17 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Personal Knowledge Management Effectiveness: A Case Study of Automotive Sales Officers in Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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    Abstract. Shifting the economy toward a knowledge-based one that requires skilled workers encourages the implementation of personal knowledge management. The automotive industry is closely related to knowledge-based activities and its technological developments require skilled employees. This study aimed to identify factors that can increase the effectiveness of personal knowledge management among sales officers in automotive companies. A survey was distributed to 115 employees at automotive dealers that implemented knowledge management at the head office level but not at their branch offices or dealerships. The studied effectiveness factors included trust, extrinsic rewards, technology application, knowledge sharing, and learning behavior. The collected data passed validity tests, reliability tests, model tests, and hypothesis testing. Thus, data triangulation was conducted via semi-structured interviews. This study found that trust affects knowledge sharing. Moreover, it was found that extrinsic rewards do not affect knowledge sharing and that the application of technology affects learning behavior. Notably, both knowledge sharing and learning behavior were found to affect personal knowledge management effectiveness. Another impactful factor was leadership. Intrinsic rewards make sales officers feel happier and more rewarded for sharing knowledge than financial benefits. Leadership is an aspect that must be considered since good leaders can encourage and create a positive learning environment.Keywords: Extrinsic rewards, knowledge sharing, learning behavior, personal knowledge management, technology use, trustAbstrak. Pergeseran ekonomi menuju ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan yang membutuhkan pekerja terampil mendorong penerapan manajemen pengetahuan pribadi. Industri otomotif erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan berbasis pengetahuan dan perkembangan teknologinya membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang terampil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen pengetahuan pribadi pada tenaga penjualan di perusahaan otomotif. Survei dilakukan kepada 115 karyawan di dealer otomotif yang menerapkan manajemen pengetahuan di tingkat kantor pusat tetapi tidak di kantor cabang atau diler. Faktor efektivitas yang diteliti meliputi kepercayaan, penghargaan ekstrinsik, penerapan teknologi, berbagi pengetahuan, dan perilaku belajar. Data yang terkumpul lolos uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji model, dan uji hipotesis. Dengan demikian, triangulasi data dilakukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kepercayaan mempengaruhi berbagi pengetahuan. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa penghargaan ekstrinsik tidak mempengaruhi berbagi pengetahuan dan penerapan teknologi mempengaruhi perilaku belajar. Khususnya, baik berbagi pengetahuan dan perilaku belajar ditemukan mempengaruhi efektivitas manajemen pengetahuan pribadi. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh adalah kepemimpinan. Penghargaan intrinsik membuat tenaga penjualan merasa lebih bahagia dan lebih dihargai karena berbagi pengetahuan daripada keuntungan finansial. Kepemimpinan merupakan aspek yang harus diperhatikan karena pemimpin yang baik dapat mendorong dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif.Kata kunci: Penghargaan ekstrinsik, berbagi pengetahuan, perilaku belajar, manajemen pengetahuan pribadi, penggunaan teknologi, kepercayaa

    Factors Affecting Personal Knowledge Management Effectiveness: A Case Study of Automotive Sales Officers in Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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    Abstract. Shifting the economy toward a knowledge-based one that requires skilled workers encourages the implementation of personal knowledge management. The automotive industry is closely related to knowledge-based activities and its technological developments require skilled employees. This study aimed to identify factors that can increase the effectiveness of personal knowledge management among sales officers in automotive companies. A survey was distributed to 115 employees at automotive dealers that implemented knowledge management at the head office level but not at their branch offices or dealerships. The studied effectiveness factors included trust, extrinsic rewards, technology application, knowledge sharing, and learning behavior. The collected data passed validity tests, reliability tests, model tests, and hypothesis testing. Thus, data triangulation was conducted via semi-structured interviews. This study found that trust affects knowledge sharing. Moreover, it was found that extrinsic rewards do not affect knowledge sharing and that the application of technology affects learning behavior. Notably, both knowledge sharing and learning behavior were found to affect personal knowledge management effectiveness. Another impactful factor was leadership. Intrinsic rewards make sales officers feel happier and more rewarded for sharing knowledge than financial benefits. Leadership is an aspect that must be considered since good leaders can encourage and create a positive learning environment.Keywords: Extrinsic rewards, knowledge sharing, learning behavior, personal knowledge management, technology use, trustAbstrak. Pergeseran ekonomi menuju ekonomi berbasis pengetahuan yang membutuhkan pekerja terampil mendorong penerapan manajemen pengetahuan pribadi. Industri otomotif erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan berbasis pengetahuan dan perkembangan teknologinya membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang terampil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen pengetahuan pribadi pada tenaga penjualan di perusahaan otomotif. Survei dilakukan kepada 115 karyawan di dealer otomotif yang menerapkan manajemen pengetahuan di tingkat kantor pusat tetapi tidak di kantor cabang atau diler. Faktor efektivitas yang diteliti meliputi kepercayaan, penghargaan ekstrinsik, penerapan teknologi, berbagi pengetahuan, dan perilaku belajar. Data yang terkumpul lolos uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji model, dan uji hipotesis. Dengan demikian, triangulasi data dilakukan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur. Studi ini menemukan bahwa kepercayaan mempengaruhi berbagi pengetahuan. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa penghargaan ekstrinsik tidak mempengaruhi berbagi pengetahuan dan penerapan teknologi mempengaruhi perilaku belajar. Khususnya, baik berbagi pengetahuan dan perilaku belajar ditemukan mempengaruhi efektivitas manajemen pengetahuan pribadi. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh adalah kepemimpinan. Penghargaan intrinsik membuat tenaga penjualan merasa lebih bahagia dan lebih dihargai karena berbagi pengetahuan daripada keuntungan finansial. Kepemimpinan merupakan aspek yang harus diperhatikan karena pemimpin yang baik dapat mendorong dan menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang positif.Kata kunci: Penghargaan ekstrinsik, berbagi pengetahuan, perilaku belajar, manajemen pengetahuan pribadi, penggunaan teknologi, kepercayaa

    Investigating Students’ Use of the Moodle Platform: A Pilot Study Testing

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    The use of the Moodle platform during the pandemic has dramatically increased, especially in education and learning. There have been numerous studies on user acceptance of learning technology. However, until now, there has been no evaluation research on user satisfaction by transformational leadership as a mediator. This study evaluated user satisfaction, namely students, based on the UTAUT and Delone McLean models. The method used is random sampling as a pilot study of 2 classes at a private Islamic university in Jakarta, Indonesia. In this study, we used ten variables, namely; Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC), System Quality (SQ), Information Quality (IQ), Service Quality (SeQ), Transformational Leadership (TL), User Satisfaction (US). The results showed that eight hypotheses were accepted out of 6, so 75% of this pilot study was successful. We concluded that how students act significantly affects how interested they are in using the Moodle platform

    The impact of employee’s perception of organizational climate on their technology acceptance toward e-learning in South Korea

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    To better understand the relationship between e-learning integration and organizational factors in South Korea, this study explored the influence of employees’ perceptions of organizational climate on their technology acceptances toward e-learning in the workplace of South Korea. Employees’ perceptions of organizational climate was evaluated using Litwin & Stringer’s Organizational Climate Questionnaire (LSOCQ) and employees’ technology acceptance toward e-learning was measured by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). A canonical correlation suggested that employees’ perceived organizational climate can influence their acceptance levels toward e-learning, which implies the importance of addressing organizational issues while integrating e-learning into workplaces in South Korea

    Influential Predictors of Students’ Academic Achievement in Online Peer Learning Among Undergraduate Students

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    Social media is widely used by students. Previous studies have projected conflicting results regarding the influence of online peer learning via social media on academic achievement. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that impact on academic achievement. Building on the literature, the study proposed a conceptual model consists of self-efficacy; engagement, performance expectancy, social influence, peer feedback, and collaboration were incorporated as independent variables that influence the academic achievement. Data was collected from 369 undergraduate students. The findings of regression analysis showed that the strongest predictor of academic achievement in online peer learning was performance expectancy followed by collaboration, social influence, and engagement. An online peer learning influences significantly on academic achievement.  Decision makers were advised to support the implementation of online peer learning in universities. Keywords: Social Media, Online peer learning, Academic achievement, UTAUT

    Системообразующие факторы системи дистанционного обучения в общеобразовательних учебных заведениях: обзор

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    Ефективне проектування й упровадження систем дистанційного навчання (СДН) потребує застосування відповідного системного аналізу таких систем. На основі аналізу теоретичних й експериментальних досліджень систем дистанційного навчання у статті визначено системоутворювальні фактори існування і функціонування цих систем на різних етапах життєвого циклу. Розглянуто підходи до формування переліку системоутворювальних факторів, визначення ієрархії і взаємозв'язків цих факторів, експериментального визначення кількісних значень впливу окремих факторів на результативність системи дистанційного навчання. Зазначається, що врахування системоутворювальних факторів сприятиме створенню ефективних систем дистанційного навчання. Пропонується створення адаптивних середовищ дистанційного навчання, які самомодифікуються відповідно до встановлених цілей.Эффективное проектирование и внедрение систем дистанционного обучения (СДО) требует применения соответствующего системного анализа таких систем. На основе анализа теоретических и зкспериментальных исследований систем дистанционного обучения в статье определены системообразующие факторы существования и функционирования этих систем на различных этапах жизненного цикла. Рассмотрены подходы к формированию перечня системообразующих факторов, определения иерархии и взаимосвязей этих факторов, экспериментального определения количественных значений влияния отдельных факторов на результативность системы дистанционного обучения Отмечается, что учет системообразующих факторов будет способствовать созданию эффективных систем дистанционного обучения. Предлагается создание адаптивных сред дистанционного обучения, которые самомодифицируются в соответствии с установленными целями.Effective design and implementation of distance learning systems requires the use of their appropriate analysis. In the article it is identified system-forming factors at different stages of their life cycle based on the analysis of theoretical and experimental studies of distance learning systems. There are considered the approaches to the formation of a list of system-forming factors, determination of the hierarchy and interrelation of these factors, the experimental determination of the quantitative indicators of influence of separate factors on productivity of the distance learning system. It is noted that the accounting of system-forming factors will contribute to the creation of effective systems of distance learning. It is proposed a creation of an adaptive learning environment that can self-modify, in accordance with the stated objectives

    Identification of Personality Traits for Recruitment of Unskilled Occupations using Kansei Engineering Method

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    Job recruitment portals become the main recruitment channel in most of the organizations nowadays because they offer many advantages to recruiters and job applicants. An outstanding recruitment system should be able to filter and recommend the best potential candidates for a job vacancy so that it can avoid hiring of inappropriate individuals or miss out the good candidates. Nevertheless, most of the existing job portals do not cover the unskilled job sectors. Matching unskilled jobs to applicants is challenging because the selection criteria can be very subjective and difficult to specify in terms of professional qualifications. In this paper, Kansei Engineering (KE) Model is applied to find the most prominent personality traits that are preferred by employers in different unskilled job categories in Malaysia. We have identified most prominent 20 Kansei words related to personality traits that are important to six main industries of unskilled workers. The six unskilled sectors involved are construction, hotel, manufacturing, restaurant, sales, and service. 60 employers from the six sectors were interviewed to rank the 50 personality traits identified. Those ranked personality traits can potentially be used for recruitment selection and filtering of unskilled job applicants

    Framework Towards Enhancing Adoption of Electronic Payment in a Developing Economy: A Case of Uganda

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    Usage of electronic payment (e-payment) in developing economies is still limited, yet literature reveals several models and research efforts that explain adoption of innovations associated with information and communication technologies. This paper investigates issues hindering increased adoption of e-payment systems in a developing economy (specifically Uganda), and suggests possible strategic capabilities or interventions that key stakeholders can actualize to address the issues and enhance e-payment adoption. To achieve this, participatory action research was adopted and instantiated by: conducting an exploratory survey to gain relevant insights from target users of e-payment, devising a framework basing on survey findings and a literature-based taxonomy of aspects that influence technology adoption, and evaluating the artifact using structured walkthroughs with domain experts. Accordingly, this framework presented herein not only explains dynamics in e-payment adoption, but also informs and directs stakeholders on required interventions towards enhancing adoption of e-payment in a developing economy