14 research outputs found

    Reconstructing equations of motion for cell phenotypic transitions: integration of data science and dynamical systems theory

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    Dynamical systems theory has long been fruitfully applied to describe cellular processes, while a main challenge is lack of quantitative information for constraining models. Advances of quantitative approaches, especially single cell techniques, have accelerated the emergence of a new direction of reconstructing the equations of motion of a cellular system from quantitative single cell data, thus places studies under the framework of dynamical systems theories, as compared to the currently dominant statistics-based approaches. Here I review a selected number of recent studies using live- and fixed- cell data, and provide my perspective on the future development.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Of Cell Shapes and Motion: The Physical Basis of Animal Cell Migration.

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    Motile cells have developed a variety of migration modes relying on diverse traction-force-generation mechanisms. Before the behavior of intracellular components could be easily imaged, cell movements were mostly classified by different types of cellular shape dynamics. Indeed, even though some types of cells move without any significant change in shape, most cell propulsion mechanisms rely on global or local deformations of the cell surface. In this review, focusing mostly on metazoan cells, we discuss how different types of local and global shape changes underlie distinct migration modes. We then discuss mechanical differences between force-generation mechanisms and finish by speculating on how they may have evolved

    Inferring cell state by quantitative motility analysis reveals a dynamic state system and broken detailed balance

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    <div><p>Cell populations display heterogeneous and dynamic phenotypic states at multiple scales. Similar to molecular features commonly used to explore cell heterogeneity, cell behavior is a rich phenotypic space that may allow for identification of relevant cell states. Inference of cell state from cell behavior across a time course may enable the investigation of dynamics of transitions between heterogeneous cell states, a task difficult to perform with destructive molecular observations. Cell motility is one such easily observed cell behavior with known biomedical relevance. To investigate heterogenous cell states and their dynamics through the lens of cell behavior, we developed Heteromotility, a software tool to extract quantitative motility features from timelapse cell images. In mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), myoblasts, and muscle stem cells (MuSCs), Heteromotility analysis identifies multiple motility phenotypes within the population. In all three systems, the motility state identity of individual cells is dynamic. Quantification of state transitions reveals that MuSCs undergoing activation transition through progressive motility states toward the myoblast phenotype. Transition rates during MuSC activation suggest non-linear kinetics. By probability flux analysis, we find that this MuSC motility state system breaks detailed balance, while the MEF and myoblast systems do not. Balanced behavior state transitions can be captured by equilibrium formalisms, while unbalanced switching between states violates equilibrium conditions and would require an external driving force. Our data indicate that the system regulating cell behavior can be decomposed into a set of attractor states which depend on the identity of the cell, together with a set of transitions between states. These results support a conceptual view of cell populations as dynamical systems, responding to inputs from signaling pathways and generating outputs in the form of state transitions and observable motile behaviors.</p></div

    Classification of bacterial motility using machine learning

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    Cells can display a diverse set of motility behaviors, and these behaviors may reflect a cell’s functional state. Automated, and accurate cell motility analysis is essential to cell studies where the analysis of motility pattern is required. The results of such analysis can be used for diagnostic or curative decisions. Deep learning area has made astonishing progresses in the past several years. For computer vision tasks, different convolutional neural networks (CNN) and optimizers have been proposed to fix some problems. For time sequence data, recurrent neural networks (RNN) have been widely used. This project leveraged on these recent advances to find the proper neural network for bacterial motility trajectory analysis for genotypic classification. This thesis was trying to answer two questions: (1) Which machine learning model can effectively classify the genotype of bacterial based on their motility patterns? And (2) Which motility parameters can best predict the bacterial genotype? The first question is addressed in the result 1 and 2 using different data formats and different machine learning models. The second question is addressed in result 3. Accordingly, this thesis is divided into three parts: (1) different traditional machine learning models are tested for predicting bacterial genotype using the coordinates’ sequences extracted from microscopic videos. (2) bacterial genotype classification task is solved by using deep neural network and the raw videos. (3) different motility parameters are tested to find out the best for predicting bacterial genotypes. It is found that neural network gives highest accuracy in classifying bacterial genotype using coordinates’ sequences. Deep neural network with CNN-RNN can effectively classify the bacterial genotype using video data. Among popular motility parameters, some of them predict the bacterial genotype 20% better than others. The broader impact of this project is to automate trajectory analysis process and enable high-throughput trajectory analysis for research and clinical uses

    Broken detailed balance and non-equilibrium dynamics in living systems: a review

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    Living systems operate far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Enzymatic activity can induce broken detailed balance at the molecular scale. This molecular scale breaking of detailed balance is crucial to achieve biological functions such as high-fidelity transcription and translation, sensing, adaptation, biochemical patterning, and force generation. While biological systems such as motor enzymes violate detailed balance at the molecular scale, it remains unclear how non-equilibrium dynamics manifests at the mesoscale in systems that are driven through the collective activity of many motors. Indeed, in several cellular systems the presence of non-equilibrium dynamics is not always evident at large scales. For example, in the cytoskeleton or in chromosomes one can observe stationary stochastic processes that appear at first glance thermally driven. This raises the question how non-equilibrium fluctuations can be discerned from thermal noise. We discuss approaches that have recently been developed to address this question, including methods based on measuring the extent to which the system violates the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We also review applications of this approach to reconstituted cytoskeletal networks, the cytoplasm of living cells, and cell membranes. Furthermore, we discuss a more recent approach to detect actively driven dynamics, which is based on inferring broken detailed balance. This constitutes a non-invasive method that uses time-lapse microscopy data, and can be applied to a broad range of systems in cells and tissue. We discuss the ideas underlying this method and its application to several examples including flagella, primary cilia, and cytoskeletal networks. Finally, we briefly discuss recent developments in stochastic thermodynamics and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, which offer new perspectives to understand the physics of living systems

    Advances in quantitative microscopy

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    Microscopy allows us to peer into the complex deeply shrouded world that the cells of our body grow and thrive in. With the emergence of automated digital microscopes and software for anlysing and processing the large numbers of image that they produce; quantitative microscopy approaches are now allowing us to answer ever larger and more complex biological questions. In this thesis I explore two trends. Firstly, that of using quantitative microscopy for performing unbiased screens, the advances made here include developing strategies to handle imaging data captured from physiological models, and unsupervised analysis screening data to derive unbiased biological insights. Secondly, I develop software for analysing live cell imaging data, that can now be captured at greater rates than ever before and use this to help answer key questions covering the biology of how cells make the decision to arrest or proliferate in response to DNA damage. Together this thesis represents a view of the current state of the art in high-throughput quantitative microscopy and details where the field is heading as machine learning approaches become ever more sophisticated.Open Acces