14 research outputs found

    Infinite horizon sparse optimal control

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    A class of infinite horizon optimal control problems involving LpL^p-type cost functionals with 0<p10<p\leq 1 is discussed. The existence of optimal controls is studied for both the convex case with p=1p=1 and the nonconvex case with 0<p<10<p<1, and the sparsity structure of the optimal controls promoted by the LpL^p-type penalties is analyzed. A dynamic programming approach is proposed to numerically approximate the corresponding sparse optimal controllers

    Strong local optimality for generalized L1 optimal control problems

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    In this paper, we analyse control affine optimal control problems with a cost functional involving the absolute value of the control. The Pontryagin extremals associated with such systems are given by (possible) concatenations of bang arcs with singular arcs and with inactivated arcs, that is, arcs where the control is identically zero. Here we consider Pontryagin extremals given by a bang-inactive-bang concatenation. We establish sufficient optimality conditions for such extremals, in terms of some regularity conditions and of the coercivity of a suitable finite-dimensional second variation.Comment: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Springer Verlag, In pres

    Second-order sufficient conditions in the sparse optimal control of a phase field tumor growth model with logarithmic potential

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    his paper treats a distributed optimal control problem for a tumor growth model of viscous Cahn--Hilliard type. The evolution of the tumor fraction is governed by a thermodynamic force induced by a double-well potential of logarithmic type. The cost functional contains a nondifferentiable term in order to enhance the occurrence of sparsity effects in the optimal controls, i.e., of subdomains of the space-time cylinder where the controls vanish. In the context of cancer therapies, sparsity is very important in order that the patient is not exposed to unnecessary intensive medical treatment. In this work, we focus on the derivation of second-order sufficient optimality conditions for the optimal control problem. While in previous works on the system under investigation such conditions have been established for the case without sparsity, the case with sparsity has not been treated before. The results obtained in this paper also improve the known results on this phase field model for the case without sparsity

    Second-order sufficient conditions for sparse optimal control of singular Allen--Cahn systems with dynamic boundary conditions

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    In this paper we study the optimal control of a parabolic initial-boundary value problem of Allen--Cahn type with dynamic boundary conditions. Phase field systems of this type govern the evolution of coupled diffuse phase transition processes with nonconserved order parameters that occur in a container and on its surface, respectively. It is assumed that the nonlinear function driving the physical processes within the bulk and on the surface are double well potentials of logarithmic type whose derivatives become singular at the boundary of their respective domains of definition. For such systems, optimal control problems have been studied in the past. We focus here on the situation when the cost functional of the optimal control problem contains a nondifferentiable term like the L1L^1-norm leading to sparsity of optimal controls. For such cases, we derive second-order sufficient conditions for locally optimal controls

    On the monotone and primal-dual active set schemes for p\ell^p-type problems, p(0,1]p \in (0,1]

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    Nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems involving the p\ell^p quasi-norm, p(0,1]p \in (0, 1], of a linear map are considered. A monotonically convergent scheme for a regularized version of the original problem is developed and necessary optimality conditions for the original problem in the form of a complementary system amenable for computation are given. Then an algorithm for solving the above mentioned necessary optimality conditions is proposed. It is based on a combination of the monotone scheme and a primal-dual active set strategy. The performance of the two algorithms is studied by means of a series of numerical tests in different cases, including optimal control problems, fracture mechanics and microscopy image reconstruction

    Sparse and switching infinite horizon optimal controls with mixed-norm penalizations

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    © 2020 EDP Sciences, SMAI. A class of infinite horizon optimal control problems involving mixed quasi-norms of Lp-type cost functionals for the controls is discussed. These functionals enhance sparsity and switching properties of the optimal controls. The existence of optimal controls and their structural properties are analyzed on the basis of first order optimality conditions. A dynamic programming approach is used for numerical realization

    Sparse approximation in learning via neural ODEs

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    We consider the neural ODE and optimal control perspective of supervised learning with L1(0,T;Rdu)L^1(0,T;\mathbb{R}^{d_u}) control penalties, where rather than only minimizing a final cost for the state, we integrate this cost over the entire time horizon. Under natural homogeneity assumptions on the nonlinear dynamics, we prove that any optimal control (for this cost) is sparse, in the sense that it vanishes beyond some positive stopping time. We also provide a polynomial stability estimate for the running cost of the state with respect to the time horizon. This can be seen as a \emph{turnpike property} result, for nonsmooth functionals and dynamics, and without any smallness assumptions on the data, both of which are new in the literature. In practical terms, the temporal sparsity and stability results could then be used to discard unnecessary layers in the corresponding residual neural network (ResNet), without removing relevant information.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure