1,078 research outputs found

    A unified view of parameterized verification of abstract models of broadcast communication

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    We give a unified view of different parameterized models of concurrent and distributed systems with broadcast communication based on transition systems. Based on the resulting formal models, we discuss related verification methods and tools based on abstractions and symbolic state exploration

    Parameterized verification

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    The goal of parameterized verification is to prove the correctness of a system specification regardless of the number of its components. The problem is of interest in several different areas: verification of hardware design, multithreaded programs, distributed systems, and communication protocols. The problem is undecidable in general. Solutions for restricted classes of systems and properties have been studied in areas like theorem proving, model checking, automata and logic, process algebra, and constraint solving. In this introduction to the special issue, dedicated to a selection of works from the Parameterized Verification workshop PV \u201914 and PV \u201915, we survey some of the works developed in this research area

    Parameterized verification and repair of concurrent systems

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    In this thesis, we present novel approaches for model checking, repair and synthesis of systems that may be parameterized in their number of components. The parameterized model checking problem (PMCP) is in general undecidable, and therefore the focus is on restricted classes of parameterized concurrent systems where the problem is decidable. Under certain conditions, the problem is decidable for guarded protocols, and for systems that communicate via a token, a pairwise, or a broadcast synchronization. In this thesis we improve existing results for guarded protocols and we show that the PMCP of guarded protocols and token passing systems is decidable for specifications that add a quantitative aspect to LTL, called Prompt-LTL. Furthermore, we present, to our knowledge, the first parameterized repair algorithm. The parameterized repair problem is to find a refinement of a process implementation p such that the concurrent system with an arbitrary number of instances of p is correct. We show how this algorithm can be used on classes of systems that can be represented as well structured transition systems (WSTS). Additionally we present two safety synthesis algorithms that utilize a lazy approach. Given a faulty system, the algorithms first symbolically model check the system, then the obtained error traces are analyzed to synthesize a candidate that has no such traces. Experimental results show that our algorithm solves a number of benchmarks that are intractable for existing tools. Furthermore, we introduce our tool AIGEN for generating random Boolean functions and transition systems in a symbolic representation.In dieser Arbeit stellen wir neuartige Ans atze für das Model-Checking, die Reparatur und die Synthese von Systemen vor, die in ihrer Anzahl von Komponenten parametrisiert sein können. Das Problem des parametrisierten Model-Checking (PMCP) ist im Allgemeinen unentscheidbar, und daher liegt der Fokus auf eingeschränkten Klassen parametrisierter synchroner Systeme, bei denen das Problem entscheidbar ist. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen ist das Problem für Guarded Protocols und für Systeme, die über ein Token, eine Pairwise oder eine Broadcast-Synchronisation kommunizieren, entscheidbar. In dieser Arbeit verbessern wir bestehende Ergebnisse für Guarded Protocols und zeigen die Entscheidbarkeit des PMCP für Guarded Protocols und Token-Passing Systeme mit Spezifikationen in der temporalen Logik Prompt-LTL, die LTL einen quantitativen Aspekt hinzufügt. Darüber hinaus präsentieren wir unseres Wissens den ersten parametrisierten Reparaturalgorithmus. Das parametrisierte Reparaturproblem besteht darin, eine Verfeinerung einer Prozessimplementierung p zu finden, so dass das synchrone Systeme mit einer beliebigen Anzahl von Instanzen von p korrekt ist. Wir zeigen, wie dieser Algorithmus auf Klassen von Systemen angewendet werden kann, die als Well Structured Transition Systems (WSTS) dargestellt werden können. Außerdem präsentieren wir zwei Safety-Synthesis Algorithmen, die einen "lazy" Ansatz verwenden. Bei einem fehlerhaften System überprüfen die Algorithmen das System symbolisch, dann werden die erhaltenen "Gegenbeispiel" analysiert, um einen Kandidaten zu synthetisieren der keine solchen Fehlerpfade hat. Versuchsergebnisse zeigen, dass unser Algorithmus eine Reihe von Benchmarks löst, die für bestehende Tools nicht lösbar sind. Darüber hinaus stellen wir unser Tool AIGEN zur Erzeugung zufälliger Boolescher Funktionen und Transitionssysteme in einer symbolischen Darstellung vor

    Incremental, Inductive Coverability

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    We give an incremental, inductive (IC3) procedure to check coverability of well-structured transition systems. Our procedure generalizes the IC3 procedure for safety verification that has been successfully applied in finite-state hardware verification to infinite-state well-structured transition systems. We show that our procedure is sound, complete, and terminating for downward-finite well-structured transition systems---where each state has a finite number of states below it---a class that contains extensions of Petri nets, broadcast protocols, and lossy channel systems. We have implemented our algorithm for checking coverability of Petri nets. We describe how the algorithm can be efficiently implemented without the use of SMT solvers. Our experiments on standard Petri net benchmarks show that IC3 is competitive with state-of-the-art implementations for coverability based on symbolic backward analysis or expand-enlarge-and-check algorithms both in time taken and space usage.Comment: Non-reviewed version, original version submitted to CAV 2013; this is a revised version, containing more experimental results and some correction

    Bidirectional Reactive Programming for Machine Learning

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    Reactive languages are dedicated to the programming of systems which interact continuously and concurrently with their environment. Values take the form of unbounded streams modeling the (discrete) passing of time or the sequence of concurrent interactions. While conventional reactivity models recurrences forward in time, we introduce a symmetric reactive construct enabling backward recurrences. Constraints on the latter allow to make the implementation practical. Machine Learning (ML) systems provide numerous motivations for all of this: we demonstrate that reverse-mode automatic differentiation, backpropagation, batch normalization, bidirectional recurrent neural networks, training and reinforcement learning algorithms, are all naturally captured as bidirectional reactive programs
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