245 research outputs found

    Extended Object Tracking: Introduction, Overview and Applications

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    This article provides an elaborate overview of current research in extended object tracking. We provide a clear definition of the extended object tracking problem and discuss its delimitation to other types of object tracking. Next, different aspects of extended object modelling are extensively discussed. Subsequently, we give a tutorial introduction to two basic and well used extended object tracking approaches - the random matrix approach and the Kalman filter-based approach for star-convex shapes. The next part treats the tracking of multiple extended objects and elaborates how the large number of feasible association hypotheses can be tackled using both Random Finite Set (RFS) and Non-RFS multi-object trackers. The article concludes with a summary of current applications, where four example applications involving camera, X-band radar, light detection and ranging (lidar), red-green-blue-depth (RGB-D) sensors are highlighted.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    Object and Relation Centric Representations for Push Effect Prediction

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    Pushing is an essential non-prehensile manipulation skill used for tasks ranging from pre-grasp manipulation to scene rearrangement, reasoning about object relations in the scene, and thus pushing actions have been widely studied in robotics. The effective use of pushing actions often requires an understanding of the dynamics of the manipulated objects and adaptation to the discrepancies between prediction and reality. For this reason, effect prediction and parameter estimation with pushing actions have been heavily investigated in the literature. However, current approaches are limited because they either model systems with a fixed number of objects or use image-based representations whose outputs are not very interpretable and quickly accumulate errors. In this paper, we propose a graph neural network based framework for effect prediction and parameter estimation of pushing actions by modeling object relations based on contacts or articulations. Our framework is validated both in real and simulated environments containing different shaped multi-part objects connected via different types of joints and objects with different masses. Our approach enables the robot to predict and adapt the effect of a pushing action as it observes the scene. Further, we demonstrate 6D effect prediction in the lever-up action in the context of robot-based hard-disk disassembly.Comment: Project Page: https://fzaero.github.io/push_learning

    Robust Scene Estimation for Goal-directed Robotic Manipulation in Unstructured Environments

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    To make autonomous robots "taskable" so that they function properly and interact fluently with human partners, they must be able to perceive and understand the semantic aspects of their environments. More specifically, they must know what objects exist and where they are in the unstructured human world. Progresses in robot perception, especially in deep learning, have greatly improved for detecting and localizing objects. However, it still remains a challenge for robots to perform a highly reliable scene estimation in unstructured environments that is determined by robustness, adaptability and scale. In this dissertation, we address the scene estimation problem under uncertainty, especially in unstructured environments. We enable robots to build a reliable object-oriented representation that describes objects present in the environment, as well as inter-object spatial relations. Specifically, we focus on addressing following challenges for reliable scene estimation: 1) robust perception under uncertainty results from noisy sensors, objects in clutter and perceptual aliasing, 2) adaptable perception in adverse conditions by combined deep learning and probabilistic generative methods, 3) scalable perception as the number of objects grows and the structure of objects becomes more complex (e.g. objects in dense clutter). Towards realizing robust perception, our objective is to ground raw sensor observations into scene states while dealing with uncertainty from sensor measurements and actuator control . Scene states are represented as scene graphs, where scene graphs denote parameterized axiomatic statements that assert relationships between objects and their poses. To deal with the uncertainty, we present a pure generative approach, Axiomatic Scene Estimation (AxScEs). AxScEs estimates a probabilistic distribution across plausible scene graph hypotheses describing the configuration of objects. By maintaining a diverse set of possible states, the proposed approach demonstrates the robustness to the local minimum in the scene graph state space and effectiveness for manipulation-quality perception based on edit distance on scene graphs. To scale up to more unstructured scenarios and be adaptable to adversarial scenarios, we present Sequential Scene Understanding and Manipulation (SUM), which estimates the scene as a collection of objects in cluttered environments. SUM is a two-stage method that leverages the accuracy and efficiency from convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with probabilistic inference methods. Despite the strength from CNNs, they are opaque in understanding how the decisions are made and fragile for generalizing beyond overfit training samples in adverse conditions (e.g., changes in illumination). The probabilistic generative method complements these weaknesses and provides an avenue for adaptable perception. To scale up to densely cluttered environments where objects are physically touching with severe occlusions, we present GeoFusion, which fuses noisy observations from multiple frames by exploring geometric consistency at object level. Geometric consistency characterizes geometric compatibility between objects and geometric similarity between observations and objects. It reasons about geometry at the object-level, offering a fast and reliable way to be robust to semantic perceptual aliasing. The proposed approach demonstrates greater robustness and accuracy than the state-of-the-art pose estimation approach.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163060/1/zsui_1.pd

    Efficient Belief Propagation for Perception and Manipulation in Clutter

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    Autonomous service robots are required to perform tasks in common human indoor environments. To achieve goals associated with these tasks, the robot should continually perceive, reason its environment, and plan to manipulate objects, which we term as goal-directed manipulation. Perception remains the most challenging aspect of all stages, as common indoor environments typically pose problems in recognizing objects under inherent occlusions with physical interactions among themselves. Despite recent progress in the field of robot perception, accommodating perceptual uncertainty due to partial observations remains challenging and needs to be addressed to achieve the desired autonomy. In this dissertation, we address the problem of perception under uncertainty for robot manipulation in cluttered environments using generative inference methods. Specifically, we aim to enable robots to perceive partially observable environments by maintaining an approximate probability distribution as a belief over possible scene hypotheses. This belief representation captures uncertainty resulting from inter-object occlusions and physical interactions, which are inherently present in clutterred indoor environments. The research efforts presented in this thesis are towards developing appropriate state representations and inference techniques to generate and maintain such belief over contextually plausible scene states. We focus on providing the following features to generative inference while addressing the challenges due to occlusions: 1) generating and maintaining plausible scene hypotheses, 2) reducing the inference search space that typically grows exponentially with respect to the number of objects in a scene, 3) preserving scene hypotheses over continual observations. To generate and maintain plausible scene hypotheses, we propose physics informed scene estimation methods that combine a Newtonian physics engine within a particle based generative inference framework. The proposed variants of our method with and without a Monte Carlo step showed promising results on generating and maintaining plausible hypotheses under complete occlusions. We show that estimating such scenarios would not be possible by the commonly adopted 3D registration methods without the notion of a physical context that our method provides. To scale up the context informed inference to accommodate a larger number of objects, we describe a factorization of scene state into object and object-parts to perform collaborative particle-based inference. This resulted in the Pull Message Passing for Nonparametric Belief Propagation (PMPNBP) algorithm that caters to the demands of the high-dimensional multimodal nature of cluttered scenes while being computationally tractable. We demonstrate that PMPNBP is orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art Nonparametric Belief Propagation method. Additionally, we show that PMPNBP successfully estimates poses of articulated objects under various simulated occlusion scenarios. To extend our PMPNBP algorithm for tracking object states over continuous observations, we explore ways to propose and preserve hypotheses effectively over time. This resulted in an augmentation-selection method, where hypotheses are drawn from various proposals followed by the selection of a subset using PMPNBP that explained the current state of the objects. We discuss and analyze our augmentation-selection method with its counterparts in belief propagation literature. Furthermore, we develop an inference pipeline for pose estimation and tracking of articulated objects in clutter. In this pipeline, the message passing module with the augmentation-selection method is informed by segmentation heatmaps from a trained neural network. In our experiments, we show that our proposed pipeline can effectively maintain belief and track articulated objects over a sequence of observations under occlusion.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163159/1/kdesingh_1.pd

    Graph learning in robotics: a survey

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    Deep neural networks for graphs have emerged as a powerful tool for learning on complex non-euclidean data, which is becoming increasingly common for a variety of different applications. Yet, although their potential has been widely recognised in the machine learning community, graph learning is largely unexplored for downstream tasks such as robotics applications. To fully unlock their potential, hence, we propose a review of graph neural architectures from a robotics perspective. The paper covers the fundamentals of graph-based models, including their architecture, training procedures, and applications. It also discusses recent advancements and challenges that arise in applied settings, related for example to the integration of perception, decision-making, and control. Finally, the paper provides an extensive review of various robotic applications that benefit from learning on graph structures, such as bodies and contacts modelling, robotic manipulation, action recognition, fleet motion planning, and many more. This survey aims to provide readers with a thorough understanding of the capabilities and limitations of graph neural architectures in robotics, and to highlight potential avenues for future research

    Graphical models for visual object recognition and tracking

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 277-301).We develop statistical methods which allow effective visual detection, categorization, and tracking of objects in complex scenes. Such computer vision systems must be robust to wide variations in object appearance, the often small size of training databases, and ambiguities induced by articulated or partially occluded objects. Graphical models provide a powerful framework for encoding the statistical structure of visual scenes, and developing corresponding learning and inference algorithms. In this thesis, we describe several models which integrate graphical representations with nonparametric statistical methods. This approach leads to inference algorithms which tractably recover high-dimensional, continuous object pose variations, and learning procedures which transfer knowledge among related recognition tasks. Motivated by visual tracking problems, we first develop a nonparametric extension of the belief propagation (BP) algorithm. Using Monte Carlo methods, we provide general procedures for recursively updating particle-based approximations of continuous sufficient statistics. Efficient multiscale sampling methods then allow this nonparametric BP algorithm to be flexibly adapted to many different applications.(cont.) As a particular example, we consider a graphical model describing the hand's three-dimensional (3D) structure, kinematics, and dynamics. This graph encodes global hand pose via the 3D position and orientation of several rigid components, and thus exposes local structure in a high-dimensional articulated model. Applying nonparametric BP, we recover a hand tracking algorithm which is robust to outliers and local visual ambiguities. Via a set of latent occupancy masks, we also extend our approach to consistently infer occlusion events in a distributed fashion. In the second half of this thesis, we develop methods for learning hierarchical models of objects, the parts composing them, and the scenes surrounding them. Our approach couples topic models originally developed for text analysis with spatial transformations, and thus consistently accounts for geometric constraints. By building integrated scene models, we may discover contextual relationships, and better exploit partially labeled training images. We first consider images of isolated objects, and show that sharing parts among object categories improves accuracy when learning from few examples.(cont.) Turning to multiple object scenes, we propose nonparametric models which use Dirichlet processes to automatically learn the number of parts underlying each object category, and objects composing each scene. Adapting these transformed Dirichlet processes to images taken with a binocular stereo camera, we learn integrated, 3D models of object geometry and appearance. This leads to a Monte Carlo algorithm which automatically infers 3D scene structure from the predictable geometry of known object categories.by Erik B. Sudderth.Ph.D

    Combining Perception and Knowledge for Service Robotics

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    As the deployment of robots is shifting away from the industrial settings towards public and private sectors, the robots will have to get equipped with enough knowl- edge that will let them perceive, comprehend and act skillfully in their new work- ing environments. Unlike having a large degree of controlled environment variables characteristic for e.g. assembly lines, the robots active in shopping stores, museums or households will have to perform open-ended tasks and thus react to unforeseen events, self-monitor their activities, detect failures, recover from them and also learn and continuously update their knowledge. In this thesis we present a set of tools and algorithms for acquisition, interpreta- tion and reasoning about the environment models which enable the robots to act flexibly and skillfully in the afore mentioned environments. In particular our contri- butions beyond the state-of-the-art cover following four topics: a) semantic object maps which are the symbolic representations of indoor environments that robot can query for information, b) two algorithms for interactive segmentation of objects of daily use which enable the robots to recognise and grasp objects more robustly, c) an image point feature-based system for large scale object recognition, and finally, d) a system that combines statistical and logical knowledge for household domains and is able to answer queries such as Which objects are currently missing on a breakfast table? . Common to all contributions is that they are all knowledge-enabled in that they either use robot knowledge bases or ground knowledge structures into the robot s internal structures such as perception streams. Further, in all four cases we exploit the tight interplay between the robot s perceptual, reasoning and action skills which we believe is the key enabler for robots to act in unstructured environments. Most of the theoretical contributions of this thesis have also been implemented on TUM-James and TUM-Rosie robots and demonstrated to the spectators by having them perform various household chores. With those demonstrations we thoroughly validated the properties of the developed systems and showed the impossibility of having such tasks implemented without a knowledge-enabled backbone

    Active and Physics-Based Human Pose Reconstruction

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    Perceiving humans is an important and complex problem within computervision. Its significance is derived from its numerous applications, suchas human-robot interaction, virtual reality, markerless motion capture,and human tracking for autonomous driving. The difficulty lies in thevariability in human appearance, physique, and plausible body poses. Inreal-world scenes, this is further exacerbated by difficult lightingconditions, partial occlusions, and the depth ambiguity stemming fromthe loss of information during the 3d to 2d projection. Despite thesechallenges, significant progress has been made in recent years,primarily due to the expressive power of deep neural networks trained onlarge datasets. However, creating large-scale datasets with 3dannotations is expensive, and capturing the vast diversity of the realworld is demanding. Traditionally, 3d ground truth is captured usingmotion capture laboratories that require large investments. Furthermore,many laboratories cannot easily accommodate athletic and dynamicmotions. This thesis studies three approaches to improving visualperception, with emphasis on human pose estimation, that can complementimprovements to the underlying predictor or training data.The first two papers present active human pose estimation, where areinforcement learning agent is tasked with selecting informativeviewpoints to reconstruct subjects efficiently. The papers discard thecommon assumption that the input is given and instead allow the agent tomove to observe subjects from desirable viewpoints, e.g., those whichavoid occlusions and for which the underlying pose estimator has a lowprediction error.The third paper introduces the task of embodied visual active learning,which goes further and assumes that the perceptual model is notpre-trained. Instead, the agent is tasked with exploring its environmentand requesting annotations to refine its visual model. Learning toexplore novel scenarios and efficiently request annotation for new datais a step towards life-long learning, where models can evolve beyondwhat they learned during the initial training phase. We study theproblem for segmentation, though the idea is applicable to otherperception tasks.Lastly, the final two papers propose improving human pose estimation byintegrating physical constraints. These regularize the reconstructedmotions to be physically plausible and serve as a complement to currentkinematic approaches. Whether a motion has been observed in the trainingdata or not, the predictions should obey the laws of physics. Throughintegration with a physical simulator, we demonstrate that we can reducereconstruction artifacts and enforce, e.g., contact constraints

    Self-supervised Learning of Primitive-based Robotic Manipulation

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