bring the excitement, creativity, and innovation fostered by the context of creative coding. We also present results from a comparative study involving two offerings of the new course at two different institutions. Additionally, we compare our results with another successful approach that uses personal robots to teach CS1

    Ontology-based IT pedagogical knowledge framework

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    Prospective students often have trouble differentiating between many computer-related programs of study such as computer science (CS), information systems (IS), information engineering (IE), software engineering (SE), information technology (IT), electronic commerce (EC), computer engineering (CE), etc. To compound the problem many institutions offer programs with similar names but with different content, or programs with different names but with similar content. The extensive overlap in course content in many computing-focused disciplines has even created confusion among academics. This paper first reviews relevant literature on the topic and then presents a high-level view of an Information Technology (IT) Pedagogical Knowledge framework from an ontological point of view

    Informatikos specialybių studijų motyvacijos skatinimo poreikiai ir priemonės

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    Aptariama sparčiai augančios informacinių technologijų (IT) specialistų paklausos ir mažėjančio suinteresuotumo tokiomis studijomis problema, kuri vadinama informatikos studijų paklausos krize. Universalių metodų, kaip šią problemą išspręsti, nėra. Yra tik bendro pobūdžio rekomendacijos, kad reikia skatinti studentų motyvaciją ir teikti įvairesnes bei geriau jaunimo poreikius atitinkančias programas. Straipsnyje, remiantis Vytauto Didžiojo universitete atliktos apklausos duomenimis, pateiktipirmųjų kursų studentų poreikių ir jų profesinės veiklos planų analizės rezultatai, aptartos studijų programos modifi kavimo priemonės, kuriomis siekiama atsižvelgti į studentų poreikius. Aprašomi nuoseklaus pradinių specialybės žinių ugdymo programos, kuri atitinka šiuolaikinę informatikos sampratą ir studijų motyvacijos skatinimo poreikius, parengimo principai.Needs and Tools for Motivation of Informatics StudiesAntanas Vidžiūnas, Artūras Mickus SummaryToday IT is invading every aspect of science and society, but despite the nice carrier perspectives of informatics profession the student enrollment problem is actual for universities in Europe, USA, Lithuania and other countries. This problem is called informatics enrollment problem and can be solved only by increasing motivation of informatics studies. Results of investigation in Vytautas Magnus University demonstrate that students are very interested in getting practical skills of computing at the beginning of their studies but classical ACM computer science curriculum isn’t suitable for this. Original curriculum for applied informatics, based on nowadays understanding of Informatics science, was developed in Vytautas Magnus University for solving this problem and main ideas of this curriculum are presented there.

    Studijų programų reikalavimų inžinerijos metodas ir informacijos sistema

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    Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos informatikos studijų programų kūrimo ir atnaujinimo aukštosiose mokyklose problemos, nagrinėjami esami informatikos studijų programų reikalavimų šaltiniai. Studijų programa nagrinėjama sisteminiu požiūriu, jai kurti, analizei, priežiūrai ir tobulinti taikomi sistemų inžinerijos metodai ir programinės įrangos priemonės. Sukurta originali studijų programos reikalavimų valdymo sistema, kuri reikalavimus saugo sistemos duomenų bazėje. Pateikta šios sistemos taikymo metodika, leidžianti analizuoti ir vertinti reikalavimus informatikos studijų programoms, modernizuoti šių studijų programų struktūrą ir turinį.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: studijų programa, reikalavimų inžinerija, programinės įrangos priemonės, studijų programų inžinerijos procesas, reikalavimų valdymo sistema.The Engineering Method and Information System of Study Programme RequirementsVitalijus Denisovas, Saulius Gudas, Jurij Tekutov SummaryThis article is devoted to the formulation and implementation of quite a novel interdisciplinary approach to curriculum development, which is based on the application of systems the engineering methods and modern CASE tools. IBM Rational RequisiteProTM is a tool chosen for curriculum requirements management. It allows the input, updating, tracking, and a review of requirements during the project lifecycle. To support the curriculum development procedure a new engineering system of study program requirements has been developed and implemented. A new methodology of using this system is provided in solving one of the most topical problems of informatics studies in Lithuania – modernization of bachelor studies in order to meet the new study regulations recently issued by the Ministry of Education. The methodology has been approbated by successfully applying it to the analysis, improvement and updating of the Informatics study programs of the Klaipeda University./span

    Forty years of computers and education : A roller-coaster relationship

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    For forty years the relationship between computers and education has been engaged in a headlong journey, full of ups and downs, wild swerves to right and left, somehow both exhilarating and frightening, sometimes in tandem but at others barely still holding hands. The engine of the technologies keeps changing while the driver is sometimes a discipline, learners, or the teacher. The landscape passed along the way includes fleeting glimpses of beautiful but unconquerable mountains followed by attractive rivers with treacherous currents. The population is sometimes persuaded by innovators to come along for the ride, and then suddenly they embark on their own journey into an entirely different valley. The paper analyses this journey along the TC3 twin track of education with and about information and communication technologies, using evidence from its publications and debates, organisational structure and the influence of individuals. The presentation, from one who is neither a computer scientist nor mathematician, will aim to portray a particular perspective on this roller-coaster relationship.2nd IFIP Conference on the History of Computing and EducationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI