1,034 research outputs found

    Weighted system dependence graph

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    Abstract-In this paper, we present a weighted, hybrid program-dependence model that represents the relevance of highly related, dependent code to assist developer comprehension of the program for multiple software-engineering tasks. Programmers often need to understand the dependencies among program elements, which may exist across multiple modules. Although such dependencies can be gathered from traditional models, such as slices, the scalability of these approaches is often prohibitive for direct, practical use. To address this scalability issue, as well as to assist developer comprehension, we introduce a program model that includes static dependencies as well as information about any number of executions, which inform the weight and relevance of the dependencies. Additionally, classes of executions can be differentiated in such a way as to support multiple software-engineering tasks. We evaluate this weighted, hybrid model for a task that involves exploring the structural context while debugging. The results demonstrate that the new model more effectively reveals relevant failure-correlated code than the static-only model, thus enabling a more scalable exploration or post hoc analysis

    Online Newspaper Coverage of Femicide in Chile and the US

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    The present study explored the portrayal and frames that the U.S. online news media and Chilean online news media use when covering femicide/IPV fatalities news. Associations among a Femicide Law enactment and changes in the use of labels to portray the cases were examined. Content analysis was conducted, comparing data from 46 U.S. online news articles and 138 Chilean news articles. Results suggest that the enactment of a law that recognizes femicide as a crime has an effect on how the cases are labeled in the news. Results also support previous findings, showing stereotyped news coverage that isolates cases of violence against women and indirectly excuses the perpetrator

    FLOWS - Booklet of Short Term Scientific Missions

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    Booklet of Short Term Scientific Missions carried out during the COST Action "Impact of Fluid circulation in old oceanic Lithosphere on the seismicity of transfOrm-type plate boundaries: neW solutions for early seismic monitoring of major European Seismogenic zones

    Crustal Structure and Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Conjugate Volcanic Passive Margins of the South-Central and South Atlantic Oceans

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    Volcanic passive margins (VPM) initiate with the eruption of flood basalts in continental rift settings that overlie an active mantle plume. Magmatism on conjugate VPM’s increases in volume and intensity during continued lithospheric stretching and includes the generation of igneous belts ranging from 10-200+ km in width and to 8-24 km-thick. Conjugate volcanic passive margin belts include seaward-dipping reflectors (SDR’s) whose dips range from 0 to 20°. I use 33,000 line km of 40-km-record 2D seismic reflection data to identify a VPM beneath the Demerara Rise, offshore Suriname and to investigate VPM’s along the conjugate margins of the South America (Brazil and Uruguay) and West Africa (Namibia). My 5500 km of 2D seismic data from the Demerara Rise - previously characterized as a continental plateau – reveals a basement composed of >22- km-thick, 250-km-long, steeply-dipping (>20°) packages of SDR’s related to Jurassic rifting of North America and South America. 2D gravity modeling and VPM analogs are used to support its proposed magmatic origin. I investigated the crustal structure of conjugate VPMs in Uruguay/Southern Brazil and Namibia using 27,500 km of 2D seismic data. An asymmetrical distribution of SDRs is proposed as a consequence of increased plate velocities relative to a fixed mantle position. The faster plate – South America - contains 30% less volume of SDR’s (201,700 km3) compared to the slower plate – Africa (296,400 km3). I identify rifting along crustal weaknesses inherited from Paleozoic orogenic belts trending either parallel or perpendicular to the Cretaceous rift margin. I calculate crustal stretching factors (Δc) for: 1) rift-orthogonal orogenic belts (Δc=4.3-5); 2) suture zones and rift-parallel orogenic belts (Δc=2.5-3.5). Obliquely-oriented belts show evidence of moderate thinning with intermediate thinning factors. The relationship between crustal and trend of crustal fabric is supported by my compilation of thinning factors from other rift zones worldwideEarth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department o


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    Celebrity participation in humanitarianism and politics has received a lot of attention in recent times. Though many researchers have sought to explain the reasons underlying this phenomenon, there appears to be little information as to the efficacy of these celebrity efforts. The present research thus undertakes an analysis of the celebrity\u27s participation through a study on the effectiveness of the celebrity-led campaign. To achieve this, I conduct a discourse and visual analysis of media publications surrounding two celebrity-led campaigns. The research leans heavy on theories underlining the celebrity mechanism and Street et al\u27s framework on celebrity participation in politics. The study confirms Street et al\u27s argument that performance, legitimacy and organization are central to the success of the celebrity-led campaign. For campaigns aimed at initiating policy change, I propose an additional category of stakeholders\u27 response which provides a means of evaluating efficacy. My findings show that organization, legitimization, stakeholders\u27 response and performance are highly dependent on the actions of the lead celebrity, making these celebrities active agents in the production of discourse on the third world . As celebrities engage in humanitarian work, they take up positions as representatives of the aid recipient. The result is the dispossession and silencing of the aid recipient. Out of my discussion of these practices evolves the concept of the celebrity burden

    Error Detection and Diagnosis for System-on-Chip in Space Applications

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    Tesis por compendio de publicacionesLos componentes electrónicos comerciales, comúnmente llamados componentes Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) están presentes en multitud de dispositivos habituales en nuestro día a día. Particularmente, el uso de microprocesadores y sistemas en chip (SoC) altamente integrados ha favorecido la aparición de dispositivos electrónicos cada vez más inteligentes que sostienen el estilo de vida y el avance de la sociedad moderna. Su uso se ha generalizado incluso en aquellos sistemas que se consideran críticos para la seguridad, como vehículos, aviones, armamento, dispositivos médicos, implantes o centrales eléctricas. En cualquiera de ellos, un fallo podría tener graves consecuencias humanas o económicas. Sin embargo, todos los sistemas electrónicos conviven constantemente con factores internos y externos que pueden provocar fallos en su funcionamiento. La capacidad de un sistema para funcionar correctamente en presencia de fallos se denomina tolerancia a fallos, y es un requisito en el diseño y operación de sistemas críticos. Los vehículos espaciales como satélites o naves espaciales también hacen uso de microprocesadores para operar de forma autónoma o semi autónoma durante su vida útil, con la dificultad añadida de que no pueden ser reparados en órbita, por lo que se consideran sistemas críticos. Además, las duras condiciones existentes en el espacio, y en particular los efectos de la radiación, suponen un gran desafío para el correcto funcionamiento de los dispositivos electrónicos. Concretamente, los fallos transitorios provocados por radiación (conocidos como soft errors) tienen el potencial de ser una de las mayores amenazas para la fiabilidad de un sistema en el espacio. Las misiones espaciales de gran envergadura, típicamente financiadas públicamente como en el caso de la NASA o la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), han tenido históricamente como requisito evitar el riesgo a toda costa por encima de cualquier restricción de coste o plazo. Por ello, la selección de componentes resistentes a la radiación (rad-hard) específicamente diseñados para su uso en el espacio ha sido la metodología imperante en el paradigma que hoy podemos denominar industria espacial tradicional, u Old Space. Sin embargo, los componentes rad-hard tienen habitualmente un coste mucho más alto y unas prestaciones mucho menores que otros componentes COTS equivalentes. De hecho, los componentes COTS ya han sido utilizados satisfactoriamente en misiones de la NASA o la ESA cuando las prestaciones requeridas por la misión no podían ser cubiertas por ningún componente rad-hard existente. En los últimos años, el acceso al espacio se está facilitando debido en gran parte a la entrada de empresas privadas en la industria espacial. Estas empresas no siempre buscan evitar el riesgo a toda costa, sino que deben perseguir una rentabilidad económica, por lo que hacen un balance entre riesgo, coste y plazo mediante gestión del riesgo en un paradigma denominado Nuevo Espacio o New Space. Estas empresas a menudo están interesadas en entregar servicios basados en el espacio con las máximas prestaciones y el mayor beneficio posibles, para lo cual los componentes rad-hard son menos atractivos debido a su mayor coste y menores prestaciones que los componentes COTS existentes. Sin embargo, los componentes COTS no han sido específicamente diseñados para su uso en el espacio y típicamente no incluyen técnicas específicas para evitar que los efectos de la radiación afecten su funcionamiento. Los componentes COTS se comercializan tal cual son, y habitualmente no es posible modificarlos para mejorar su resistencia a la radiación. Además, los elevados niveles de integración de los sistemas en chip (SoC) complejos de altas prestaciones dificultan su observación y la aplicación de técnicas de tolerancia a fallos. Este problema es especialmente relevante en el caso de los microprocesadores. Por tanto, existe un gran interés en el desarrollo de técnicas que permitan conocer y mejorar el comportamiento de los microprocesadores COTS bajo radiación sin modificar su arquitectura y sin interferir en su funcionamiento para facilitar su uso en el espacio y con ello maximizar las prestaciones de las misiones espaciales presentes y futuras. En esta Tesis se han desarrollado técnicas novedosas para detectar, diagnosticar y mitigar los errores producidos por radiación en microprocesadores y sistemas en chip (SoC) comerciales, utilizando la interfaz de traza como punto de observación. La interfaz de traza es un recurso habitual en los microprocesadores modernos, principalmente enfocado a soportar las tareas de desarrollo y depuración del software durante la fase de diseño. Sin embargo, una vez el desarrollo ha concluido, la interfaz de traza típicamente no se utiliza durante la fase operativa del sistema, por lo que puede ser reutilizada sin coste. La interfaz de traza constituye un punto de conexión viable para observar el comportamiento de un microprocesador de forma no intrusiva y sin interferir en su funcionamiento. Como resultado de esta Tesis se ha desarrollado un módulo IP capaz de recabar y decodificar la información de traza de un microprocesador COTS moderno de altas prestaciones. El IP es altamente configurable y personalizable para adaptarse a diferentes aplicaciones y tipos de procesadores. Ha sido diseñado y validado utilizando el dispositivo Zynq-7000 de Xilinx como plataforma de desarrollo, que constituye un dispositivo COTS de interés en la industria espacial. Este dispositivo incluye un procesador ARM Cortex-A9 de doble núcleo, que es representativo del conjunto de microprocesadores hard-core modernos de altas prestaciones. El IP resultante es compatible con la tecnología ARM CoreSight, que proporciona acceso a información de traza en los microprocesadores ARM. El IP incorpora técnicas para detectar errores en el flujo de ejecución y en los datos de la aplicación ejecutada utilizando la información de traza, en tiempo real y con muy baja latencia. El IP se ha validado en campañas de inyección de fallos y también en radiación con protones y neutrones en instalaciones especializadas. También se ha combinado con otras técnicas de tolerancia a fallos para construir técnicas híbridas de mitigación de errores. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos demuestran su alta capacidad de detección y potencialidad en el diagnóstico de errores producidos por radiación. El resultado de esta Tesis, desarrollada en el marco de un Doctorado Industrial entre la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) y la empresa Arquimea, se ha transferido satisfactoriamente al entorno empresarial en forma de un proyecto financiado por la Agencia Espacial Europea para continuar su desarrollo y posterior explotación.Commercial electronic components, also known as Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS), are present in a wide variety of devices commonly used in our daily life. Particularly, the use of microprocessors and highly integrated System-on-Chip (SoC) devices has fostered the advent of increasingly intelligent electronic devices which sustain the lifestyles and the progress of modern society. Microprocessors are present even in safety-critical systems, such as vehicles, planes, weapons, medical devices, implants, or power plants. In any of these cases, a fault could involve severe human or economic consequences. However, every electronic system deals continuously with internal and external factors that could provoke faults in its operation. The capacity of a system to operate correctly in presence of faults is known as fault-tolerance, and it becomes a requirement in the design and operation of critical systems. Space vehicles such as satellites or spacecraft also incorporate microprocessors to operate autonomously or semi-autonomously during their service life, with the additional difficulty that they cannot be repaired once in-orbit, so they are considered critical systems. In addition, the harsh conditions in space, and specifically radiation effects, involve a big challenge for the correct operation of electronic devices. In particular, radiation-induced soft errors have the potential to become one of the major risks for the reliability of systems in space. Large space missions, typically publicly funded as in the case of NASA or European Space Agency (ESA), have followed historically the requirement to avoid the risk at any expense, regardless of any cost or schedule restriction. Because of that, the selection of radiation-resistant components (known as rad-hard) specifically designed to be used in space has been the dominant methodology in the paradigm of traditional space industry, also known as “Old Space”. However, rad-hard components have commonly a much higher associated cost and much lower performance that other equivalent COTS devices. In fact, COTS components have already been used successfully by NASA and ESA in missions that requested such high performance that could not be satisfied by any available rad-hard component. In the recent years, the access to space is being facilitated in part due to the irruption of private companies in the space industry. Such companies do not always seek to avoid the risk at any cost, but they must pursue profitability, so they perform a trade-off between risk, cost, and schedule through risk management in a paradigm known as “New Space”. Private companies are often interested in deliver space-based services with the maximum performance and maximum benefit as possible. With such objective, rad-hard components are less attractive than COTS due to their higher cost and lower performance. However, COTS components have not been specifically designed to be used in space and typically they do not include specific techniques to avoid or mitigate the radiation effects in their operation. COTS components are commercialized “as is”, so it is not possible to modify them to improve their susceptibility to radiation effects. Moreover, the high levels of integration of complex, high-performance SoC devices hinder their observability and the application of fault-tolerance techniques. This problem is especially relevant in the case of microprocessors. Thus, there is a growing interest in the development of techniques allowing to understand and improve the behavior of COTS microprocessors under radiation without modifying their architecture and without interfering with their operation. Such techniques may facilitate the use of COTS components in space and maximize the performance of present and future space missions. In this Thesis, novel techniques have been developed to detect, diagnose, and mitigate radiation-induced errors in COTS microprocessors and SoCs using the trace interface as an observation point. The trace interface is a resource commonly found in modern microprocessors, mainly intended to support software development and debugging activities during the design phase. However, it is commonly left unused during the operational phase of the system, so it can be reused with no cost. The trace interface constitutes a feasible connection point to observe microprocessor behavior in a non-intrusive manner and without disturbing processor operation. As a result of this Thesis, an IP module has been developed capable to gather and decode the trace information of a modern, high-end, COTS microprocessor. The IP is highly configurable and customizable to support different applications and processor types. The IP has been designed and validated using the Xilinx Zynq-7000 device as a development platform, which is an interesting COTS device for the space industry. This device features a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 processor, which is a good representative of modern, high-end, hard-core microprocessors. The resulting IP is compatible with the ARM CoreSight technology, which enables access to trace information in ARM microprocessors. The IP is able to detect errors in the execution flow of the microprocessor and in the application data using trace information, in real time and with very low latency. The IP has been validated in fault injection campaigns and also under proton and neutron irradiation campaigns in specialized facilities. It has also been combined with other fault-tolerance techniques to build hybrid error mitigation approaches. Experimental results demonstrate its high detection capabilities and high potential for the diagnosis of radiation-induced errors. The result of this Thesis, developed in the framework of an Industrial Ph.D. between the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) and the company Arquimea, has been successfully transferred to the company business as a project sponsored by European Space Agency to continue its development and subsequent commercialization.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: María Luisa López Vallejo.- Secretario: Enrique San Millán Heredia.- Vocal: Luigi Di Lill

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2022, which was held during April 4-5, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 17 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The proceedings also contain 3 contributions from the Test-Comp Competition. The papers deal with the foundations on which software engineering is built, including topics like software engineering as an engineering discipline, requirements engineering, software architectures, software quality, model-driven development, software processes, software evolution, AI-based software engineering, and the specification, design, and implementation of particular classes of systems, such as (self-)adaptive, collaborative, AI, embedded, distributed, mobile, pervasive, cyber-physical, or service-oriented applications

    The Effectiveness of an Academic Literacy Intervention to Help University Freshmen Recognize and Resolve Inconsistencies Across Multiple Texts

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    Students must independently complete academic literacy tasks--including reading analytically to identify problems, resolving problems that arise, and using writing to demonstrate advanced knowledge acquisition--if they are to be successful in courses across their university careers. However, a significant portion of students arrives at the university underprepared to meet these expectations for academic literacy. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of an instructional intervention to help developmental-level freshmen acquire the academic literacy skills that experienced academic readers demonstrate in order to promote independent learning. The four-week instructional intervention focused on two aspects of advanced academic literacy: 1) identifying inconsistencies across multiple texts and 2) flexibly employing evaluative heuristics (sourcing, corroboration, & contextualization) in order to resolve inconsistencies. The study, which took place at a large, urban, public university over the course of five weeks in two intact sections of a developmental-level academic literacy course taught by one instructor, used a pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. Participants (N = 31) were administered the Multiple Text Tasks as a pretest and a posttest in order to measure three dependent variables: 1) the number of inconsistencies identified, 2) the number of evaluative heuristics used in writing, and 3) the number of evaluative heuristics used in reading. More participants were categorized as High Use in their ability to recognize inconsistencies across multiple texts postintervention. This result was statistically significant. Although participants did increase their use of evaluative heuristics in writing and in reading postintervention, these results did not reach statistical significance. One unique finding was that developmental-level freshmen in this study used the contextualization heuristic at higher rates than in previous studies. The results suggest that the instructional intervention contributed to an increase in the number of inconsistencies identified. The increase in evaluative heuristic use suggests that the intervention may have contributed to increased use of evaluative heuristics. However, the failure to reach statistical significance suggests that the intervention was not of adequate intensity or duration

    Amazonia in the international media: agents, discourses and power

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    Tese de doutoramento em Estudos de Comunicação: Tecnologia, Cultura e SociedadeThis thesis seeks to understand and discuss the constructions of meaning, representations and discourses about the Amazon region in eight foreign newspapers from four countries (United States, England, India and China). The region is associated with diverse and controversial social and geopolitical clashes since the arrival of European navigators five centuries ago. Additionally, there are growing national and international interests in the Amazon as a major icon in the global struggle for the protection of biodiversity and mitigation of climate change. My focus of interest lies on the international coverage about Amazonia along a seven-year period (2010-2016) and more particularly during a critical moment of discourse, represented by the forest fires of global repercussion in 2019. In this context it is assumed that the combination of diverse, often conflicting, social actors and interests generates important tensions over power. That is, power to define the meaning of the territory, who its inhabitants and beneficiaries are, the role they play and the directions of the region, whether aimed at environmental conservation, development or a debatable third way. In any case, these controversies occur in the midst of "naturalized" discursive practices in journalistic discourses, which constitute one of the main sources of information and perception about distant physical realities for news consumers. Thus, the main objective of this research is to elucidate the dynamics of signification and representation (frames, story-lines), (de)legitimation of social actors and argumentation, used by newspapers in their discourses about the Amazonian territory. By means of Critical Discourse Analysis and frame analysis tools, the thesis shows that the distinct newspapers from different countries have a relatively individualized discursive profile to introduce and elaborate meanings about the Amazon. Still, the sense that the Amazon Rainforest constitutes a global common crosses almost all coverages, although there are dissimilarities in emphasis and solutions to protect the forest. The main differences between newspapers refer to the way they portray political actors, especially the Brazilian president, as well as other social actors, especially Indigenous peoples. It was also possible to identify macro-tendencies in the coverages from global “North” and “South”, mainly in relation to funding the conservation of the Amazon as a global environmental heritage.Esta tese busca compreender e esclarecer as construções de sentido, representações e discursos sobre a região amazônica em oito jornais estrangeiros quatro países (Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, India e China). A região suscita embates sociais e geopolíticos diversos e controversos desde a chegada dos navegantes europeus há pouco mais de cinco séculos, para além dos crescentes interesses nacionais e internacional na Amazônia enquanto grande ícone da luta global pela proteção da biodiversidade e mitigação das mudanças climáticas. O foco de interesse recai sobre a cobertura internacional sobre a Amazônia num período de sete anos (2010-2016), e mais particularmente durante um momento crítico do discurso, representado pelos fogos florestais de repercussão global em 2019. Nesse contexto, assume-se que a combinação de atores sociais e interesses diversificados, seguidamente conflituosos, gera importantes tensões sobre poder. Ou seja, poder de definir o significado do território, quem são seus habitantes e beneficiários, o papel que desempenham e os rumos da região - se voltados à conservação ambiental, ao desenvolvimento ou a uma discutível terceira via. Em qualquer caso, essas polêmicas ocorrem em meio a práticas discursivas “naturalizadas” nos discursos jornalísticos, os quais constituem uma das principais fontes de informação e percepção sobre realidades físicas distantes dos leitores. Assim, o principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi elucidar as dinâmicas de significação e representação (enquadramentos, linhas narrativas, (des)legitimação de atores sociais e argumentação, usadas pelos jornais em seus discursos sobre o território amazônico. Por meio de ferramentas da Análise Crítica do Discurso e análise de enquadramentos, verificou-se que os diferentes jornais dos diferentes países possuem um perfil discursivo relativamente diferenciado para aproximar e elaborar sentidos sobre a Amazonia. Ainda assim, o senso de que a Floresta Amazônica constitui um global common atravessa quase todas as coberturas, apesar de haver diferenças na ênfase e nas soluções para proteger a floresta. As principais diferenças entre jornais se referem ao modo como retratam atores políticos, especialmente o presidente brasileiro, bem como outros atores sociais, especialmente povos Indígenas. Também foi possível notar macro-tendências nas coberturas oriundas do “Norte” e do “Sul” global, sobretudo quanto a financiar a conservação da Amazônia enquanto patrimônio ambiental global

    Social Media, Journalism and Crisis: Twitter Representation of #SyrianRefugees in Western News Media

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    Generally, there have been conflicts in the world regarding media coverage especially on #SyrianRefugees in Western media. It is undebatable that the Western states have political stability and peace; thus, they remain better hosts for asylum seekers and other refugees who come in search of greener pastures. However, current trends have hindered such countries from being ideal hubs because citizens have basic fears including those related to national security. Refugee situations have attracted lots of controversies over the years to the point that the concern is evident in the media. This dissertation explores the crisis of Syrian refugees and the unending arguments associated with conflicts as seen in #SyrianRefugees. Technology has fueled a number of perspectives on social media platforms where most people react to posts and tweets. Media organizations such as CNN indicated that Syrian refugees were not embraced. For instance, only five states in the United States showed interest in housing these refugees while the rest demonstrated reluctance. Twitter users opposed various moves made to house refugees and research has it that these claims are shared by people as the representation of their home governments. The Syrian crisis was debated widely on social media and especially on Twitter. Global sparks were evident on Twitter when a number of people drowned in the Mediterranean Sea attempting to reach Europe for settlement. Such dangers for refugees were tweeted in an attempt to touch the hearts of governments and human organizations across the world. In response, the claims reached relevant authorities such as the EU who signed treaties with Turkey to accommodate Syrians. Overall, the Syrian crisis was covered widely on Twitter