683 research outputs found

    A Finite Exact Representation of Register Automata Configurations

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    A register automaton is a finite automaton with finitely many registers ranging from an infinite alphabet. Since the valuations of registers are infinite, there are infinitely many configurations. We describe a technique to classify infinite register automata configurations into finitely many exact representative configurations. Using the finitary representation, we give an algorithm solving the reachability problem for register automata. We moreover define a computation tree logic for register automata and solve its model checking problem.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2013, arXiv:1402.661

    Compositional learning of mutually recursive procedural systems

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    This paper presents a compositional approach to active automata learning of Systems of Procedural Automata (SPAs), an extension of Deterministic Finite Automata (DFAs) to systems of DFAs that can mutually call each other. SPAs are of high practical relevance, as they allow one to efficiently learn intuitive recursive models of recursive programs after an easy instrumentation that makes calls and returns observable. Key to our approach is the simultaneous inference of individual DFAs for each of the involved procedures via expansion and projection: membership queries for the individual DFAs are expanded to membership queries of the entire SPA, and global counterexample traces are transformed into counterexamples for the DFAs of concerned procedures. This reduces the inference of SPAs to a simultaneous inference of the DFAs for the involved procedures for which we can utilize various existing regular learning algorithms. The inferred models are easy to understand and allow for an intuitive display of the procedural system under learning that reveals its recursive structure. We implemented the algorithm within the LearnLib framework in order to provide a ready-to-use tool for practical application which is publicly available on GitHub for experimentation

    Active learning of interface programs

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    Computer systems today are no longer monolithic programs; instead they usually comprise multiple interacting programs. With the continuous growth of these systems and with their integration into systems of systems, interoperability becomes a fundamental issue. Integration of systems is more complex and occurs more frequently than ever before. One solution to this problem could be the automated model-based synthesis of mediators at runtime. However, this approach has strong prerequisites. It requires the existence of adequate models of the systems to be connected. Many systems encountered in practice, on the other hand, do not come with models. In such cases models have to be constructed ex post (at runtime). Furthermore, adequate models must capture control as well as data aspects of a system. In most protocols, for instance, data parameters (e.g., session identifiers or sequence numbers) can influence system behavior. Models of such systems can be thought of as interface programs: Rather than covering only the control behavior, they describe explicitly which data values are relevant to the communication and have to be remembered and reused. This thesis addresses the problem of inferring interface programs of systems at runtime using active automata learning techniques. Active automata learning uses a test-based and counterexample-driven approach to inferring models of black-box systems. The method has originally been introduced for finite automata (the popular L* algorithm). Extending active learning to interface programs requires research in three directions: First, the efficiency of active learning algorithms has to be optimized to scale when dealing with data parameters. Second, techniques are needed for finding counterexamples driving the learning process in practice. Third, active learning has to be extended to richer models than Mealy machines or DFAs, capable of expressing interface programs. The work presented in this thesis improves the state of the art in all three directions. More concretely, the contributions of this thesis are the following: first, an efficient active learning algorithm for DFAs and Mealy machines that combines the ideas of several known active learning algorithms in a non-trivial way; second, a framework for finding counterexamples in black-box scenarios, leveraging the incremental and monotonic evolution of hypothetical models characteristic of active automata learning; third, and most importantly, the technically involved extension of the partition/refinement-based approach of active learning to interface programs. The impact of extending active learning to interface programs becomes apparent already for small systems. We inferred a simple data structure (a nested stack of overall capacity 16) as an interface program in no more than 20 seconds, using less than 45,000 tests and only 9 counterexamples. The corresponding Mealy machine model, on the other hand, would have more than 10 to the power of 9 states already in the case of a very small finite data domain of size 4 and require significantly more than 10 to the power of 9 tests when being inferred using the classic L* algorithm

    What You Must Remember When Transforming Datawords

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    Streaming Data String Transducers (SDSTs) were introduced to model a class of imperative and a class of functional programs, manipulating lists of data items. These can be used to write commonly used routines such as insert, delete and reverse. SDSTs can handle data values from a potentially infinite data domain. The model of Streaming String Transducers (SSTs) is the fragment of SDSTs where the infinite data domain is dropped and only finite alphabets are considered. SSTs have been much studied from a language theoretical point of view. We introduce data back into SSTs, just like data was introduced to finite state automata to get register automata. The result is Streaming String Register Transducers (SSRTs), which is a subclass of SDSTs. We use origin semantics for SSRTs and give a machine independent characterization, along the lines of Myhill-Nerode theorem. Machine independent characterizations for similar models are the basis of learning algorithms and enable us to understand fragments of the models. Origin semantics of transducers track which positions of the output originate from which positions of the input. Although a restriction, using origin semantics is well justified and is known to simplify many problems related to transducers. We use origin semantics as a technical building block, in addition to characterizations of deterministic register automata. However, we need to build more on top of these to overcome some challenges unique to SSRTs

    On Session Languages

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    The LangSec approach defends against crafted input attacks by defining a formal language specifying correct inputs and building a parser that decides that language. However, each successive input is not necessarily in the same basic language---e.g., most communication protocols use formats that depend on values previously received, or on some other additional context. When we try to use LangSec in these real-world scenarios, most parsers we write need additional mechanisms to change the recognized language as the execution progresses. This paper discusses approaches researchers have previously taken to build parsers for such protocols and provides formal descriptions of new sets of languages that could be considered to be a sequence of languages, instead of a single language describing an entire protocol---thus bringing LangSec theory closer to practice

    A Robust Class of Data Languages and an Application to Learning

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    We introduce session automata, an automata model to process data words, i.e., words over an infinite alphabet. Session automata support the notion of fresh data values, which are well suited for modeling protocols in which sessions using fresh values are of major interest, like in security protocols or ad-hoc networks. Session automata have an expressiveness partly extending, partly reducing that of classical register automata. We show that, unlike register automata and their various extensions, session automata are robust: They (i) are closed under intersection, union, and (resource-sensitive) complementation, (ii) admit a symbolic regular representation, (iii) have a decidable inclusion problem (unlike register automata), and (iv) enjoy logical characterizations. Using these results, we establish a learning algorithm to infer session automata through membership and equivalence queries

    Learning Moore Machines from Input-Output Traces

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    The problem of learning automata from example traces (but no equivalence or membership queries) is fundamental in automata learning theory and practice. In this paper we study this problem for finite state machines with inputs and outputs, and in particular for Moore machines. We develop three algorithms for solving this problem: (1) the PTAP algorithm, which transforms a set of input-output traces into an incomplete Moore machine and then completes the machine with self-loops; (2) the PRPNI algorithm, which uses the well-known RPNI algorithm for automata learning to learn a product of automata encoding a Moore machine; and (3) the MooreMI algorithm, which directly learns a Moore machine using PTAP extended with state merging. We prove that MooreMI has the fundamental identification in the limit property. We also compare the algorithms experimentally in terms of the size of the learned machine and several notions of accuracy, introduced in this paper. Finally, we compare with OSTIA, an algorithm that learns a more general class of transducers, and find that OSTIA generally does not learn a Moore machine, even when fed with a characteristic sample

    Model-based quality assurance of instrumented context-free systems

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    The ever-growing complexity of today’s software and hardware systems makes quality assurance (QA) a challenging task. Abstraction is a key technique for dealing with this complexity because it allows one to skip non-essential properties of a system and focus on the important ones. Crucial for the success of this approach is the availability of adequate abstraction models that strike a fine balance between simplicity and expressiveness. This thesis presents the formalisms of systems of procedural automata (SPAs), systems of behavioral automata (SBAs), and systems of procedural Mealy machines (SPMMs). The three model types describe systems which consist of multiple procedures that can mutually call each other, including recursion. While the individual procedures are described by regular automata and therefore are easy to understand, the aggregation of procedures towards systems captures the semantics of context-free systems, offering the expressiveness necessary for representing procedural systems. A central concept of the proposed model types is an instrumentation that exposes the internal structure of systems by making calls to and returns from procedures observable. This instrumentation allows for a notion of rigorous (de-) composition which enables a translation between local (procedural) views and global (holistic) views on a system. On the basis of this translation, this thesis presents algorithms for the verification, testing, and learning of (instrumented) context-free systems, covering a broad spectrum of practical QA tasks. Starting with SPAs as a “base” formalism for context-free systems, the flexibility of this concept is shown by including features such as prefix-closure (SBAs) and dialog-based transductions (SPMMs). In a comparison with related formalisms, this thesis shows that the simplicity of the proposed model types not only increases the understandability of models but can also improve the performance of QA tasks. This makes SPAs, SBAs, and SPMMs a powerful tool for tackling the practical challenges of assuring the quality of today’s software and hardware systems
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