14,347 research outputs found

    Inference about Clustering and Parametric Assumptions in Covariance Matrix Estimation

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    Selecting an estimator for the variance covariance matrix is an important step in hypothesis testing. From less robust to more robust, the available choices include: Eicker/White heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, Newey and West heteroskedasticity-and-autocorrelation- robust standard errors, and cluster-robust standard errors. The rationale for using a less robust covariance matrix estimator is that tests conducted using a less robust covariance matrix estimator can have better power properties. This motivates tests that examine the appropriate level of robustness in covariance matrix estimation. We propose a new robustness testing strategy, and show that it can dramatically improve inference about the proper level of robustness in covariance matrix estimation. Our main focus is on inference about clustering although the proposed robustness testing strategy can also improve inference about parametric assumptions in covariance matrix estimation, which we demonstrate for the case of testing for heteroskedasticity. We also show why the existing clustering test and other applications of the White (1980) robustness testing approach perform poorly, which to our knowledge has not been well understood. The insight into why this existing testing approach performs poorly is also the basis for the proposed robustness testing strategy.

    A Spatial Quantile Regression Hedonic Model of Agricultural Land Prices

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    Abstract Land price studies typically employ hedonic analysis to identify the impact of land characteristics on price. Owing to the spatial fixity of land, however, the question of possible spatial dependence in agricultural land prices arises. The presence of spatial dependence in agricultural land prices can have serious consequences for the hedonic model analysis. Ignoring spatial autocorrelation can lead to biased estimates in land price hedonic models. We propose using a flexible quantile regression-based estimation of the spatial lag hedonic model allowing for varying effects of the characteristics and, more importantly, varying degrees of spatial autocorrelation. In applying this approach to a sample of agricultural land sales in Northern Ireland we find that the market effectively consists of two relatively separate segments. The larger of these two segments conforms to the conventional hedonic model with no spatial lag dependence, while the smaller, much thinner market segment exhibits considerable spatial lag dependence. Un mod�le h�donique � r�gression quantile spatiale des prix des terrains agricoles R�sum� Les �tudes sur le prix des terrains font g�n�ralement usage d'une analyse h�donique pour identifier l'impact des caract�ristiques des terrains sur le prix. Toutefois, du fait de la fixit� spatiale des terrains, la question d'une �ventuelle d�pendance spatiale sur la valeur des terrains agricoles se pose. L'existence d'une d�pendance spatiale dans le prix des terrains agricoles peut avoir des cons�quences importantes sur l'analyse du mod�le h�donique. En ignorant cette corr�lation s�rielle, on s'expose au risque d'�valuations biais�es des mod�les h�doniques du prix des terrains. Nous proposons l'emploi d'une estimation � base de r�gression flexible du mod�le h�donique � d�calage spatial, tenant compte de diff�rents effets des caract�ristiques, et surtout de diff�rents degr�s de corr�lations s�rielles spatiales. En appliquant ce principe � un �chantillon de ventes de terrains agricoles en Irlande du Nord, nous d�couvrons que le march� se compose de deux segments relativement distincts. Le plus important de ces deux segments est conforme au mod�le h�donique traditionnel, sans d�pendance du d�calage spatial, tandis que le deuxi�me segment du march�, plus petit et beaucoup plus �troit, pr�sente une d�pendance consid�rable du d�calage spatial. Un modelo hed�nico de regresi�n cuantil espacial de los precios del terreno agr�cola Resumen T�picamente, los estudios del precio de la tierra emplean un an�lisis hed�nico para identificar el impacto de las caracter�sticas de la tierra sobre el precio. No obstante, debido a la fijeza espacial de la tierra, surge la cuesti�n de una posible dependencia espacial en los precios del terreno agr�cola. La presencia de dependencia espacial en los precios del terreno agr�cola puede tener consecuencias graves para el modelo de an�lisis hed�nico. Ignorar la autocorrelaci�n espacial puede conducir a estimados parciales en los modelos hed�nicos del precio de la tierra. Proponemos el uso de una valoraci�n basada en una regresi�n cuantil flexible del modelo hed�nico del lapso espacial que tenga en cuenta los diversos efectos de las caracter�sticas y, particularmente, los diversos grados de autocorrelaci�n espacial. Al aplicar este planteamiento a una muestra de ventas de terreno agr�cola en Irlanda del Norte, descubrimos que el mercado consiste efectivamente de dos segmento relativamente separados. El m�s grande de estos dos segmentos se ajusta al modelo hed�nico convencional sin dependencia del lapso espacial, mientras que el segmento m�s peque�o, y mucho m�s fino, muestra una dependencia considerable del lapso espacial.Spatial lag, quantile regression, hedonic model, C13, C14, C21, Q24,

    Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation for Dyadic Data

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    Dyadic data are common in the social sciences, although inference for such settings involves accounting for a complex clustering structure. Many analyses in the social sciences fail to account for the fact that multiple dyads share a member, and that errors are thus likely correlated across these dyads. We propose a nonparametric sandwich-type robust variance estimator for linear regression to account for such clustering in dyadic data. We enumerate conditions for estimator consistency. We also extend our results to repeated and weighted observations, including directed dyads and longitudinal data, and provide an implementation for generalized linear models such as logistic regression. We examine empirical performance with simulations and applications to international relations and speed dating

    Regression adjustments for estimating the global treatment effect in experiments with interference

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    Standard estimators of the global average treatment effect can be biased in the presence of interference. This paper proposes regression adjustment estimators for removing bias due to interference in Bernoulli randomized experiments. We use a fitted model to predict the counterfactual outcomes of global control and global treatment. Our work differs from standard regression adjustments in that the adjustment variables are constructed from functions of the treatment assignment vector, and that we allow the researcher to use a collection of any functions correlated with the response, turning the problem of detecting interference into a feature engineering problem. We characterize the distribution of the proposed estimator in a linear model setting and connect the results to the standard theory of regression adjustments under SUTVA. We then propose an estimator that allows for flexible machine learning estimators to be used for fitting a nonlinear interference functional form. We propose conducting statistical inference via bootstrap and resampling methods, which allow us to sidestep the complicated dependences implied by interference and instead rely on empirical covariance structures. Such variance estimation relies on an exogeneity assumption akin to the standard unconfoundedness assumption invoked in observational studies. In simulation experiments, our methods are better at debiasing estimates than existing inverse propensity weighted estimators based on neighborhood exposure modeling. We use our method to reanalyze an experiment concerning weather insurance adoption conducted on a collection of villages in rural China.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figure

    How Much Should We Trust Differences-in-Differences Estimates?

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    Most Difference-in-Difference (DD) papers rely on many years of data and focus on serially correlated outcomes. Yet almost all these papers ignore the bias in the estimated standard errors that serial correlation introduce4s. This is especially troubling because the independent variable of interest in DD estimation (e.g., the passage of law) is itself very serially correlated, which will exacerbate the bias in standard errors. To illustrate the severity of this issue, we randomly generate placebo laws in state-level data on female wages from the Current Population Survey. For each law, we use OLS to compute the DD estimate of its 'effect' as well as the standard error for this estimate. The standard errors are severely biased: with about 20 years of data, DD estimation finds an 'effect' significant at the 5% level of up to 45% of the placebo laws. Two very simple techniques can solve this problem for large sample sizes. The first technique consists in collapsing the data and ignoring the time-series variation altogether; the second technique is to estimate standard errors while allowing for an arbitrary covariance structure between time periods. We also suggest a third technique, based on randomization inference testing methods, which works well irrespective of sample size. This technique uses the empirical distribution of estimated effects for placebo laws to form the test distribution.