79 research outputs found

    Comparison of swarm intelligence algorithms for high dimensional optimization problems

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    High dimensional optimization considers being one of the most challenges that face the algorithms for finding an optimal solution for real-world problems. These problems have been appeared in diverse practical fields including business and industries. Within a huge number of algorithms, selecting one algorithm among others for solving the high dimensional optimization problem is not an easily accomplished task. This paper presents a comprehensive study of two swarm intelligence based algorithms: 1- particle swarm optimization (PSO), 2-cuckoo search (CS).The two algorithms are analyzed and compared for problems consisting of high dimensions in respect of solution accuracy, and runtime performance by various classes of benchmark functions

    An Overview of Particle Swarm Optimization Variants

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    AbstractParticle swarm optimization (PSO) is a stochastic algorithm used for the optimization problems proposed by Kennedy [1] in 1995. It is a very good technique for the optimization problems. But still there is a drawback in the PSO is that it stuck in the local minima. To improve the performance of PSO, the researchers proposed the different variants of PSO. Some researchers try to improve it by improving initialization of the swarm. Some of them introduce the new parameters like constriction coefficient and inertia weight. Some researchers define the different method of inertia weight to improve the performance of PSO. Some researchers work on the global and local best particles by introducing the mutation operators in the PSO. In this paper, we will see the different variants of PSO with respect to initialization, inertia weight and mutation operators


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    The development of the AI, IoT, and Big Data have to become strongly apply to discrete event strings systems. That are modern developments of the world. Therefore, we have to have an advanced method to develop adaptive applications, especially with MIMO discrete event systems. There is a limit while using a continuous calculation to control systems because the big calculation is an obstacle. So we have to find an optimization method to reduce the number of parameters in the calculation at any time. We could do it by choice the main parameters and except auxiliary parameters. In this paper, we introduce a Football Team Optimization (FTO) method, which is a new method to do optimization problem while control with many parameters system. The application and analysis to compare any method as PSO, traditional PID, which takes out the difference of this algorithm

    Comparative study of the price penalty factors approaches for Bi-objective dispatch problem via PSO

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    One of the main objectives of electricity dispatch centers is to schedule the operation of available generating units to meet the required load demand at minimum operating cost with minimum emission level caused by fossil-based power plants. Finding the right balance between the fuel cost the green gasemissionsis reffered as Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch (CEED) problem which is one of the important optimization problems related the operationmodern power systems. The Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) is a stochastic optimization technique which is inspired from the social learning of birds or fishes. It is exploited to solve CEED problem. This paper examines the impact of six penalty factors like "Min-Max", "Max-Max", "Min-Min", "Max-Min", "Average" and "Common" price penalty factors for solving CEED problem. The Price Penalty Factor for the CEED is the ratio of fuel cost to emission value. This bi-objective dispatch problem is investigated in the Real West Algeria power network consisting of 22 buses with 7 generators. Results prove capability of PSO in solving CEED problem with various penalty factors and it proves that Min-Max price penalty factor provides the best compromise solution in comparison to the other penalty factors

    Dual objective multiconstraint swarm optimization based advanced economic load dispatch

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    In electric power system, the vital topic to be mooted is economic load dispatch (ELD). It is a non-linear problem with some unavoidable constraints such as valve point loading and ramp rate constraint. For solving ELD problem distint methods were devised and tried for different electric supply systems yielding slow convergence rates. To achieve fast convergence, dual objective multi constraint swarm optimization based advanced economic load dispatch (DOMSOBAELD) algorithm is proposed making use of simulated values of real power outages of a thermal power plant as initial estimates for PSO technique embedded in it and used for optimizing economic dispatch problem in this article. DOMSOBAELD method was developed in the form of amalgamating fluids. Presence of power line losses, multiple valves in steam turbines, droop constraints and inhibited zones were utilized to optimize the ELD problem as genuinely approximate as possible. The results obtained from DOSOBAELD are compared with particle swarm optimization (PSO), PSOIW and differential particle swarm optimization (DPSO) techniques. It is quite conspicuous that DOMSOBAELD yielded minimum cost values with most favourable values of real unit outputs. Thus the proposed method proves to be advantageous over other heuristic methods and yields best solution for ELD by selecting incremental fuel cost as the decision variable and cost function as fitness function


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    Scrabble is a word game that tests the player's vocabulary. The difficulty of this game depends on the player's vocabulary knowledge. The more vocabularies known by the players, the easier it is to play. This project aims to help players who only know a few vocabularies by building a cheat engine application which implements GADDAG Algorithm. All vocabularies stored in trie data structure as a dictionary. This dictionary will be processed using GADDAG Algorithm to find all vocabularies that can be formed. This application will help player to find the vocabulary with the highest value

    Development of a Dynamic Cuckoo Search Algorithm

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    This research is aimed at the developing a modified cuckoo search algorithm called dynamic cuckoo search algorithm (dCSA). The standard cuckoo search algorithm is a metaheuristics search algorithm that mimic the behavior of brood parasitism of some cuckoo species and Levy flight behavior of some fruit flies and birds. It, however uses fixed value for control parameters (control probability and step size) and this method have drawbacks with respect to quality of the solutions and number of iterations to obtain optimal solution. Therefore, the dCSA is developed to address these problems in the CSA by introducing random inertia weight strategy to the control parameters so as to make the control parameters dynamic with respect to the proximity of a cuckoo to the optimal solution. The developed dCSA was compared with CSA using ten benchmark test functions. The results obtained indicated the superiority of dCSA over CSA by generating a near global optimal result for 9 out of the ten benchmark test functions