12 research outputs found

    A Crowd Monitoring Framework using Emotion Analysis of Social Media for Emergency Management in Mass Gatherings

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    In emergency management for mass gatherings, the knowledge about crowd types can highly assist with providing timely response and effective resource allocation. Crowd monitoring can be achieved using computer vision based approaches and sensory data analysis. The emergence of social media platforms presents an opportunity to capture valuable information about how people feel and think. However, the literature shows that there are a limited number of studies that use social media in crowd monitoring and/or incorporate a unified crowd model for consistency and interoperability. This paper presents a novel framework for crowd monitoring using social media. It includes a standard crowd model to represent different types of crowds. The proposed framework considers the effect of emotion on crowd behaviour and uses the emotion analysis of social media to identify the crowd types in an event. An experiment using historical data to validate our framework is described

    Integrating Social Media with Ontologies for Real-Time Crowd Monitoring and Decision Support in Mass Gatherings

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    Situation awareness plays an essential role in making real-time decisions in mass gatherings. In the last few years, social media data analysis has been proved to be an effective approach to enable and enhance situation awareness. Mass gathering events are dynamic and critical environments where thousands of people attend. During the event, there is a potential for injuries and other health hazards, and thus it is critical for emergency medical services to access real-time and situational awareness information, especially concerning the nature of the crowd. It has been well recognized in the literature that crowd mood and behaviour can have a direct impact on the crowd safety and patient presentation rates. We describe a mobile social media-enabled crowd monitoring architecture that aims to improve emergency management decision-making by analysing the data from social networks in real-time. The proposed architecture incorporates a crowd behaviour classification model, which facilitates real-time situation awareness and provides a better understanding of analysis results. Awareness and perception of crowd mood and behaviour during the event can significantly improve prediction of patient presentation rates; leading to timely and effective medical care provision. The implementation and evaluation of the proposed framework on an Android mobile phone is described

    Inferring crowd conditions from pedestrians' location traces for real-time crowd Monitoring during city-scale mass gatherings

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    There is a need for event organizers and emergency response personnel to detect emerging, potentially critical crowd situations at an early stage during city-wide mass gatherings. In this work, we introduce and describe mathematical methods based on pedestrian-behavior models to infer and visualize crowd conditions from pedestrians' GPS location traces. We tested our approach during the 2011 Lord Mayors Show in London by deploying a system able to infer and visualize in real-time crowd density, crowd turbulence, crowd velocity and crowd pressure. To collection location updates from festival visitors, a mobile phone app that supplies the user with event-related information and periodically logs the device's location was distributed. We collected around four million location updates from over 800 visitors. The City of London Police consulted the crowd condition visualization to monitor the event. As an evaluation of the usefulness of our approach, we learned through interviews with police officers that our approach helps to assess occurring crowd conditions and to spot critical situations faster compared to the traditional video-based methods. With that, appropriate measure can be deployed quickly helping to resolve a critical situation at an early stage

    Understanding the protection of privacy when counting subway travelers through anonymization

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    Public transportation, especially in large cities, is critical for livability. Counting passengers as they travel between stations is crucial to establishing and maintaining effective transportation systems. Various information and communication technologies, such as GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, have been used to measure people's movements automatically. Regarding public transportation applications, the automated fare collection (AFC) system has been widely adopted as a convenient method for measuring passengers, mainly because it is relatively easy to identify card owners uniquely and, as such, the movements of their card holders. However, there are serious concerns regarding privacy infringements when deploying such technologies, to the extent that Europe's General Data Protection Regulation has forbidden straightforward deployment for measuring pedestrian dynamics unless explicit consent has been provided. As a result, privacy-preservation techniques (e.g., anonymization) must be used when deploying such systems. Against this backdrop, we investigate to what extent a recently developed anonymization technique, known as detection k-anonymity, can be adapted to count public transportation travelers while preserving privacy. In the case study, we tested our methods with data from Beijing subway trips. Results show different scenarios when detection k-anonymity can be effectively applied and when it cannot. Due to the complicated relationship between the detection k-anonymity parameters, setting the proper parameter values can be difficult, leading to inaccurate results. Furthermore, through detection k-anonymity, it is possible to count travelers between two locations with high accuracy. However, counting travelers from more than two locations leads to more inaccurate results

    Intelligent evacuation management systems: A review

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    Crowd and evacuation management have been active areas of research and study in the recent past. Various developments continue to take place in the process of efficient evacuation of crowds in mass gatherings. This article is intended to provide a review of intelligent evacuation management systems covering the aspects of crowd monitoring, crowd disaster prediction, evacuation modelling, and evacuation path guidelines. Soft computing approaches play a vital role in the design and deployment of intelligent evacuation applications pertaining to crowd control management. While the review deals with video and nonvideo based aspects of crowd monitoring and crowd disaster prediction, evacuation techniques are reviewed via the theme of soft computing, along with a brief review on the evacuation navigation path. We believe that this review will assist researchers in developing reliable automated evacuation systems that will help in ensuring the safety of the evacuees especially during emergency evacuation scenarios

    SIMCD: SIMulated crowd data for anomaly detection and prediction

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    Smart Crowd management (SCM) solutions can mitigate overcrowding disasters by implementing efficient crowd learning models that can anticipate critical crowd conditions and potential catastrophes. Developing an SCM solution involves monitoring crowds and modelling their dynamics. Crowd monitoring produces vast amounts of data, with features such as densities and speeds, which are essential for training and evaluating crowd learning models. By and large, crowd datasets can be classified as real (e.g., real monitoring of crowds) or synthetic (e.g., simulation of crowds). Using real crowd datasets can produce effective and reliable crowd learning models. However, acquiring real crowd data faces several challenges, including the expensive installation of a sensory infrastructure, the data pre-processing costs and the lack of real datasets that cover particular crowd scenarios. Consequently, crowd management literature has adopted simulation tools for generating synthetic datasets to overcome the challenges associated with their real counterparts. The majority of existing datasets, whether real or synthetic, can be used for crowd counting applications or analysing the activities of individuals rather than collective crowd behaviour. Accordingly, this paper demonstrates the process of generating bespoke synthetic crowd datasets that can be used for crowd anomaly detection and prediction, using the MassMotion crowd simulator. The developed datasets present two types of crowd anomalies; namely, high densities and contra-flow walking direction. These datasets are: SIMulated Crowd Data (SIMCD)-Single Anomaly and SIMCD-Multiple Anomalies for anomaly detection tasks, besides two SIMCD-Prediction datasets for crowd prediction tasks. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates the data preparation (pre-processing) process by aggregating the data and proposing new essential features, such as the level of crowdedness and the crowd severity level, that are useful for developing crowd prediction and anomaly detection models

    SIMCD: SIMulated crowd data for anomaly detection and prediction

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    Smart Crowd management (SCM) solutions can mitigate overcrowding disasters by implementing efficient crowd learning models that can anticipate critical crowd conditions and potential catastrophes. Developing an SCM solution involves monitoring crowds and modelling their dynamics. Crowd monitoring produces vast amounts of data, with features such as densities and speeds, which are essential for training and evaluating crowd learning models. By and large, crowd datasets can be classified as real (e.g., real monitoring of crowds) or synthetic (e.g., simulation of crowds). Using real crowd datasets can produce effective and reliable crowd learning models. However, acquiring real crowd data faces several challenges, including the expensive installation of a sensory infrastructure, the data pre-processing costs and the lack of real datasets that cover particular crowd scenarios. Consequently, crowd management literature has adopted simulation tools for generating synthetic datasets to overcome the challenges associated with their real counterparts. The majority of existing datasets, whether real or synthetic, can be used for crowd counting applications or analysing the activities of individuals rather than collective crowd behaviour. Accordingly, this paper demonstrates the process of generating bespoke synthetic crowd datasets that can be used for crowd anomaly detection and prediction, using the MassMotion crowd simulator. The developed datasets present two types of crowd anomalies; namely, high densities and contra-flow walking direction. These datasets are: SIMulated Crowd Data (SIMCD)-Single Anomaly and SIMCD-Multiple Anomalies for anomaly detection tasks, besides two SIMCD-Prediction datasets for crowd prediction tasks. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates the data preparation (pre-processing) process by aggregating the data and proposing new essential features, such as the level of crowdedness and the crowd severity level, that are useful for developing crowd prediction and anomaly detection models