57 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Mathematics

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    This book provides a timely overview of topics in fuzzy mathematics. It lays the foundation for further research and applications in a broad range of areas. It contains break-through analysis on how results from the many variations and extensions of fuzzy set theory can be obtained from known results of traditional fuzzy set theory. The book contains not only theoretical results, but a wide range of applications in areas such as decision analysis, optimal allocation in possibilistics and mixed models, pattern classification, credibility measures, algorithms for modeling uncertain data, and numerical methods for solving fuzzy linear systems. The book offers an excellent reference for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied and theoretical fuzzy mathematics. Researchers and referees in fuzzy set theory will find the book to be of extreme value

    Using Possibility Theory in Expert Systems

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    This paper has two main objectives. The first objective is to give a characterization of a qualitative description of a possibility function. A qualitative description of a possibility function is called a consistent possibilistic state. The qualitative description and its characterization serve as qualitative semantics for possibility functions. These semantics are useful in representing knowledge as possibility functions. The second objective is to describe how Zadeh’s theory of possibility fits in the frame-work of valuation-based systems (VBS). Since VBS serve as a framework for managing uncertainty and imprecision in expert systems, this facilitates the use of possibility theory in expert systems

    The Inflation Technique for Causal Inference with Latent Variables

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    The problem of causal inference is to determine if a given probability distribution on observed variables is compatible with some causal structure. The difficult case is when the causal structure includes latent variables. We here introduce the inflation technique\textit{inflation technique} for tackling this problem. An inflation of a causal structure is a new causal structure that can contain multiple copies of each of the original variables, but where the ancestry of each copy mirrors that of the original. To every distribution of the observed variables that is compatible with the original causal structure, we assign a family of marginal distributions on certain subsets of the copies that are compatible with the inflated causal structure. It follows that compatibility constraints for the inflation can be translated into compatibility constraints for the original causal structure. Even if the constraints at the level of inflation are weak, such as observable statistical independences implied by disjoint causal ancestry, the translated constraints can be strong. We apply this method to derive new inequalities whose violation by a distribution witnesses that distribution's incompatibility with the causal structure (of which Bell inequalities and Pearl's instrumental inequality are prominent examples). We describe an algorithm for deriving all such inequalities for the original causal structure that follow from ancestral independences in the inflation. For three observed binary variables with pairwise common causes, it yields inequalities that are stronger in at least some aspects than those obtainable by existing methods. We also describe an algorithm that derives a weaker set of inequalities but is more efficient. Finally, we discuss which inflations are such that the inequalities one obtains from them remain valid even for quantum (and post-quantum) generalizations of the notion of a causal model.Comment: Minor final corrections, updated to match the published version as closely as possibl

    Possibilistic networks: MAP query and computational analysis

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    Tree Projections and Constraint Optimization Problems: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Parallel Algorithms

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    Tree projections provide a unifying framework to deal with most structural decomposition methods of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Within this framework, a CSP instance is decomposed into a number of sub-problems, called views, whose solutions are either already available or can be computed efficiently. The goal is to arrange portions of these views in a tree-like structure, called tree projection, which determines an efficiently solvable CSP instance equivalent to the original one. Deciding whether a tree projection exists is NP-hard. Solution methods have therefore been proposed in the literature that do not require a tree projection to be given, and that either correctly decide whether the given CSP instance is satisfiable, or return that a tree projection actually does not exist. These approaches had not been generalized so far on CSP extensions for optimization problems, where the goal is to compute a solution of maximum value/minimum cost. The paper fills the gap, by exhibiting a fixed-parameter polynomial-time algorithm that either disproves the existence of tree projections or computes an optimal solution, with the parameter being the size of the expression of the objective function to be optimized over all possible solutions (and not the size of the whole constraint formula, used in related works). Tractability results are also established for the problem of returning the best K solutions. Finally, parallel algorithms for such optimization problems are proposed and analyzed. Given that the classes of acyclic hypergraphs, hypergraphs of bounded treewidth, and hypergraphs of bounded generalized hypertree width are all covered as special cases of the tree projection framework, the results in this paper directly apply to these classes. These classes are extensively considered in the CSP setting, as well as in conjunctive database query evaluation and optimization

    The d-separation criterion in Categorical Probability

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    The d-separation criterion detects the compatibility of a joint probability distribution with a directed acyclic graph through certain conditional independences. In this work, we study this problem in the context of categorical probability theory by introducing a categorical definition of causal models, a categorical notion of d-separation, and proving an abstract version of the d-separation criterion. This approach has two main benefits. First, categorical d-separation is a very intuitive criterion based on topological connectedness. Second, our results apply in measure-theoretic probability (with standard Borel spaces), and therefore provide a clean proof of the equivalence of local and global Markov properties with causal compatibility for continuous and mixed variables.Comment: 34 page
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