1,097 research outputs found

    Towards a dynamic view of genetic networks: A Kalman filtering framework for recovering temporally-rewiring stable networks from undersampled data

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    It is widely accepted that cellular requirements and environmental conditions dictate the architecture of genetic regulatory networks. Nonetheless, the status quo in regulatory network modeling and analysis assumes an invariant network topology over time. We refocus on a dynamic perspective of genetic networks, one that can uncover substantial topological changes in network structure during biological processes such as developmental growth and cancer progression. We propose a novel outlook on the inference of time-varying genetic networks, from a limited number of noisy observations, by formulating the networks estimation as a target tracking problem. Assuming linear dynamics, we formulate a constrained Kalman ltering framework, which recursively computes the minimum mean-square, sparse and stable estimate of the network connectivity at each time point. The sparsity constraint is enforced using the weighted l1-norm; and the stability constraint is incorporated using the Lyapounov stability condition. The proposed constrained Kalman lter is formulated to preserve the convex nature of the problem. The algorithm is applied to estimate the time-varying networks during the life cycle of the Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit fly)

    A Novel Gene Network Inference Algorithm Using Predictive Minimum Description Length Approach

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    Background: Reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks using information theory models has received much attention due to its simplicity, low computational cost, and capability of inferring large networks. One of the major problems with information theory models is to determine the threshold which defines the regulatory relationships between genes. The minimum description length (MDL) principle has been implemented to overcome this problem. The description length of the MDL principle is the sum of model length and data encoding length. A user-specified fine tuning parameter is used as control mechanism between model and data encoding, but it is difficult to find the optimal parameter. In this work, we proposed a new inference algorithm which incorporated mutual information (MI), conditional mutual information (CMI) and predictive minimum description length (PMDL) principle to infer gene regulatory networks from DNA microarray data. In this algorithm, the information theoretic quantities MI and CMI determine the regulatory relationships between genes and the PMDL principle method attempts to determine the best MI threshold without the need of a user-specified fine tuning parameter. Results: The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated using both synthetic time series data sets and a biological time series data set for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The benchmark quantities precision and recall were used as performance measures. The results show that the proposed algorithm produced less false edges and significantly improved the precision, as compared to the existing algorithm. For further analysis the performance of the algorithms was observed over different sizes of data. Conclusions: We have proposed a new algorithm that implements the PMDL principle for inferring gene regulatory networks from time series DNA microarray data that eliminates the need of a fine tuning parameter. The evaluation results obtained from both synthetic and actual biological data sets show that the PMDL principle is effective in determining the MI threshold and the developed algorithm improves precision of gene regulatory network inference. Based on the sensitivity analysis of all tested cases, an optimal CMI threshold value has been identified. Finally it was observed that the performance of the algorithms saturates at a certain threshold of data size

    Efficient and Robust Algorithms for Statistical Inference in Gene Regulatory Networks

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    Inferring gene regulatory networks (GRNs) is of profound importance in the field of computational biology and bioinformatics. Understanding the gene-gene and gene- transcription factor (TF) interactions has the potential of providing an insight into the complex biological processes taking place in cells. High-throughput genomic and proteomic technologies have enabled the collection of large amounts of data in order to quantify the gene expressions and mapping DNA-protein interactions. This dissertation investigates the problem of network component analysis (NCA) which estimates the transcription factor activities (TFAs) and gene-TF interactions by making use of gene expression and Chip-chip data. Closed-form solutions are provided for estimation of TF-gene connectivity matrix which yields advantage over the existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of lower computational complexity and higher consistency. We present an iterative reweighted ℓ2 norm based algorithm to infer the network connectivity when the prior knowledge about the connections is incomplete. We present an NCA algorithm which has the ability to counteract the presence of outliers in the gene expression data and is therefore more robust. Closed-form solutions are derived for the estimation of TFAs and TF-gene interactions and the resulting algorithm is comparable to the fastest algorithms proposed so far with the additional advantages of robustness to outliers and higher reliability in the TFA estimation. Finally, we look at the inference of gene regulatory networks which which essentially resumes to the estimation of only the gene-gene interactions. Gene networks are known to be sparse and therefore an inference algorithm is proposed which imposes a sparsity constraint while estimating the connectivity matrix.The online estimation lowers the computational complexity and provides superior performance in terms of accuracy and scalability. This dissertation presents gene regulatory network inference algorithms which provide computationally efficient solutions in some very crucial scenarios and give advantage over the existing algorithms and therefore provide means to give better understanding of underlying cellular network. Hence, it serves as a building block in the accurate estimation of gene regulatory networks which will pave the way for finding cures to genetic diseases

    Inference of gene regulatory networks from time series by Tsallis entropy

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    Background: The inference of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from large-scale expression profiles is one of the most challenging problems of Systems Biology nowadays. Many techniques and models have been proposed for this task. However, it is not generally possible to recover the original topology with great accuracy, mainly due to the short time series data in face of the high complexity of the networks and the intrinsic noise of the expression measurements. In order to improve the accuracy of GRNs inference methods based on entropy (mutual information), a new criterion function is here proposed. Results: In this paper we introduce the use of generalized entropy proposed by Tsallis, for the inference of GRNs from time series expression profiles. The inference process is based on a feature selection approach and the conditional entropy is applied as criterion function. In order to assess the proposed methodology, the algorithm is applied to recover the network topology from temporal expressions generated by an artificial gene network (AGN) model as well as from the DREAM challenge. The adopted AGN is based on theoretical models of complex networks and its gene transference function is obtained from random drawing on the set of possible Boolean functions, thus creating its dynamics. On the other hand, DREAM time series data presents variation of network size and its topologies are based on real networks. The dynamics are generated by continuous differential equations with noise and perturbation. By adopting both data sources, it is possible to estimate the average quality of the inference with respect to different network topologies, transfer functions and network sizes. Conclusions: A remarkable improvement of accuracy was observed in the experimental results by reducing the number of false connections in the inferred topology by the non-Shannon entropy. The obtained best free parameter of the Tsallis entropy was on average in the range 2.5 <= q <= 3.5 (hence, subextensive entropy), which opens new perspectives for GRNs inference methods based on information theory and for investigation of the nonextensivity of such networks. The inference algorithm and criterion function proposed here were implemented and included in the DimReduction software, which is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dimreduction and http://code.google.com/p/dimreduction/.Fundacao de Amparo e Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenacao de Aperfeicofamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq

    Time lagged information theoretic approaches to the reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks

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    Background: A number of models and algorithms have been proposed in the past for gene regulatory network (GRN) inference; however, none of them address the effects of the size of time-series microarray expression data in terms of the number of time-points. In this paper, we study this problem by analyzing the behaviour of three algorithms based on information theory and dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) models. These algorithms were implemented on different sizes of data generated by synthetic networks. Experiments show that the inference accuracy of these algorithms reaches a saturation point after a specific data size brought about by a saturation in the pair-wise mutual information (MI) metric; hence there is a theoretical limit on the inference accuracy of information theory based schemes that depends on the number of time points of micro-array data used to infer GRNs. This illustrates the fact that MI might not be the best metric to use for GRN inference algorithms. To circumvent the limitations of the MI metric, we introduce a new method of computing time lags between any pair of genes and present the pair-wise time lagged Mutual Information (TLMI) and time lagged Conditional Mutual Information (TLCMI) metrics. Next we use these new metrics to propose novel GRN inference schemes which provides higher inference accuracy based on the precision and recall parameters. Results: It was observed that beyond a certain number of time-points (i.e., a specific size) of micro-array data, the performance of the algorithms measured in terms of the recall-to-precision ratio saturated due to the saturation in the calculated pair-wise MI metric with increasing data size. The proposed algorithms were compared to existing approaches on four different biological networks. The resulting networks were evaluated based on the benchmark precision and recall metrics and the results favour our approach. Conclusions: To alleviate the effects of data size on information theory based GRN inference algorithms, novel time lag based information theoretic approaches to infer gene regulatory networks have been proposed. The results show that the time lags of regulatory effects between any pair of genes play an important role in GRN inference schemes

    Comparison of evolutionary algorithms in gene regulatory network model inference

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    Background: The evolution of high throughput technologies that measure gene expression levels has created a data base for inferring GRNs (a process also known as reverse engineering of GRNs). However, the nature of these data has made this process very di±cult. At the moment, several methods of discovering qualitative causal relationships between genes with high accuracy from microarray data exist, but large scale quantitative analysis on real biological datasets cannot be performed, to date, as existing approaches are not suitable for real microarray data which are noisy and insu±cient. Results: This paper performs an analysis of several existing evolutionary algorithms for quantitative gene regulatory network modelling. The aim is to present the techniques used and o®er a comprehensive comparison of approaches, under a common framework. Algorithms are applied to both synthetic and real gene expression data from DNA microarrays, and ability to reproduce biological behaviour, scalability and robustness to noise are assessed and compared. Conclusions: Presented is a comparison framework for assessment of evolutionary algorithms, used to infer gene regulatory networks. Promising methods are identi¯ed and a platform for development of appropriate model formalisms is established