3,477 research outputs found

    Cyclic rewriting and conjugacy problems

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    Cyclic words are equivalence classes of cyclic permutations of ordinary words. When a group is given by a rewriting relation, a rewriting system on cyclic words is induced, which is used to construct algorithms to find minimal length elements of conjugacy classes in the group. These techniques are applied to the universal groups of Stallings pregroups and in particular to free products with amalgamation, HNN-extensions and virtually free groups, to yield simple and intuitive algorithms and proofs of conjugacy criteria.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure, submitted. Changes to introductio

    The Tutte-Grothendieck group of a convergent alphabetic rewriting system

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    The two operations, deletion and contraction of an edge, on multigraphs directly lead to the Tutte polynomial which satisfies a universal problem. As observed by Brylawski in terms of order relations, these operations may be interpreted as a particular instance of a general theory which involves universal invariants like the Tutte polynomial, and a universal group, called the Tutte-Grothendieck group. In this contribution, Brylawski's theory is extended in two ways: first of all, the order relation is replaced by a string rewriting system, and secondly, commutativity by partial commutations (that permits a kind of interpolation between non commutativity and full commutativity). This allows us to clarify the relations between the semigroup subject to rewriting and the Tutte-Grothendieck group: the later is actually the Grothendieck group completion of the former, up to the free adjunction of a unit (this was even not mention by Brylawski), and normal forms may be seen as universal invariants. Moreover we prove that such universal constructions are also possible in case of a non convergent rewriting system, outside the scope of Brylawski's work.Comment: 17 page

    Coherent Presentations of Monoidal Categories

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    Presentations of categories are a well-known algebraic tool to provide descriptions of categories by means of generators, for objects and morphisms, and relations on morphisms. We generalize here this notion, in order to consider situations where the objects are considered modulo an equivalence relation, which is described by equational generators. When those form a convergent (abstract) rewriting system on objects, there are three very natural constructions that can be used to define the category which is described by the presentation: one consists in turning equational generators into identities (i.e. considering a quotient category), one consists in formally adding inverses to equational generators (i.e. localizing the category), and one consists in restricting to objects which are normal forms. We show that, under suitable coherence conditions on the presentation, the three constructions coincide, thus generalizing celebrated results on presentations of groups, and we extend those conditions to presentations of monoidal categories

    Canonical Abstract Syntax Trees

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    This paper presents Gom, a language for describing abstract syntax trees and generating a Java implementation for those trees. Gom includes features allowing the user to specify and modify the interface of the data structure. These features provide in particular the capability to maintain the internal representation of data in canonical form with respect to a rewrite system. This explicitly guarantees that the client program only manipulates normal forms for this rewrite system, a feature which is only implicitly used in many implementations

    Topological finiteness properties of monoids. Part 1: Foundations

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    We initiate the study of higher dimensional topological finiteness properties of monoids. This is done by developing the theory of monoids acting on CW complexes. For this we establish the foundations of MM-equivariant homotopy theory where MM is a discrete monoid. For projective MM-CW complexes we prove several fundamental results such as the homotopy extension and lifting property, which we use to prove the MM-equivariant Whitehead theorems. We define a left equivariant classifying space as a contractible projective MM-CW complex. We prove that such a space is unique up to MM-homotopy equivalence and give a canonical model for such a space via the nerve of the right Cayley graph category of the monoid. The topological finiteness conditions left-Fn\mathrm{F}_n and left geometric dimension are then defined for monoids in terms of existence of a left equivariant classifying space satisfying appropriate finiteness properties. We also introduce the bilateral notion of MM-equivariant classifying space, proving uniqueness and giving a canonical model via the nerve of the two-sided Cayley graph category, and we define the associated finiteness properties bi-Fn\mathrm{F}_n and geometric dimension. We explore the connections between all of the these topological finiteness properties and several well-studied homological finiteness properties of monoids which are important in the theory of string rewriting systems, including FPn\mathrm{FP}_n, cohomological dimension, and Hochschild cohomological dimension. We also develop the corresponding theory of MM-equivariant collapsing schemes (that is, MM-equivariant discrete Morse theory), and among other things apply it to give topological proofs of results of Anick, Squier and Kobayashi that monoids which admit presentations by complete rewriting systems are left-, right- and bi-FP\mathrm{FP}_\infty.Comment: 59 pages, 1 figur

    On insertion-deletion systems over relational words

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    We introduce a new notion of a relational word as a finite totally ordered set of positions endowed with three binary relations that describe which positions are labeled by equal data, by unequal data and those having an undefined relation between their labels. We define the operations of insertion and deletion on relational words generalizing corresponding operations on strings. We prove that the transitive and reflexive closure of these operations has a decidable membership problem for the case of short insertion-deletion rules (of size two/three and three/two). At the same time, we show that in the general case such systems can produce a coding of any recursively enumerable language leading to undecidabilty of reachability questions.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Synthesising Graphical Theories

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    In recent years, diagrammatic languages have been shown to be a powerful and expressive tool for reasoning about physical, logical, and semantic processes represented as morphisms in a monoidal category. In particular, categorical quantum mechanics, or "Quantum Picturalism", aims to turn concrete features of quantum theory into abstract structural properties, expressed in the form of diagrammatic identities. One way we search for these properties is to start with a concrete model (e.g. a set of linear maps or finite relations) and start composing generators into diagrams and looking for graphical identities. Naively, we could automate this procedure by enumerating all diagrams up to a given size and check for equalities, but this is intractable in practice because it produces far too many equations. Luckily, many of these identities are not primitive, but rather derivable from simpler ones. In 2010, Johansson, Dixon, and Bundy developed a technique called conjecture synthesis for automatically generating conjectured term equations to feed into an inductive theorem prover. In this extended abstract, we adapt this technique to diagrammatic theories, expressed as graph rewrite systems, and demonstrate its application by synthesising a graphical theory for studying entangled quantum states.Comment: 10 pages, 22 figures. Shortened and one theorem adde

    Geodesic rewriting systems and pregroups

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    In this paper we study rewriting systems for groups and monoids, focusing on situations where finite convergent systems may be difficult to find or do not exist. We consider systems which have no length increasing rules and are confluent and then systems in which the length reducing rules lead to geodesics. Combining these properties we arrive at our main object of study which we call geodesically perfect rewriting systems. We show that these are well-behaved and convenient to use, and give several examples of classes of groups for which they can be constructed from natural presentations. We describe a Knuth-Bendix completion process to construct such systems, show how they may be found with the help of Stallings' pregroups and conversely may be used to construct such pregroups.Comment: 44 pages, to appear in "Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory, Dortmund and Carleton Conferences". Series: Trends in Mathematics. Bogopolski, O.; Bumagin, I.; Kharlampovich, O.; Ventura, E. (Eds.) 2009, Approx. 350 p., Hardcover. ISBN: 978-3-7643-9910-8 Birkhause