3 research outputs found

    Inferring Micro-Activities Using Wearable Sensing for ADL Recognition of Home-Care Patients

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    Interdisciplinary perspectives on privacy awareness in lifelogging technology development

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    Population aging resulting from demographic changes requires some challenging decisions and necessary steps to be taken by different stakeholders to manage current and future demand for assistance and support. The consequences of population aging can be mitigated to some extent by assisting technologies that can support the autonomous living of older individuals and persons in need of care in their private environments as long as possible. A variety of technical solutions are already available on the market, but privacy protection is a serious, often neglected, issue when using such (assisting) technology. Thus, privacy needs to be thoroughly taken under consideration in this context. In a three-year project PAAL (‘Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Lifelogging Services for Older and Frail People’), researchers from different disciplines, such as law, rehabilitation, human-computer interaction, and computer science, investigated the phenomenon of privacy when using assistive lifelogging technologies. In concrete terms, the concept of Privacy by Design was realized using two exemplary lifelogging applications in private and professional environments. A user-centered empirical approach was applied to the lifelogging technologies, investigating the perceptions and attitudes of (older) users with different health-related and biographical profiles. The knowledge gained through the interdisciplinary collaboration can improve the implementation and optimization of assistive applications. In this paper, partners of the PAAL project present insights gained from their cross-national, interdisciplinary work regarding privacy-aware and acceptable lifelogging technologies.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This work is part of the PAAL-project (“Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Lifelogging services for older and frail people”). The support of the Joint Programme Initiative “More Years, Better Lives” (award number: PAAL_JTC2017), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grant no: 16SV7955), the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (grant no: 2017–02302), the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (PCIN-2017-114), the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Universitá e della Ricerca, (CUP: I36G17000380001), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research is gratefully acknowledged

    Aceitação das tecnologias da casa inteligente: um estudo transversal com potenciais clientes do Brasil

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2023.O desenvolvimento de tecnologias associadas a produtos inteligentes tem se difundido globalmente e em diversas áreas, incluindo empreendimentos residenciais. Nesse contexto, as casas inteligentes surgem como um novo produto e se tornam o foco de diversos estudos, do mercado da construção civil e de discussões tecnológicas, políticas e ambientais. Porém, o processo de disseminação da casa inteligente para uso dos clientes vem ocorrendo de forma lenta e distinta conforme a região que se desenvolvem as tecnologias da casa inteligente. Existem os benefícios percebidos pelo usuário que promovem o uso dessas tecnologias, mas existem fatores que interferem como barreiras no processo de aceitação da casa inteligente. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho é propor um modelo e estimar o efeito dos fatores que determinam a aceitação das tecnologias da casa inteligente pelos usuários. A fim de alcançar este objetivo, foram utilizadas algumas técnicas e ferramentas como método para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. A revisão sistemática da literatura e a meta análise foram utilizadas para análise e síntese do portfólio dos estudos. Para identificação dos fatores que interferem na aceitação de tecnologias da casa inteligente por parte do usuário, foi utilizada a abordagem de Strucutural Equation Modeling. Por meio desse estudo, foi possível identificar que os constructos Expectativa de Esforço e Expectativa de Performance apresentam efeito significativo em relação a Atitude e que os constructos Influência Social, Motivação Hedônica, Valor de Preço e Atitude são significativos para a Intenção de Uso. Para identificação do valor percebido pelo cliente diante das funcionalidades da casa inteligente foi utilizada a técnica de preferência declarada e o Willingness to Pay. Esse estudo permitiu identificar que as funcionalidades Eletrodomésticos, Iluminação, Ar Condicionado, Segurança, Medidor, TV e Som e Janelas e Cortinas possuem utilidade significativa pela percepção do usuário. O maior valor médio disposto a pagar pelo usuário é em relação a funcionalidade Segurança, R3.059,30,eomenorvalormeˊdiodispostoapagareˊemrelac\ca~oafuncionalidadeJanelaseCortinas,R3.059,30, e o menor valor médio disposto a pagar é em relação a funcionalidade Janelas e Cortinas, R501,70. Contudo, esta tese apresenta o ineditismo da realização da meta análise sobre aceitação de tecnologias da casa inteligente, da estimação de aceitação das tecnologias da casa inteligente com potenciais clientes da América do Sul, mais precisamente do sul e sudeste do Brasil, e da estimação conjunta da utilidade de diversas funcionalidades integrantes da casa inteligente e incluindo a disposição a pagar por estas funcionalidades.Abstract: The new technologies associated with smart products have spread globally and in several areas, including residential developments. In this context, smart homes emerge as a new product and become the focus of research in many areas, such as the civil construction market, technological innovation, political and environmental. However, the dissemination of smart home technologies to the customer has been taking place slowly and differently depending on the region of the country. There are many benefits perceived by the user that promote the use of these technologies. However, there are still numerous barriers to accepting the smart home. Thus, this work aims to propose a model and estimate the effect of factors that determine the acceptance of smart home technologies by users. The current research utilized some techniques and tools to reach the thesis goal. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis were used to analyze and synthesize the study portfolio. The Structural Equation Modeling approach was used to identify the factors that interfere with the user's acceptance of smart home technologies. Through this study, it was possible to identify that the Effort Expectation and Performance Expectation constructs have a significant effect on Attitude and that the Social Influence, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, and Attitude constructs are significant for Intention to Use. The stated preference technique and the Willingness to Pay were used to identify the value perceived by the customer of the features of the smart home. This study allowed us to identify that the functionalities of Appliances, Lighting, Air Conditioning, Security, Meter, TV and Sound, and Windows and Curtains have significant utility in the user's perception. The highest average amount willing to pay by the user is for the Security feature, R3,059.30,andthelowestaverageamountisfortheWindowsandCurtainsfeature,R3,059.30, and the lowest average amount is for the Windows and Curtains feature, R501.70. Moreover, this thesis presents some innovative contributions to the literature, such as the meta-analysis of acceptance of smart home technologies, the estimation of acceptance of smart home technologies with potential customers in South America, more precisely in the south and southeast of Brazil, and estimation of the utility of several functionalities that are part of the smart home, including the willingness to pay for these functionalities