29,821 research outputs found

    Exact Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Games

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    Shapley's discounted stochastic games, Everett's recursive games and Gillette's undiscounted stochastic games are classical models of game theory describing two-player zero-sum games of potentially infinite duration. We describe algorithms for exactly solving these games

    Random Fruits on the Zielonka Tree

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    Stochastic games are a natural model for the synthesis of controllers confronted to adversarial and/or random actions. In particular, ω\omega-regular games of infinite length can represent reactive systems which are not expected to reach a correct state, but rather to handle a continuous stream of events. One critical resource in such applications is the memory used by the controller. In this paper, we study the amount of memory that can be saved through the use of randomisation in strategies, and present matching upper and lower bounds for stochastic Muller games

    Optimal Strategies in Infinite-state Stochastic Reachability Games

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    We consider perfect-information reachability stochastic games for 2 players on infinite graphs. We identify a subclass of such games, and prove two interesting properties of it: first, Player Max always has optimal strategies in games from this subclass, and second, these games are strongly determined. The subclass is defined by the property that the set of all values can only have one accumulation point -- 0. Our results nicely mirror recent results for finitely-branching games, where, on the contrary, Player Min always has optimal strategies. However, our proof methods are substantially different, because the roles of the players are not symmetric. We also do not restrict the branching of the games. Finally, we apply our results in the context of recently studied One-Counter stochastic games

    Perfect Information Stochastic Priority Games

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    International audienceWe introduce stochastic priority games - a new class of perfect information stochastic games. These games can take two different, but equivalent, forms. In stopping priority games a play can be stopped by the environment after a finite number of stages, however, infinite plays are also possible. In discounted priority games only infinite plays are possible and the payoff is a linear combination of the classical discount payoff and of a limit payoff evaluating the performance at infinity. Shapley games and parity games are special extreme cases of priority games

    On the Complexity of Branching Games with Regular Conditions

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    Infinite duration games with regular conditions are one of the crucial tools in the areas of verification and synthesis. In this paper we consider a branching variant of such games - the game contains branching vertices that split the play into two independent sub-games. Thus, a play has the form of~an~infinite tree. The winner of the play is determined by a winning condition specified as a set of infinite trees. Games of this kind were used by Mio to provide a game semantics for the probabilistic mu-calculus. He used winning conditions defined in terms of parity games on trees. In this work we consider a more general class of winning conditions, namely those definable by finite automata on infinite trees. Our games can be seen as a branching-time variant of the stochastic games on graphs. We address the question of determinacy of a branching game and the problem of computing the optimal game value for each of the players. We consider both the stochastic and non-stochastic variants of the games. The questions under consideration are parametrised by the family of strategies we allow: either mixed, behavioural, or pure. We prove that in general, branching games are not determined under mixed strategies. This holds even for topologically simple winning conditions (differences of two open sets) and non-stochastic arenas. Nevertheless, we show that the games become determined under mixed strategies if we restrict the winning conditions to open sets of trees. We prove that the problem of comparing the game value to a rational threshold is undecidable for branching games with regular conditions in all non-trivial stochastic cases. In the non-stochastic cases we provide exact bounds on the complexity of the problem. The only case left open is the 0-player stochastic case, i.e. the problem of computing the measure of a given regular language of infinite trees

    Reachability for Branching Concurrent Stochastic Games

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    We give polynomial time algorithms for deciding almost-sure and limit-sure reachability in Branching Concurrent Stochastic Games (BCSGs). These are a class of infinite-state imperfect-information stochastic games that generalize both finite-state concurrent stochastic reachability games ([L. de Alfaro et al., 2007]) and branching simple stochastic reachability games ([K. Etessami et al., 2018])

    Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games

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    We study Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games (RCSGs), extending our recent analysis of recursive simple stochastic games to a concurrent setting where the two players choose moves simultaneously and independently at each state. For multi-exit games, our earlier work already showed undecidability for basic questions like termination, thus we focus on the important case of single-exit RCSGs (1-RCSGs). We first characterize the value of a 1-RCSG termination game as the least fixed point solution of a system of nonlinear minimax functional equations, and use it to show PSPACE decidability for the quantitative termination problem. We then give a strategy improvement technique, which we use to show that player 1 (maximizer) has \epsilon-optimal randomized Stackless & Memoryless (r-SM) strategies for all \epsilon > 0, while player 2 (minimizer) has optimal r-SM strategies. Thus, such games are r-SM-determined. These results mirror and generalize in a strong sense the randomized memoryless determinacy results for finite stochastic games, and extend the classic Hoffman-Karp strategy improvement approach from the finite to an infinite state setting. The proofs in our infinite-state setting are very different however, relying on subtle analytic properties of certain power series that arise from studying 1-RCSGs. We show that our upper bounds, even for qualitative (probability 1) termination, can not be improved, even to NP, without a major breakthrough, by giving two reductions: first a P-time reduction from the long-standing square-root sum problem to the quantitative termination decision problem for finite concurrent stochastic games, and then a P-time reduction from the latter problem to the qualitative termination problem for 1-RCSGs.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Decidability Results for Multi-objective Stochastic Games

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    We study stochastic two-player turn-based games in which the objective of one player is to ensure several infinite-horizon total reward objectives, while the other player attempts to spoil at least one of the objectives. The games have previously been shown not to be determined, and an approximation algorithm for computing a Pareto curve has been given. The major drawback of the existing algorithm is that it needs to compute Pareto curves for finite horizon objectives (for increasing length of the horizon), and the size of these Pareto curves can grow unboundedly, even when the infinite-horizon Pareto curve is small. By adapting existing results, we first give an algorithm that computes the Pareto curve for determined games. Then, as the main result of the paper, we show that for the natural class of stopping games and when there are two reward objectives, the problem of deciding whether a player can ensure satisfaction of the objectives with given thresholds is decidable. The result relies on intricate and novel proof which shows that the Pareto curves contain only finitely many points. As a consequence, we get that the two-objective discounted-reward problem for unrestricted class of stochastic games is decidable.Comment: 35 page